Support EV_MSC event types for ChromeOS

A vendor reported the remote chromeos support crashing when EV_MSC
events were emitted by their touch device.  This seems to be due to
evtest reporting those events as hexidecimal values instead of base-10.
According to evtest's source there are only 2 events that it does this
for, so this CL adds in a check for those events in an attempt to parse
them correctly.

TEST=manually tested, then verified by the vendor

Change-Id: I268abe40e744c9dace0ded9082abbf1a52913f4c
Signed-off-by: Charlie Mooney <>
Reviewed-by: Andrew de los Reyes <>
diff --git a/remote/ b/remote/
index 1113f59..276e0c5 100644
--- a/remote/
+++ b/remote/
@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@
     if 'SYN_REPORT' in contents:
       return mt.MtEvent(timestamp, linux_input.EV_SYN, linux_input.SYN_REPORT)
-    pattern = '^.*type (\d+) .*, code (\d+) .*, value (-?\d+).*$'
+    pattern = '^.*type (\d+) .*, code (\d+) .*, value (-?[0-9a-fA-F]+).*$'
     matches = re.match(pattern, contents)
     if matches is None:
       print 'ERROR: Unable to parse event!'
@@ -508,7 +508,14 @@
     event_type = int(
     event_code = int(
-    value = int(
+    # evtest reports all values in decimal except 2 events, which are in hex
+    # Depending on the event type and code, parse using a different base
+    value_base = 10
+    if (event_type == linux_input.EV_MSC and
+        event_code in [linux_input.MSC_RAW, linux_input.MSC_SCAN]):
+      value_base = 16
+    value = int(, value_base)
     return mt.MtEvent(timestamp, event_type, event_code, value)