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# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Video processing tools to processing high speed camera videos.
This file contains various tools for video processing, starting with reading
video files, image filters and segmentation tools to detect objects in the
video as well as tools for visualizing results of a video analysis process.
import math
from safetynet import TypecheckMeta, typecheck
import numpy as np
import skimage.measure as measure
import skimage.morphology as morphology
from .filter import Filter
from .types import BinaryImage
class Shape(object):
"""Describes a segmented shape in an image.
The shape is represented by a binary image aka mask, in which pixels
that are part of the shape are True, all others are False.
__metaclass__ = TypecheckMeta
def __init__(self, mask, props=None):
:param BinaryImage mask: binary image representing this shape
:param props: Optional pre-calculated skimage.measure.regionprops
if props is None:
# Use the mask as a label image, since we only have one region,
# with label=1.
all_props = measure.regionprops(mask)
if len(all_props) != 1:
raise ValueError("Mask must have a unique region")
props = all_props[0]
self.mask = mask
self.props = props
self._contour = None
def WithMargin(self, row_margin, col_margin):
"""Return a shape inflated with an margin.
This method will increase the horizontal or vertical size of the shape by
the specified margin. If the margin is negative, the size will be decreased
:type row_margin: int
:type col_margin: int
:rtype Shape
def MorphFn(margin):
return (morphology.binary_dilation if margin > 0
else morphology.binary_erosion)
row_kernel = morphology.rectangle(int(math.fabs(row_margin)), 1)
col_kernel = morphology.rectangle(1, int(math.fabs(col_margin)))
mask = self.mask
if row_margin != 0:
mask = MorphFn(row_margin)(mask, row_kernel)
if col_margin != 0:
mask = MorphFn(col_margin)(mask, col_kernel)
return Shape(mask.astype(np.bool))
def ApproximatePolygon(self, num_verticies):
"""Return polygon approximation with num_verticies verticies.
The approximated polygon is assumed to be as regular as possible, meaning
that all inner angles in the polygon are approximately the same (i.e. we are
looking for a rectangle, not a trapezoid, etc).
This method returns the coordinates of each vertex in clockwise order,
starting with he top-left-most vertex.
:type num_verticies: int
:rtype np.ndarray
contour = measure.find_contours(self.mask, 0)[0]
# First pass of approximation, this will calculate a simplified polygon
# with an undefined number of verticies.
verticies = measure.approximate_polygon(contour, tolerance=50)
# The last coordinate is often a duplicate of the first.
if (np.abs(np.linalg.norm(verticies[0, :] - verticies[-1, :]))
< Filter.epsilon):
verticies = verticies[:-1]
# Assuming all angles are the same, how big should they be?
inner_angle_sum = ((num_verticies) - 2) * np.pi / 2
target_angle = inner_angle_sum / num_verticies
# Calculate the angle at each vertex.
angle_index_diffs = []
for i in range(verticies.shape[0]):
# Calculate normalized vector to previous vertex.
prev_i = i - 1
prev_delta = verticies[prev_i, :] - verticies[i, :]
prev_delta = prev_delta / np.linalg.norm(prev_delta)
# Calculate normalized vector to next vertex.
next_i = (i + 1) % verticies.shape[0]
next_delta = verticies[next_i, :] - verticies[i, :]
next_delta = next_delta / np.linalg.norm(next_delta)
# Calculate deviation from target angle.
angle = np.arccos(, next_delta))
angle_index_diffs.append((i, np.abs(angle - target_angle)))
# Sort by angle differences and pick right number of verticies
angle_index_diffs.sort(key=lambda a: a[1])
angle_index_diffs = angle_index_diffs[:num_verticies]
angle_index_diffs.sort(key=lambda a: a[0])
# Return coordinates of picked verticies
verticies = verticies[[i for i, d in angle_index_diffs], :]
# Find top left most vertex
dists_from_zero = [np.linalg.norm(coords) for coords in verticies]
top_left_idx = np.argmin(dists_from_zero)
# Reorder to have top left most vertex at index 0
res = np.zeros(verticies.shape)
res[0:-top_left_idx] = verticies[top_left_idx:]
res[-top_left_idx:] = verticies[:top_left_idx]
return res
def area(self):
return self.props.area
def bbox(self):
return self.props.bbox
def top(self):
return self.bbox[0]
def left(self):
return self.bbox[1]
def bottom(self):
return self.bbox[2]
def right(self):
return self.bbox[3]
def center_x(self):
return self.left + (self.right - self.left) / 2
def center_y(self):
return + (self.bottom - / 2
def center(self):
return np.asarray([self.center_x, self.center_y], dtype=np.float)
def width(self):
return self.right - self.left
def height(self):
return self.bottom -
def coords(self):
return self.props.coords
def contour(self):
"""The inner contour of this shape.
The contour is a binary image in which only the outer pixels
surrounding the shape are True.
:rtype BinaryImage
if self._contour is None:
self._contour = morphology.binary_erosion(self.mask, morphology.disk(1))
self._contour = self.mask & (~self._contour)
self._contour = self._contour.astype(np.bool)
return self._contour
def CalculateProfile(self, image):
return np.sum(image * self.mask, 0) / np.sum(self.mask, 0)
def FromRectangle(cls, array_shape, left=None, right=None, top=None,
mask = np.ones(array_shape, dtype=np.bool)
if left is not None:
mask[:, :left] = False
if right is not None:
mask[:, right:] = False
if top is not None:
mask[:top, :] = False
if bottom is not None:
mask[bottom:, :] = False
return Shape(mask)
def Shapes(binary_im):
"""List shapes in binary image.
:type binary_im: BinaryImage
yields Shape instances
labels = measure.label(binary_im, background=0)
# hack: the region 0 is ignored by regionprops, but it's a valid region
labels[labels == 0] = np.max(labels) + 1
# find all region props that match_fn returns True for
for props in measure.regionprops(labels, binary_im):
if props.max_intensity < 1.0:
yield Shape(labels == props.label, props)