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# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Toshiba Machine Co, LTD.
# BA Series
# CA10-M00
"""Industrial robot interface programming control module
This module defines EEPROM programming capabilities for sequentially
for iteratively setting program steps starting at a given step, and
then writing a subsequent set of steps to the program store. A set
of utility functions which permit creation of command tuple sets for
passing in to the textWriteSequential()/textReadSequential().
import time
import roibot
# Globals for this module
# Where a moveAbsolute is specified, translate the parameter expected.
moveAbsoluteTable = {
True : "a",
False : "i",
# Where a constantSpeed is specified, translate the parameter expected.
axisConstantSpeedTable = {
True : "S",
False : "T",
# Where a point may be either positional or passed, translate the parameter
# expected.
postPassTable = {
True : "POST",
False : "PASS",
# Explicitly signed strings of specific length are frequently required.
signTable = {
1 : "-",
0 : "+",
# Utility functions.
def _signSplit(value):
"""Utility function to translate a speed into a sign and value tuple."""
return (signTable[int(value < 0.0)], abs(value))
# Programming commands.
# All programming commands return a tuple of parameter strings which can
# then be used as arguments to aggregate a stepwise write into EEPROM
# memory. Since these commands are not usable directly, it's more correct
# to deal with them as artial argument list tuple sets this way.
def acceleration(acc):
"""Selects an acceleration table entry for use in subsequent operations.
The acceleration table entry is in the range 01..20 and is assumed
to have been pre-programmed, and not changed often.
return ("ACC", "A=%02d" % acc)
def counterJump(counterNumber, tagNumber):
"""Branch to a program tag number plus counter value. The counter must
be in the range 01..99, and the taag number in the range 000..999.
The result of adding the value of the counter to the tag must be in
the range 000..999, or it's an error.
return ("BRAC", "CN=%02d" % counterNumber, "OFS=%03d" % tagNumber)
def callUnconditional(tagNumber):
"""Call a subroutine at a step designated by a tag number. The
subroutine must end in a subReturn() to return control back
to the step following the calling site.
Subroutines may be nested no more than 10 levels deep.
return ("CAL", "TAG=%03d" % tagNumber)
def callCounterConditional(tagNumber, counterNumber, operator, value):
"""Call a subroutine at a step designated by a tag number when the
specified counter contents satisfy the comparison operator when
compared to the value. The following limitations apply:
The tag must be in the range 001..999
The counter number must be in the range 01..99
The count value must be in the range 0000..9999
The following operators are supported, and should be passed as string
= Compare for equality
< Compare for counter less than the value
> Compare for the counter greater than the value
<= Compare for the counter less than or equal to the value
>= Compare for the counter greater than or equal to the value
There is no operator available for cmparison for inequality; instead,
a compination of two comparisons is required.
return ("CALC",
"TAG=%03d" % tagNumber,
"CN%02d%s" % (counterNumber, operator),
"%04d" % value)
def callInputConditional(tagNumber, stationNumber, portNumber, pattern):
"""Call a subroutine at a step designated by a tag number when the
specified input port contents match the comparison tag bits. The
following limitations apply:
The tag must be in the range 001..999
The station must be in the range 0..4
The port number must be in the range 00..99
Bits are specified as an 8 byte string value and have the following
. Don't care
1 Bit must be high
0 Bit must be low
So as an example, the string "110.0011" would match the values
0x0c03 or 0x0d03.
return ("CALI",
"TAG=%03d" % tagNumber,
"STN=%1d" % stationNumber,
"PN%02d=%s" % (portNumber, pattern))
def callTimerConditional(tagNumber, timerNumber, operator, value):
"""Call a subroutine at a step designated by a tag number when the
specified timer contents satisfy the comparison operator when
compared to the value. The following limitations apply:
The tag must be in the range 001..999
The timer number must be in the range 0..9
The comparison value must be in the range 000.0..999.9
The following operators are supported, and should be passed as string
= Compare for equality
< Compare for counter less than the value
> Compare for the counter greater than the value
<= Compare for the counter less than or equal to the value
>= Compare for the counter greater than or equal to the value
There is no operator available for cmparison for inequality; instead,
a compination of two comparisons is required.
return ("CALT",
"TAG=%03d" % tagNumber,
"TN%1d%s" % (timerNumber, operator),
"%05.01f" % value)
def setCounter(counterNumber, value):
"""Set the specified counter to the specified value. Counters must be
in the range 01..99 and values must be in the range 0000..9999.
return ("CNT", "CN%02d=%04d" % (counterNumber, value))
def incrementCounter(counterNumber, value):
"""Increment the specified counter by the specified value. Counters
must be in the range 01..99 and values must be in the range
0000..9999. If a counter reaches the value 9999, it does not
return an error, nor does it increment further.
return ("CNT+", "CN%02d=%04d" % (counterNumber, value))
def decrementCounter(counterNumber, value):
"""Decrement the specified counter by the specified value. Counters
must be in the range 01..99 and values must be in the range
0000..9999. If a counter reaches the value 0000, it does not
return an error, nor does it decrement further.
return ("CNT-", "CN%02d=%04d" % (counterNumber, value))
def clearAllCounters():
"""Set all counters to 0000."""
return ("CNTC")
def counterConditionWait(counterNumber, operator, value):
"""Wait until the specified counter contents satisfy the comparison
operator when compared to the value. The following limitations
The counter number must be in the range 01..99
The count value must be in the range 0000..9999
The following operators are supported, and should be passed as string
= Compare for equality
< Compare for counter less than the value
> Compare for the counter greater than the value
<= Compare for the counter less than or equal to the value
>= Compare for the counter greater than or equal to the value
There is no operator available for cmparison for inequality; instead,
a compination of two comparisons is required.
Note: This operation is typically used to synchronize tasks then
performing multiple tasks, either simultaneously or
return ("CWIT", "CN%02d%s" % (counterNumber, operator), "%04d" % value)
def end():
"""Return the program step counter to step 0001 and wait for another
START input. When multitasking, and the end occurs in tasks 2
through 4, the task returns to step 0001 and waits for another
return ("END")
def home():
"""Return to origin at high homing speed. The axis are move in the
order previously specified by preprogrammed parameters. Because
the robot is mechanically an interference model device, it's
possible for the robot to damage itself or the work item when
executing this command, and therefore care must be taken in the
parameter programming.
Note: If multitasking is enabled, only the task executing the
Home operation returns to its home position.
return ("HOME")
def waitInput(stationNumber, portNumber, pattern, logic):
"""Wait for the specified input port contents to match the comparison
tag bits with the specified logic. The following limitations apply:
The station must be in the range 0..4
The port number must be in the range 01..99
Bits are specified as an 8 byte string value and have the following
. Don't care
1 Bit must be high
0 Bit must be low
So as an example, the string "110.0011" would match the values
0x0c03 or 0x0d03.
The logic values must be one of:
AND All non-"Don't care" must match
OR One or more non-"Don't care" bits must match
When a match occurs, execution resumes at the next program step.
This is generally used for part positioning using input sensors.
return ("IN",
"STN=%1d" % stationNumber,
"PN%02d=%s" % (portNumber, pattern),
def copyInputToCounter(stationNumber, portNumber, counterNumber):
"""From the station designated by the station number, read the input
value from the specified port number, and store it into the specified
counter. The following limitations apply:
The station must be in the range 0..4
The port number must be in the range 01..99
The counter number must be in the range 01..99
return ("INPC",
"STN=%1d" % stationNumber,
"PN=%02d" % portNumber,
"CN=%02d" % counterNumber)
def internalPortOutput(internalPortNumber, pattern):
"""For the designated internal port, set, clear, or leave unchanged the
latched data pattern. The following limitations apply:
The internal port number must be in the range 1..9
The bit values being latched are an 8 bit value; because it is
possible to leave a bit unchanged, this command differs in
semantics from other commands which use bit strings.
Bits are specified as an 8 byte string value and have the following
. Leave the bit in the current state
1 Bit is to be set high
0 Bit is to be set low
So for example, the bit string "1......0" means set bit 8 high,
set bit 1 low, and leave bits 2..7 unchanged.
Note: This command is normally used in conjunction with the
internalPortInputWait() command in order to implement
synchrnization between tasks, or to move a small amount of
mailbox data between tasks.
return ("IOUT", "PN%1d=%s" % (internalPortNumber, pattern))
def internalPortInputWait(internalPortNumber, pattern, logic):
"""Wait for the specified internal port contents to match the comparison
tag bits with the specified logic. The following limitations apply:
The station must be in the range 0..4
The port number must be in the range 01..99
Bits are specified as an 8 byte string value and have the following
. Don't care
1 Bit must be high
0 Bit must be low
So as an example, the string "110.0011" would match the values
0x0c03 or 0x0d03.
The logic values must be one of:
AND All non-"Don't care" must match
OR One or more non-"Don't care" bits must match
When a match occurs, execution resumes at the next program step.
This is generally used for part positioning using input sensors.
Note: This command is normally used in conjunction with the
internalPortOutput() command in order to implement
synchrnization between tasks, or to move a small amount of
mailbox data between tasks.
return ("INSP", "PN%1d=%s" % (internalPortNumber, pattern), logic)
def jump(tagNumber):
"""Jump onconditionally to the specified tag."""
return ("JMP", "TAG=%03d", tagNumber)
def jumpCounterConditional(tagNumber, counterNumber, operator, value):
"""Jump to the specified tag when the specified counter contents satisfy
the comparison operator when compared to the value. The following
limitations apply:
The tag must be in the range 001..999
The counter number must be in the range 01..99
The count value must be in the range 0000..9999
The following operators are supported, and should be passed as string
= Compare for equality
< Compare for counter less than the value
> Compare for the counter greater than the value
<= Compare for the counter less than or equal to the value
>= Compare for the counter greater than or equal to the value
There is no operator available for cmparison for inequality; instead,
a compination of two comparisons is required.
Note: This operation is normally used for loop control, but can also
be used to synchronize tasks then performing multiple tasks,
either simultaneously or sequentially.
return ("JMPC",
"TAG=%03d" % tagNumber,
"CN%02d%s" % (counterNumber, operator),
"%04d" % value)
def jumpInputConditional(tagNumber, stationNumber, portNumber, pattern):
"""Jump to a tag number when the specified input port contents match
the comparison tag bits. The following limitations apply:
The tag must be in the range 001..999
The station must be in the range 0..4
The port number must be in the range 00..99
Bits are specified as an 8 byte string value and have the following
. Don't care
1 Bit must be high
0 Bit must be low
So as an example, the string "110.0011" would match the values
0x0c03 or 0x0d03.
return ("JMPI",
"TAG=%03d" % tagNumber,
"STN=%1d" % stationNumber,
"PN%02d=%s" % (portNumber, pattern))
def jumpTimerConditional(gNumber, timerNumber, operator, value):
"""Jump to a tag number if the specified timer contents satisfy the
comparison operator when compared to the value. The following
limitations apply:
The tag must be in the range 001..999
The timer number must be in the range 0..9
The comparison value must be in the range 000.0..999.9
The following operators are supported, and should be passed as string
= Compare for equality
< Compare for counter less than the value
> Compare for the counter greater than the value
<= Compare for the counter less than or equal to the value
>= Compare for the counter greater than or equal to the value
There is no operator available for cmparison for inequality; instead,
a compination of two comparisons is required.
return ("JMPT",
"TAG=%03d" % tagNumber,
"TN%1d%s" % (timerNumber, operator),
"%05.01f" % value)
def moveCoordinates(moveAbsolute, x, y, z, rotation, constantSpeed,
velocityNumber, positionPoint):
"""Move the current robot position either relative to the home position
to relative to the current position, on the x, y, z, and rotation
axis, at either a constant axial speed or a constant linear speed,
as determined by the velocity table entry, in order to either
position it at a specific point or to pass it. The following
limitations apply:
The moveAbsolue value must be True or False.
The X, Y, Z, and rotational coordinates must be in the range
-8000.00..+8000.00; in prace, this is limited further by
servo limits.
The constantSpeed parameter must be True or False.
The velocityNumber must be in the range 00..10.
The positionPoint value must be True or False.
In practice, moveAbsolue and constantSpeed will typically be True.
return ("MOV",
"X=%s%07.02f" % _signSplit(x),
"Y=%s%07.02f" % _signSplit(y),
"Z=%s%07.02f" % _signSplit(z),
"R=%s%07.02f" % _signSplit(rotation),
"V=%02d" % velocityNumber,
def movePoint(moveAbsolute, pointNumber, counterNumber, constantSpeed,
velocityNumber, positionPoint):
"""Axis move to a point in the coordinate table. Movement is either
relative to the home position or relative to the current position.
The position is relative to the contents of the counter number
specified. Motion is either a constant axial speed or a constant
linear speed at a speed determined by the velocity table entry. The
motion ends by passing or positioning to a specific point. The
following limitations apply:
The moveAbsolue value must be True or False.
The pointNumber must be in the range 000..999.
The counterNumber must be in the range 00..99.
The constantSpeed parameter must be True or False.
The velocityNumber must be in the range 00..10.
The positionPoint value must be True or False.
return ("MOVP",
"PT=%03d" % pointNumber,
"CN=%02d" % counterNumber,
"V=%02d" % velocityNumber,
def moveBack(constantSpeed, velocityNumber, positionPoint):
"""Return to a previous point; the previous point can be an absolute
or a relative move. The move is carrierd out that the velocity
specified by the velocity table number with the previous point
being an absolute position or a pass point. The following limitations
The constantSpeed value must be True or False.
The velocityNumber must be in the range 00..10.
The positionPoint value must be True or False.
return ("MVB",
"V=%02d" % velocityNumber,
def moveCircular(moveAbsolute, x, y, z, rotation, velocityNumber,
"""A circular interpolation move through an absolute or relative
coordinate point. The positionPoint should be false when performing
multiple operations consecutively to avoid a delay at the center
point. THe following limitations apply:
The moveAbsolue value must be True or False.
The velocityNumber must be in the range 00..10.
The positionPoint value must be True or False.
return ("MVC",
"X=%s%07.02f" % _signSplit(x),
"Y=%s%07.02f" % _signSplit(y),
"Z=%s%07.02f" % _signSplit(z),
"R=%s%07.02f" % _signSplit(rotation),
"V=%02d" % velocityNumber,
def moveCircularPoint(moveAbsolute, pointNumber, counterNumber, velocityNumber,
"""A circular interpolation move through an absolute or relative
coordinate point. The positionPoint should be false when performing
multiple operations consecutively to avoid a delay at the center
point. THe following limitations apply:
The moveAbsolue value must be True or False.
The pointNumber must be in the range 000..999.
The velocityNumber must be in the range 00..10.
The positionPoint value must be True or False.
return ("MVCP",
"PT=%03d" % pointNumber,
"CN=%02d" % counterNumber,
"V=%02d" % velocityNumber,
def moveEscape(moveAbsolute, pointNumber, counterNumber, constantSpeed,
"""When the escape move input signal is set following this instruction,
the current motion is treated as completed. iIn the absence of an
escape signal, this is equivalent to movePoint(). The following
limitations apply:
The moveAbsolue value must be True or False.
The pointNumber must be in the range 000..999.
The counterNumber must be in the range 00..99.
The constantSpeed parameter must be True or False.
The velocityNumber must be in the range 00..10.
return ("MVE",
"PT=%03d" % pointNumber,
"CN=%02d" % counterNumber,
"V=%02d" % velocityNumber)
def NOP():
"""No Operation."""
return ("NOP")
def subReturn():
"""Return from the current subroutine (assumes a subroutine is currently
being executed).
return ("RET")
def setSpeed(velocityNumber):
"""Set the current velocity table number in effect; the value supplied
must be in the range 01..10.
return ("SPD", "V=%02d" % velocityNumber)
def stop():
"""Stop current program movement. This is typically used when
multitasking in order to temporarily halt the program flow. The
program flow can be restarted by issuing the appropriate exec
command for the program, e.g. execStartSequential().
return ("STOP")
def setTag(tagNumber):
"""Set a tag; tags take up a program instruction, and are used for
program flow control. They must be in the range 001..999.
return ("TAG", "TAG=%03d" % tagNumber)
def taskCancel(taskNumber):
"""Forcibly terminate a task by task number. The task number must be
in the range 02..04.
Note: Task 01 indicates the main task, and can not be cancelled;
instead cancel all other tasks and then end(). For
this reason, when multitasking, if 3 or fewer tasks are
required, it might be useful to reserve task 01 as the
control task and use an internal general input in order to
notify it from one of the other tasks that it should do an
orderly shutdown using taskCancel().
return ("TCAN", "TASK=%02d" % taskNumber)
def sleepInterval(interval):
"""Sleep the execution of the program for the specified period of
time in tenths of seconds; the interfval must be in the range
return ("TIM", "TM=%05.01f" % interval)
def timerPreset(timerNumber, value):
"""Set the specified timer to an initial value. The following
limitations apply:
The timer must be in the range 1..9.
The timer value must be in the range 000.0..999.9.
return ("TIMP", "TN%d=%05.01f" % (timerNumber, value))
def taskRestart(taskNumber):
"""The designated task is restarted. The task must be in the range
of 01..04.
return ("TRSA", "TASK=%02d" % taskNumber)
def taskSuspend(taskNumber):
"""The designated task is temporarily suspended as if it had called
stop() on itself, and may be later resumed with a call to
taskRestart(). The task must be in the range of 01..04.
return ("TSTO", "TASK=%02d" % taskNumber)
def taskStart(taskNumber):
"""Start the designated task. The task must be in the range 02..04;
task 01 is started manually via the serial interface, or can be
configured to start automatically on system startup.
return ("TSTR", "TASK=%02d" % taskNumber)