blob: fb4c390262fdebfa30d0a48e8a3b716e3af41fa7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Implementations of the Navigator interface."""
from abc import abstractmethod, abstractproperty
import os
import time
from safetynet import Any, Dict, TypecheckMeta, List
from optofidelity.util import ADB, AskUserContinue, const_property
from .backend import DUTBackend
_script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
class Navigator(object):
"""Backend class to navigate a device to open subjects and pages."""
__metaclass__ = TypecheckMeta
def state(self):
"""State information. (e.g. coordinates of detected buttons)"""
return {}
def state(self, value):
def SetUp(self):
"""SetUp the navigator to run on a device."""
def Prepare(self):
"""Prepare the underlying device for a benchmark run."""
def Verify(self):
"""Verify that the device is accessible for a benchmark run."""
def Open(self):
"""Open the subject."""
def Close(self):
"""Close the subject."""
def Reset(self):
"""Reset the underlying DUT.
This is a last resort after issues with opening the subject. This 'should'
return the DUT into a state where the subject can be opened again.
def Cleanup(self):
"""Get device back into a clean state."""
def HasActivity(self, activity_name):
""":returns bool: True if the activity can be opened."""
def OpenActivity(self, activity_name):
"""Open activity.
:type activity_name: str
def CloseActivity(self):
"""Close previously opened activity."""
class BaseNavigator(Navigator):
"""Basic implementation to keep track of the device state."""
"""Name of neutral activity to go back to after benchmark."""
def __init__(self):
self._is_open = False
self._current_activity = None
def FromConfig(cls, attributes, children, dut_backend):
return cls()
def Open(self):
# if self._is_open:
# raise Exception("Subject already open.")
self._is_open = True
def Close(self):
# if not self._is_open:
# raise Exception("Subject has not been opened.")
# if self._current_activity:
# raise Exception("Activity still open.")
self._is_open = False
def Reset(self):
self._is_open = False
self._current_activity = None
def Cleanup(self):
if self._current_activity:
if self._is_open:
def OpenActivity(self, activity_name):
# if not self._is_open:
# raise Exception("Can't open activity if subject has not been opened.")
# if self._current_activity:
# raise Exception("Another activity is already open.")
if not self.HasActivity(activity_name):
raise ValueError("Unknown activity name '%s'" % activity_name)
self._current_activity = activity_name
def CloseActivity(self):
"""Close previously opened activity."""
# if not self._current_activity:
# raise Exception("No activity open.")
self._current_activity = None
def _Open(self):
"""Private implementation of Open"""
def _Close(self):
"""Private implementation of Close"""
def _Reset(self):
"""Private implementation of Reset"""
def _OpenActivity(self, activity_name):
"""Private implementation of OpenActivity"""
def _CloseActivity(self):
"""Private implementation of CloseActivity"""
class FakeNavigator(BaseNavigator):
def FromConfig(cls, attributes, children, dut_backend):
return cls()
def HasActivity(self, activity_name):
return True
class ManualNavigator(FakeNavigator):
def FromConfig(cls, attributes, children, dut_backend):
return cls()
def _OpenActivity(self, activity_name):
if self._current_activity != activity_name:
AskUserContinue("Open the '%s' activity" % activity_name)
self._current_activity = activity_name
class RobotNavigator(BaseNavigator):
"""A navigation backend that uses the robot and OCR/Icon Detection.
This backend will use icon detection and OCR to navigate a device.
The device is expected to be in a kiosk mode always running the benchmark app.
def __init__(self, dut_backend):
:type dut_backend: DUTBackend
super(RobotNavigator, self).__init__()
self._dut_backend = dut_backend
self._activity_targets = {}
self._activity_coords = {}
def FromConfig(cls, attributes, children, dut_backend):
self = cls(dut_backend)
for child_name, parameters in children:
if child_name == "activity":
self.AddActivity(parameters["name"], parameters.get("text"),
return self
def state(self):
return {
"activity_coords": self._activity_coords
def state(self, value):
self._activity_coords = value["activity_coords"]
def AddActivity(self, name, text=None, icon=None):
if text is None and icon is None:
raise ValueError("Specify either 'text' or 'icon'")
self._activity_targets[name] = (text, icon)
def HasActivity(self, activity_name):
return activity_name in self._activity_targets
def SetUp(self):
icons = {i: a for a, (w, i) in self._activity_targets.iteritems()
if i is not None}
words = {w: a for a, (w, i) in self._activity_targets.iteritems()
if w is not None}
center_x, center_y = (self._dut_backend.width / 2,
self._dut_backend.height / 2)
self._dut_backend.Tap(center_x, center_y)
if len(words):
word_coords = self._dut_backend.DetectWords(words.keys())
for word, coords in word_coords.iteritems():
if coords is None:
raise Exception("Cannot detect word '%s'" % (word,))
self._activity_coords[words[word]] = coords
for icon_file, activity in icons.iteritems():
coords = self._dut_backend.DetectIcon(icon_file)
if coords is None:
raise Exception("Cannot detect icon '%s'" % (icon_file,))
self._activity_coords[activity] = coords
def Prepare(self):
def _Open(self):
if len(self._activity_targets) != len(self._activity_coords):
raise Exception("You need to run --setup before using this navigator.")
def _Reset(self):
def _OpenActivity(self, activity_name):
coords = self._activity_coords[activity_name]
def _CloseActivity(self):
if self.NEUTRAL_ACTIVITY in self._activity_coords:
coords = self._activity_coords[self.NEUTRAL_ACTIVITY]
class BaseADBNavigator(BaseNavigator):
"""Navigation backend that uses ADB.
This backend will use the ADB command line tool to communicate with a device
to invoke intents to navigate to test pages.
REMOTE_DIR = "/sdcard/crostouch"
def __init__(self, adb_device, stay_alive=True):
:param str adb_device: Serial number of the adb device.
super(BaseADBNavigator, self).__init__()
self._adb = ADB(adb_device)
self._stay_alive = stay_alive
self._activity_intents = {}
def AddActivity(self, activity_name, intent_params):
self._activity_intents[activity_name] = intent_params
def HasActivity(self, activity_name):
return activity_name in self._activity_intents
def Verify(self):
def Prepare(self):
def _Open(self):
self._adb.PutSetting("system", "screen_brightness", "255")
def _OpenActivity(self, activity_name):
self._adb.SendKey("KEYCODE_HOME") # Wake up screen sending home key
intent_params = self._activity_intents[activity_name]
time.sleep(1.0) # Wait for activity to load
def _Close(self):
if self.HasActivity(self.NEUTRAL_ACTIVITY):
intent_params = self._activity_intents[self.NEUTRAL_ACTIVITY]
self._adb.PutSetting("system", "screen_brightness", "0")
if not self._stay_alive:
def _CloseActivity(self):
def _Reset(self):
class WebADBNavigator(BaseADBNavigator):
"""Navigation backend that uses ADB to navigate to websites.
This backend will use the ADB command line tool to communicate with a device.
It will upload the HTML files needed and open them in Chrome.
VIEW_ACTION = "android.intent.action.VIEW"
def __init__(self, adb_device, component, stay_alive=False):
:param str adb_device: Serial number of the adb device.
super(WebADBNavigator, self).__init__(adb_device, stay_alive)
self._component = component
self._resources = []
def FromConfig(cls, attributes, children, dut_backend):
stay_alive = attributes.get("stay-alive") in ("True", "true")
self = cls(attributes["adb"], attributes["component"], stay_alive)
for child_name, parameters in children:
if child_name == "activity":
activity_name = parameters["name"]
html_file = parameters["file"]
self.AddHTMLActivity(activity_name, html_file)
if child_name == "resource":
return self
def SetUp(self):
self._adb.ExecuteShell(["mkdir", "-p", self.REMOTE_DIR])
for filename in self._resources:
basename = os.path.basename(filename)
remote_file = os.path.join(self.REMOTE_DIR, basename)
self._adb.PushFile(filename, remote_file)
def AddHTMLActivity(self, activity_name, html_file):
basename = os.path.basename(html_file)
remote_file = os.path.join(self.REMOTE_DIR, basename)
uri = "file://%s" % remote_file
intent_params = dict(component=self._component, uri=uri)
self.AddActivity(activity_name, intent_params)
class NativeADBNavigator(BaseADBNavigator):
"""Navigation backend that uses ADB to navigate to websites.
This backend will use the ADB command line tool to communicate with a device.
It will upload the HTML files needed and open them in Chrome.
def __init__(self, adb_device, apk_file, package_name, stay_alive=False):
:param str adb_device: Serial number of the adb device.
super(NativeADBNavigator, self).__init__(adb_device, stay_alive)
self._apk_file = apk_file
self._package_name = package_name
def FromConfig(cls, attributes, children, dut_backend):
stay_alive = attributes.get("stay-alive") in ("True", "true")
self = cls(attributes["adb"], attributes["apk"], attributes["package"],
for child_name, parameters in children:
if child_name == "activity":
if "class-name" in parameters:
component = self._package_name + "/." + parameters["class-name"]
intent_params = dict(component=component, force_stop=True)
intent_params = dict()
for key in ("action", "component", "uri", "category"):
if key in parameters:
intent_params[key] = parameters[key]
for flag in ("wait", "force_stop"):
attrib = parameters.get(flag.replace("_", "-"))
if attrib in ("True", "true"):
intent_params[flag] = True
if attrib in ("False", "false"):
intent_params[flag] = False
self.AddActivity(parameters["name"], intent_params)
return self
def SetUp(self):
if self._adb.GetPackageVersion(self._package_name):
def Verify(self):
super(NativeADBNavigator, self).Verify()
if not self._adb.GetPackageVersion(self._package_name):
raise Exception("You have to run --setup before using this subject.")