blob: 2c4ac4e953fd4820d4cc2f9f94c22858d88613d3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This module contains the FuzzyCheck class that uses the validators
# defined in the validators modules. The validators make
# use of the FuzzyComparator class that allows validations to be made in
# a fuzzy way that leads to a score instead of a true/false decision.
import math
import re
from table import Table
class FuzzyCheck(object):
This class can validate a list of gestures to a previously defined set of
validators. This is used to check if the generated gestures actually
represent the desired behavior.
To allow more fine-grained results the output is a score instead of a
match/no-match decision.
There are two types of validators: expected or unexpected.
Expected validators describe the expected behavior in the order it should
happen. Whenever one of these validators cannot handle a gesture it is
treated as unexpected and checked by the unexpected validators. A common
case is expecting a ButtonClick, but allowing a certain amount of
unexpected Motion to happen.
def __init__(self):
self.expected = []
self.unexpected = []
def Check(self, event_list):
Validate gestures against the validators of this object. The expected
and unexpected variables have to be set up before calling this method.
This method will return a score between 0..1. It might also return False
which is different from 0. False describes a complete test-failure, i.e.
something has happened that should not have happened.
When it comes to usability impact, it is better when nothing happens, as if
something completely wrong happens. This is why 'nothing' happened is rated
slightly better (score=0) as a non-matching behavior (score=False).
# special case for empty event list
if len(event_list) == 0:
if len(self.expected) == 0:
return 1, "success, no events expected"
return 0, "failure, expected events but nothing happened"
# select first validator
current_validator = None
validators = list(reversed(self.expected))
if len(self.expected) > 0:
current_validator = validators.pop()
table = Table(" ")
table.title = "Validation Log"
table.header("start - end", "event", "validator (* unexpected)")
def AddRow(event, validator, unexpected=False):
if unexpected:
validator = "*" + str(validator)
table.row("%f - %f" % (event.start, event.end), event, validator)
def CheckUnexpectedEvent(event):
for validator in self.unexpected:
if validator.Accept(event):
AddRow(event, validator, True)
return True
# no validator found. Fail.
AddRow(event, "no matching validator")
return False
failed = False
for event in event_list:
if failed:
AddRow(event, "-")
if current_validator is None:
# No validator left. All events unexpected.
if not CheckUnexpectedEvent(event):
failed = True
if not current_validator.Accept(event):
if (current_validator.score > 0 and len(validators) > 0
and validators[-1].Accept(event)):
# transition to next validator
current_validator = validators.pop()
AddRow(event, current_validator)
# unexpected event
if not CheckUnexpectedEvent(event):
failed = True
# accepted by current validator
AddRow(event, current_validator)
score_table = self._BuildScoreTable(False)
report = str(table) + "\n" + str(score_table)
# calculate score
if failed:
score = False
score = 1
# expected validators score
for validator in self.expected:
if validator.score is False:
return False, report
score = score * validator.score
# unexpected validators score
for validator in self.unexpected:
if validator.score is False:
return False, report
score = score * validator.score
score_table = self._BuildScoreTable(score)
report = str(table) + "\n" + str(score_table)
return score, report
def _BuildScoreTable(self, overall):
table = Table(" ")
table.title = "Score Breakdown"
table.header("expected validator", "score")
for validator in self.expected:
table.row(validator, validator.score)
table.header("unexpected validator", "score")
for validator in self.unexpected:
table.row(validator, validator.score)
table.footer = "overall score: " + str(overall)
return table
# Fuzzy Comparator
class FuzzyComparator(object):
This class is able to calculate fuzzy comparisons to return a scoring
value. Fuzzy comparisons are inequality/equality operators with
an addition range of validity. The result of the comparison is not
a true/false decision but a score based on the range of validity.
The comparison string format is:
"[op] value [ ~ range ]"
With the following options for op: ==, >, >=, <, <=
Value being the integer value we Compare to.
The range of validity is: [value-range .. value+range]
If op is omitted we assume op to be == and if range is omitted
it is assumed to be 0.
See FuzzyComparator.Compare for information about the return value of
fuzzy = FuzzyComparator("== 100 ~10")
fuzzy.Compare(100) -> 1
fuzzy.Compare(105) -> 0.5
fuzzy.Compare(90) -> 0
fuzzy.Compare(89) -> False
def __init__(self, input):
if isinstance(input, str):
m = re.match("([><=]=?)?[ ]*(\\-?[0-9]+\\.?[0-9]*)[ ]*" +
"(~[ ]*[0-9]+\\.?[0-9]*)?", input)
if not m:
raise ValueError("Malformed comparator: '" + input + "'")
operator =
value =
fuzzyness =
if value is None:
raise ValueError("Malformed comparator: '" + input + "'")
self._target = float(value)
if operator is not None:
self._operator_str =
self._operator_str = "=="
self._operator = FuzzyComparator._operator_mapping[self._operator_str]
if fuzzyness is not None:
self._fuzzyness = float(fuzzyness[1:])
self._fuzzyness = 0
self._target = float(input)
self._fuzzyness = 0
self._operator = FuzzyComparator._CompareEq
self._operator_str = "=="
def __str__(self):
result = self._operator_str + "{0:.4g}".format(self._target)
if self._fuzzyness > 0:
result = result + "~{0:.4g}".format(self._fuzzyness)
return result
def Compare(self, value):
compares a number with the comparison string provided when constructing
this object. The return value is:
False: if the value is out of the valid range
1: if the value is matched by the unequality/equality operation
0..1: if the value is somewhere in the range of validity.
score = self._operator(self, value)
if score < 0:
return False
elif score > 1:
return 1
return score
def _CompareEq(self, value):
if self._fuzzyness > 0:
return (self._fuzzyness - math.fabs(self._target - value)) / \
return value == self._target
def _CompareGte(self, value):
if self._fuzzyness > 0:
return self._CompareGt(value)
return value >= self._target
def _CompareGt(self, value):
if self._fuzzyness > 0:
return float(value - self._target + self._fuzzyness) / self._fuzzyness
return value > self._target
def _CompareLte(self, value):
if self._fuzzyness > 0:
return self._CompareLt(value)
return value <= self._target
def _CompareLt(self, value):
if self._fuzzyness > 0:
return float(self._target - value + self._fuzzyness) / self._fuzzyness
return value < self._target
_operator_mapping = {
"==": _CompareEq,
"=" : _CompareEq,
">=": _CompareGte,
">" : _CompareGt,
"<=": _CompareLte,
"<" : _CompareLt,