blob: b94b748592ef3ef465aec3a33c496f10c252f987 [file] [log] [blame]
#! /bin/bash
# This script will work in its entirety only on Mac OS X because the
# TPMs in Intel Macintoshes don't have physical presence wired up in
# firmware at all, permitting software to do everything, including
# establishing physical presence.
# Change the TPM to the "physically present" state.
echo "* Asserting physical presence..."
tpm_setpresence --assert || exit 1
# Clear the TPM. This will destroy all existing ownership information.
# All existing keys will be deactivated and data tied to the TPM will be
# rendered useless. Finally, the TPM will end up being disabled. The
# --force argument causes the TPM to skip asking us for the existing
# owner password. Instead, we are authorized based on the physical
# presence we asserted prior to calling this.
echo "* Clearing the TPM..."
tpm_clear --force || exit 2
# reboot for the clear operation to take effect
echo "* Asserting physical presence..."
tpm_setpresence --assert || exit 3
# Set the TPM to enabled state. The --force option will skip asking for
# the existing owner password and will authorized based on physical
# presence instead.
echo "* Enabling the TPM..."
tpm_setenable --enable --force || exit 4
# Set the TPM to active state. This requires physical presence.
echo "* Setting the TPM active..."
tpm_setactive --active || exit 5
# reboot for the setactive operation to take effect
echo "* Running TPM self test..."
tpm_selftest || exit 6
echo "* Asserting physical presence..."
tpm_setpresence --assert || exit 7
echo ""
echo "You can run tpm_takeownership now."
exit 0