blob: 6bbec5ca1d527d7a950e132fc2898ed7f764f918 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
/* TPM Lightweight Command Library.
* A low-level library for interfacing to TPM hardware or an emulator.
#ifndef TPM_LITE_TLCL_H_
#define TPM_LITE_TLCL_H_
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define POSSIBLY_UNUSED __attribute__((unused))
#ifdef __STRICT_ANSI__
#define INLINE
#define INLINE inline
/* Outputs an error message and quits the program.
static void error(const char *format, ...) {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: ");
vfprintf(stderr, format, ap);
/* Outputs a warning and continues.
static void warning(const char *format, ...) {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: ");
vfprintf(stderr, format, ap);
#define assert(expr) do { if (!(expr)) { \
error("assert fail: %s at %s:%d\n", \
#expr, __FILE__, __LINE__); }} while(0)
/* Call this first.
void TlclLibInit(void);
/* Logs to stdout. Arguments like printf.
void TlclLog(char* format, ...);
/* Sets the log level. 0 is quietest.
void TlclSetLogLevel(int level);
/* Sends a TPM_Startup(ST_CLEAR). Note that this is a no-op for the emulator,
* because it runs this command during initialization. The TPM error code is
* returned (0 for success).
uint32_t TlclStartup(void);
/* Run the self test. Note---this is synchronous. To run this in parallel
* with other firmware, use ContinueSelfTest. The TPM error code is returned.
uint32_t TlclSelftestfull(void);
/* Runs the self test in the background.
uint32_t TlclContinueSelfTest(void);
/* Defines a space with permission [perm]. [index] is the index for the space,
* [size] the usable data size. The TPM error code is returned.
uint32_t TlclDefineSpace(uint32_t index, uint32_t perm, uint32_t size);
/* Defines a space with permission [perm]. [index] is the index for the space,
* [size] the usable data size. Returns the TPM error code.
uint32_t TlclDefineSpaceResult(uint32_t index, uint32_t perm, uint32_t size);
/* Writes [length] bytes of [data] to space at [index]. The TPM error code is
* returned.
uint32_t TlclWrite(uint32_t index, uint8_t *data, uint32_t length);
/* Reads [length] bytes from space at [index] into [data]. The TPM error code
* is returned.
uint32_t TlclRead(uint32_t index, uint8_t *data, uint32_t length);
/* Write-locks space at [index]. The TPM error code is returned.
uint32_t TlclWriteLock(uint32_t index);
/* Read-locks space at [index]. The TPM error code is returned.
uint32_t TlclReadLock(uint32_t index);
/* Asserts physical presence in software. The TPM error code is returned.
uint32_t TlclAssertPhysicalPresence(void);
/* Turns off physical presence and locks it off until next reboot. The TPM
* error code is returned.
uint32_t TlclLockPhysicalPresence(void);
/* Sets the nvLocked bit. The TPM error code is returned.
uint32_t TlclSetNvLocked(void);
/* Returns 1 if the TPM is owned, 0 otherwise.
int TlclIsOwned(void);
/* Issues a ForceClear. The TPM error code is returned.
uint32_t TlclForceClear(void);
/* Issues a SetEnable. The TPM error code is returned.
uint32_t TlclSetEnable(void);
/* Issues a SetDeactivated. Pass 0 to activate. Returns result code.
uint32_t TlclSetDeactivated(uint8_t flag);
/* Gets flags of interest. (Add more here as needed.) The TPM error code is
* returned.
uint32_t TlclGetFlags(uint8_t* disable, uint8_t* deactivated);
/* Sets the bGlobalLock flag, which only a reboot can clear. The TPM error
* code is returned.
uint32_t TlclSetGlobalLock(void);
/* Performs a TPM_Extend.
uint32_t TlclExtend(int pcr_num, uint8_t* in_digest, uint8_t* out_digest);
#endif /* TPM_LITE_TLCL_H_ */