blob: eb53f7df935b010ed8279fa4bfa99b74df6a9b13 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
cat tpm_commands_specification.txt |
# Remove headers and footers.
sed 's/^.*TPM Main Part 3 Commands.*$//' |
sed 's/^.*Specification Version 1.2.*$//' |
sed 's/^.*Level 2 Revision 116 28 February 2011.*$//' |
sed 's/^.*TCG Published.*$//' |
sed 's/^.*Copyright.*$//' |
# Mark descriptions and actions in the body.
sed 's/^[0-9][0-9]* *Description$/_DESCRIPTION_START/' |
sed 's/^[0-9][0-9]* *Actions$/_ACTIONS_START/' |
sed 's/^[0-9][0-9]* *Action$/_ACTIONS_START/' |
# Remove line numbers, hash index, and type size.
sed 's/^[0-9]S$//' | sed 's/^[0-9]H[0-9]$//' |
sed 's/^SZ$//' | sed 's/^#$//' | sed 's/^<>$//' |
sed 's/^[0-9][0-9]*//' |
# Replace 'BYTE[ ]' with BYTE[]
sed 's/BYTE\[ *\]/BYTE\[\]/' |
# Remove leading spaces.
sed 's/^[ ][ ]*//' |
# Remove table headers.
sed 's/^PARAM$//' | sed 's/^HMAC$//' | sed 's/^Type$//' |
sed 's/^Name$//' | sed 's/^Description$//' |
# Remove empty lines.
sed '/^$/d' |
# Add TPM command start.
sed 's/^\.[0-9].*$/_TPM_COMMAND_START/' |
# Mark informative comment.
sed 's/^Start of informative comment:$/_COMMENT_START/' |
sed 's/^End of informative comment.$/_COMMENT_END/' |
# Mark parameters.
sed 's/^Incoming Operands and Sizes$/_IN_PARAMS_START/' |
sed 's/^Incoming Parameters and Sizes$/_IN_PARAMS_START/' |
sed 's/^Outgoing Operands and Sizes$/_OUT_PARAMS_START/' |
sed 's/^Outgoing Parameters and Sizes$/_OUT_PARAMS_START/' |
# Finalize comment.
awk '
BEGIN { state = 0; buf = ""; }
/^[^_].*$/ { if (state) { buf = buf " " $0; } else { print $0; } }
/^_.*$/ { if ($1 == "_COMMENT_START") { state = 1; buf = ""; }
else if ($1 == "_COMMENT_END") {
print "_COMMENT" buf; state = 0; }
else if ($1 == "_TPM_COMMAND_START") {
if (!state) { print $0; state = 0; } }
else { print $0; state = 0; } }
' |
# Finalize TPM command start.
awk '
BEGIN { state = 0; buf = ""; }
/^[^_].*$/ { if (state) { if ($1 ~ /^TPM_/ || $1 ~ /^TSC_/) { buf = $0; } }
else { print $0; } }
/^_.*$/ { if ($1 == "_TPM_COMMAND_START") { state = 1; buf = ""; }
else { if (state) { print "_TPM_COMMAND " buf; }
print $0; state = 0; } }
' |
# Finalize input parameters.
awk '
BEGIN { state = 0; buf = ""; }
/^[^_].*$/ { if (state > 0) {
if ($1 ~ "TPM_TAG_") { buf = buf " " $0; }
else if ($1 == "BOOL" || $1 ~ "^BYTE" ||
$1 ~ "^UINT" || $1 ~ "^TPM_") {
if (state > 1) { print "_IN_PARAM " buf; }
buf = $0; state = 2; }
else if (state > 1) { buf = buf " " $0; } }
else { print $0; } }
/^_.*$/ { if ($1 == "_IN_PARAMS_START") { state = 1; buf = ""; }
else { if (state) { print "_IN_PARAM " buf; }
print $0; state = 0; } }
' |
# Finalize output parameters.
awk '
BEGIN { state = 0; buf = ""; }
/^[^_].*$/ { if (state > 0) {
if ($1 ~ "TPM_TAG_") { buf = buf " " $0; }
else if ($1 == "BOOL" || $1 ~ "^BYTE" ||
$1 ~ "^UINT" || $1 ~ "^TPM_") {
if (state > 1) { print "_OUT_PARAM " buf; }
buf = $0; state = 2; }
else if (state > 1) { buf = buf " " $0; } }
else { print $0; } }
/^_.*$/ { if ($1 == "_OUT_PARAMS_START") { state = 1; buf = ""; }
else { if (state) { print "_OUT_PARAM " buf; }
print $0; state = 0; } }
' |
# Remove non marshaled output parameters.
grep -v '^_OUT_PARAM TPM_COMMAND_CODE ordinal' |
grep -v '^_OUT_PARAM TPM_NONCE.*onceOdd' |
# Remove noise and add some structure.
grep '^_.*' | grep -v '^_DESCRIPTION_START' |
grep -v '^_ACTIONS_START' | grep -v '^_TPM_COMMAND *$' |
awk '/^_TPM_COMMAND/ { printf("\n"); } /^.*$/ { print $0; } '
exit 0