blob: e515ab139589f44d00ba96f120b5e0c079d38221 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
* Trunks internal function and type definitions.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "g_tpm_structures.h"
#include "ttl_marshal.h"
#include "ttl_authorization.h"
/* The number of fields of a TPM structure must fit in a byte. */
#define TTLDEBUG(args) do { } while (0)
#define assert(condition) do { if (!(condition)) { \
TtlError("assertion " # condition " failed"); \
} } while (0)
#define RETURN_ON_FAILURE(tpm_call) do { \
uint32_t _result_ = tpm_call; \
if (_result_ != TPM_SUCCESS) return _result_; \
} while (0)
/* Bytecodes. See ttl_interpret.c for bytecode definitions. */
enum {
/* type descriptors */
BC_INT64 = 8, /* don't start at 0 */
BC_INT32 = 9,
BC_INT16 = 10,
BC_INT8 = 11,
BC_ARRAY = 13,
BC_REF = 14,
/* field descriptors */
/* Variable-length integers for bytecodes. The MSB is a continuation bit, the
* other 7 bits are a hecataicosaoctal digit (pardon my Greek). When the MSB
* is 1, there are other less significant bytes following this one. E.g.: {
* 0x81, 0x02 } = 128 + 2 = 130 */
#define BC_VLINT_MASK 0x7f
/* Returns the offset of FIELD in STRUCT. */
#define OFFSETOF(field, struct) \
(((uint8_t *) &((struct *) 0)->field) - (uint8_t *) 0)
/* Expands X as two bytes (MSB first) for use in a byte array initializer, with
* 0 <= X <= 65535 (not checked) */
#define TWO_BYTES_INT(x) x / 256, x % 256
/* Produces two bytes containing the offset of FIELD in STRUCT for use in a
* byte array initializer (MSB first) */
#define OFFSETOF_TWO_BYTES(field, struct) TWO_BYTES_INT(OFFSETOF(field, struct))
/* Array containing all byte codes. */
extern uint8_t StructureByteCodes[];
/* Outputs an error message and quits. */
void TtlError(const char* format, ...);
/* Opens the TPM device. Returns TPM_SUCCESS or an error code. */
uint32_t TtlOpenDevice(void);
/* Sends a request datagram to the TPM and receives a response. */
uint32_t TtlExecute(uint8_t* buffer, const uint32_t cmd_len,
const uint32_t buf_len, uint32_t* read_bytes);
/* Executes a TPM command */
uint32_t TtlRunCommand(uint32_t command_ordinal,
int rqu_index, int rsp_index,
void* rqu_struct, void* rsp_struct,
void* auth1, void* auth2,
uint8_t* buffer, const uint32_t buffer_size);
/* Returns a bytecode address given a bytecode index. */
static inline uint8_t* ByteCodeIndexToAddress(int i) {
return &StructureByteCodes[i];
/* Marshals a TPM structure. CODEP is a bytecode passed by reference and advanced to the end of the code for the structure. CURSOR is a pointer to the outgoing buffer, also advanced after marshalling the data. FROM is a pointer */
void TtlMarshal(uint8_t** codep, uint8_t** cursor, void* from);
/* Unmarshals a TPM structure. */
void TtlUnmarshal(uint8_t** codep, uint8_t** cursor, void* to);
/* Computes the size of a TPM structure. */
int TtlSizeCalc(uint8_t** codep, void* data);
#ifdef TESTING
extern uint8_t TtlTestCommandBuffer[];