blob: bb2dbc97039a14276e335fea2ff08a3945a28f5e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <base/basictypes.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <vector>
namespace trunks {
// A class that manages proper formatting of messages to and from the TPM.
// Main features are: (a) safe functions to add single values and arrays, and
// (b) endian correction in case the host endianness differs from that of the
// TPM.
class TpmMessage {
// A series of functions that push |value| to the end of |data_|.
// Corrects for endianness (converts from host to big-endian). Returns the
// number of bytes added.
uint32_t PushBackUint8(uint8_t value);
uint32_t PushBackInt8(int8_t value);
uint32_t PushBackUint16(uint16_t value);
uint32_t PushBackUint32(uint32_t value);
uint32_t PushBackUint64(uint64_t value);
// A series of functions that push arrays to the end of |data_|. First
// the size of |array| is pushed as a uint32_t, then the contents of |array|
// are pushed individually. Corrects for endianness (converts from host to
// big-endian). Returns the number of bytes added.
uint32_t PushBackArrayUint8(const std::vector<uint8_t>& array);
uint32_t PushBackArrayInt8(const std::vector<int8_t>& array);
uint32_t PushBackArrayUint16(const std::vector<uint16_t>& array);
uint32_t PushBackArrayUint32(const std::vector<uint32_t>& array);
uint32_t PushBackArrayUint64(const std::vector<uint64_t>& array);
// A series of functions that pop from the start of |data_| into |value|.
// Corrects for endianness (converts from big-endian to host). Returns the
// number of bytes read, or 0 if there is not enough data to create such a
// value.
uint32_t PopFrontUint8(uint8_t* value);
uint32_t PopFrontInt8(int8_t* value);
uint32_t PopFrontUint16(uint16_t* value);
uint32_t PopFrontUint32(uint32_t* value);
uint32_t PopFrontUint64(uint64_t* value);
// A series of functions that pop arrays from the start of |data_|. First
// the size of |array| is popped as a uint32_t, then |array| is filled with
// the appropriate number of elements. Corrects for endianness (converts from
// big-endian to host). Returns the number of bytes read, or 0 if there is
// not enough data to produce an array.
// Side effect: |array| is initially cleared such that |array| will only
// contain the contents popped off from |data_|.
uint32_t PopFrontArrayUint8(std::vector<uint8_t>* array);
uint32_t PopFrontArrayInt8(std::vector<int8_t>* array);
uint32_t PopFrontArrayUint16(std::vector<uint16_t>* array);
uint32_t PopFrontArrayUint32(std::vector<uint32_t>* array);
uint32_t PopFrontArrayUint64(std::vector<uint64_t>* array);
// Convenience function to push a uint32_t to the front of |data_|
// should there be a size mismatch in popping off an array.
// The TPM specification defines the way arrays are sent/received in a
// byte-stream as consisting of a uint32_t size (defining the number of
// elements that are in the array). This function serves to pop the size
// back on the buffer should we find that the amount of data remaining on the
// buffer is less than the size we received.
uint32_t PushFrontUint32(uint32_t value);
// Sets the message header (request |tag_|, ordinal |code_|).
void SetHeader(uint16_t tag, uint32_t code);
// Gets the message header (response |tag_|, response |code_|).
void GetHeader(uint16_t* tag, uint32_t* code);
// Exports the contents of this TpmMessage into |buffer| for writing to the
// TPM. Returns |size|, the number of bytes that were written to |buffer|.
// |buffer| must be at least of size kTpmPacketSize.
void ExportPacketData(uint8_t* packet_buffer, uint32_t* size);
// Imports data from |buffer| into this TpmMessage, up to |size| bytes.
void ImportPacketData(const uint8_t* packet_buffer, uint32_t size);
// Clears |data_| and resets |tag_| and |code_| to zero.
void Clear();
// Returns a pointer to a const version of |data_| (for testing purposes).
const std::vector<uint8_t>* GetDataForTest() { return &data_; }
// Internal data buffer.
std::vector<uint8_t> data_;
// Request/Response tag.
uint16_t tag_;
// Ordinal/Return code.
uint32_t code_;
} // namespace trunks