blob: 6455d3db9052198c9c4b8f22c263aba780ff2aaa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST() macro
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <tr1/memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/time.h"
#include "cros/chromeos_wm_ipc_enums.h"
#include "window_manager/compositor/compositor.h"
#include "window_manager/event_consumer.h"
#include "window_manager/focus_manager.h"
#include "window_manager/geometry.h"
#include "window_manager/modality_handler.h"
#include "window_manager/panels/panel_manager.h"
#include "window_manager/wm_ipc.h"
#include "window_manager/x11/x_types.h"
namespace window_manager {
class BrowserWindow;
class EventConsumerRegistrar;
class KeyBindingsActionRegistrar;
class KeyBindingsGroup;
class ResizeBox;
class Window;
class WindowManager;
class LayoutManager2 : public EventConsumer,
public FocusChangeListener,
public ModalityChangeListener,
public PanelManagerAreaChangeListener {
explicit LayoutManager2(WindowManager* wm);
virtual ~LayoutManager2();
chromeos::WmIpcLayoutMode layout_mode() const { return layout_mode_; }
bool maximized() const {
return layout_mode_ == chromeos::WM_IPC_LAYOUT_MAXIMIZED;
int num_browser_windows() const { return browser_windows_.size(); }
// EventConsumer implementation.
virtual bool IsInputWindow(XWindow xid) {
return xid == resize_handle_xid_ ||
xid == left_edge_input_xid_ ||
xid == right_edge_input_xid_;
virtual void HandleScreenResize();
virtual void HandleLoggedInStateChange() {}
virtual bool HandleWindowMapRequest(Window* win);
virtual void HandleWindowMap(Window* win);
virtual void HandleWindowUnmap(Window* win);
virtual void HandleWindowPixmapFetch(Window* win);
virtual void HandleWindowConfigureRequest(Window* win,
const Rect& requested_bounds);
virtual void HandleButtonPress(XWindow xid,
const Point& relative_pos,
const Point& absolute_pos,
int button,
XTime timestamp);
virtual void HandleButtonRelease(XWindow xid,
const Point& relative_pos,
const Point& absolute_pos,
int button,
XTime timestamp);
virtual void HandlePointerEnter(XWindow xid,
const Point& relative_pos,
const Point& absolute_pos,
XTime timestamp);
virtual void HandlePointerLeave(XWindow xid,
const Point& relative_pos,
const Point& absolute_pos,
XTime timestamp);
virtual void HandlePointerMotion(XWindow xid,
const Point& relative_pos,
const Point& absolute_pos,
XTime timestamp);
virtual void HandleChromeMessage(const WmIpc::Message& msg);
virtual void HandleClientMessage(XWindow xid,
XAtom message_type,
const long data[5]);
virtual void HandleWindowPropertyChange(XWindow xid, XAtom xatom) {}
virtual void OwnDestroyedWindow(DestroyedWindow* destroyed_win,
XWindow xid) {}
// FocusChangeListener implementation.
virtual void HandleFocusChange();
// ModalityChangeListener implementation.
virtual void HandleModalityChange();
// PanelManagerAreaChangeListener implementation.
virtual void HandlePanelManagerAreaChange();
// Assign the input focus to the fullscreen/active browser if possible.
// Returns false if we were unable to take the focus.
bool TakeFocus(XTime timestamp);
// The PanelManager is typically passed in here, but it's decoupled from the
// c'tor so it can be set by tests.
void SetPanelAreaNotifier(PanelManagerAreaChangeNotifier* notifier);
friend class LayoutManager2Test;
FRIEND_TEST(LayoutManager2Test, ResizeScreen);
FRIEND_TEST(LayoutManager2Test, InitialBrowserWindow);
FRIEND_TEST(LayoutManager2Test, MultipleWindowLayout);
FRIEND_TEST(LayoutManager2Test, ClickToActivateBrowser);
FRIEND_TEST(LayoutManager2Test, AvoidJankOnLayoutModeChange);
FRIEND_TEST(LayoutManager2Test, ResizeHandleActor);
FRIEND_TEST(LayoutManager2Test, IgnoreScrollwheelButtons);
// Specifies ArrangeBrowserWindows()'s behavior with regard to assigning the
// input focus.
enum ArrangeFocusPolicy {
// Assign the focus to the fullscreen or active window if it doesn't have it
// already.
// Leave the focus alone (e.g. we're rearranging the windows because we've
// exited fullscreen mode in response to a panel being mapped and taking the
// focus, and we don't want to immediately steal the focus back from the
// panel).
// Specifies the browser windows that ArrangeBrowserWindows() should modify.
enum ArrangeSet {
// Arrange and restack all browser windows.
// Arrange only the active browser. None of the windows are restacked.
// Arrange all but the active browser. None of the windows are restacked.
// Width used for new windows (although it may be capped).
static const int kWindowInitialWidthPixels;
// How many pixels should we leave at the edge of the screen for the next
// window to be visible?
static const int kEdgeGapPixels;
// Brightness for the secondary browser window when in non-maximized mode.
static const double kSecondaryBrowserWindowBrightness;
// Brightness for browser windows shown at the edges of the screen.
static const double kEdgeBrowserWindowBrightness;
// Get the currently-active browser window, or NULL if none is active (i.e.
// |browser_windows_| is empty).
BrowserWindow* GetActiveBrowserWindow() const;
// Return the index in |browser_| of the BrowserWindow representing |win|.
// Returns -1 if the window isn't present in the vector.
int FindBrowserWindowIndexByWindow(const Window& win) const;
// Get a browser window's index by X ID, or -1 if none exists with the ID.
int FindBrowserWindowIndexByXid(XWindow xid) const;
// Get a browser window by X ID, or NULL if none exists with the ID.
BrowserWindow* FindBrowserWindowByXid(XWindow xid) const;
// Get the browser window owning |win|, or NULL if no browser window owns it.
BrowserWindow* FindBrowserWindowOwningTransientWindow(
const Window& win) const;
// Get |browser|'s index within |browser_windows_|.
int GetBrowserWindowIndex(const BrowserWindow& browser) const;
// Get the initial, minimum, and maximum widths allowed for an unmaximized
// browser window.
int GetInitialUnmaximizedWidth() const;
int GetMinUnmaximizedWidth() const;
int GetMaxUnmaximizedWidth() const;
// Constrain a browser window's unmaximized width within the allowed range.
int ConstrainUnmaximizedWidth(int reqested_width);
// Get the number of milliseconds that we should take to switch from the
// currently-active browser to the one at |new_index|.
int GetWindowAnimationMs(int new_index) const;
// Get the current time (typically to use when assigning the focus). If we're
// handling a key binding, returns the time from the event; otherwise, fetches
// the current time from the server.
XTime GetCurrentXTime();
// Save the area available for layout to |workarea_| and reconfigure browser
// windows as needed.
void MoveAndResizeForAvailableArea();
// Register all of our key bindings. Called once during initialization.
void InitKeyBindings();
// Handle various types of windows being mapped. Called by HandleWindowMap().
void HandleBrowserWindowMap(Window* win);
void HandleTransientWindowMap(Window* transient_win,
BrowserWindow* owning_browser);
// Do additional setup that's needed after we see the first browser window.
// Called by HandleBrowserWindowMap().
void HandleFirstBrowserWindowMapped(Window* win);
// Fill |bounds| with bounds for the windows in |browser_windows_|.
// The indices of the first (possibly only partially-)offscreen windows to
// the left and the right are stored in |left_offscreen_index| and
// |right_offscreen_index|. The |*_index| parameters may be NULL if unneeded.
void ComputeBrowserWindowBounds(std::vector<Rect>* bounds,
int* left_offscreen_index,
int* right_offscreen_index);
// Restack all browser windows. Helper method for ArrangeBrowserWindows().
void RestackBrowserWindows(int secondary_browser_index,
int left_offscreen_index,
int right_offscreen_index);
// Arrange the browser windows described by |arrange_set|.
// |timestamp_for_focus| is used to focus the active window; 0 can be passed
// if |focus_policy| is PRESERVE_FOCUS_DURING_ARRANGE.
void ArrangeBrowserWindows(ArrangeSet arrange_set,
ArrangeFocusPolicy focus_policy,
XTime timestamp_for_focus,
int anim_ms);
// Update |active_browser_index_|, along with the new active browser window's
// anchor position. ArrangeBrowserWindows() must be called afterwards.
void SetActiveBrowserWindowIndex(int browser_index);
// Cycle forward or backward through browser windows.
// Calls ArrangeBrowserWindows() itself.
void CycleActiveBrowserWindow(bool forward);
// Activate the browser window at index |browser_index|. -1 activates the
// last browser window, -2 the second-to-last, and so on. Effectively, just
// here so it can be used as a callback that calls both
// SetActiveBrowserWindow() and ArrangeBrowserWindows().
void ActivateBrowserWindowByIndex(int browser_index);
// Call SetLayoutMode() to toggle back and forth between the maximized and
// overlapping modes.
void ToggleMaximized();
// Change the layout mode.
void SetLayoutMode(chromeos::WmIpcLayoutMode mode, bool arrange_browsers);
// Change the active browser window's stored width to use while unmaximized.
// If |maximized_| is currently false, the window is also resized.
void ChangeActiveBrowserUnmaximizedWidth(int new_width);
// Resize the active browser window one "step".
void ResizeActiveBrowserWindowIncrementally(bool to_right);
// Configure |resize_handle_xid_| appropriately given the current position of
// the active browser window.
void ConfigureResizeHandle();
// Configure |left_edge_input_xid_| and |right_edge_input_xid_| to cover the
// onscreen portions of the browser windows at |left_offscreen_index| and
// |right_offscreen_index|, or to be offscreen if those indices are -1.
void ConfigureEdgeInputWindows(int left_offscreen_index,
int right_offscreen_index);
void HandleResizeDragStart(const Point& pos);
void HandleResizeDragMotion(const Point& pos);
void HandleResizeDragEnd(const Point& pos);
// Handle |win| no longer preventing us from arranging all of the browser
// windows (either because we've gotten a new pixmap for it after it's been
// resized, or because it's been unmapped). Safe to call even if |win| isn't
// in |windows_blocking_arrange_|.
void HandleWindowNoLongerBlockingArrange(Window* win);
// Call |browser|'s TakeFocus() method, switching to it if it isn't already
// focused. This is useful if one of the browser's transient windows has
// become modal and we want to make sure that it gets the focus.
void FocusBrowserWindow(BrowserWindow* browser);
// Make |browser| be fullscreen. If a different browser window is already
// fullscreen, it will be restored. NULL can be supplied to exit fullscreen
// mode.
void SetFullscreenBrowserWindow(BrowserWindow* browser);
// Handle EWMH ClientMessage requests sent by clients (_NET_WM_STATE,
void HandleFullscreenRequest(Window* win, bool fullscreen);
void HandleModalityRequest(Window* win, bool modal);
void HandleActiveWindowRequest(Window* win, XTime timestamp);
// Close the currently-focused "browser" window if it doesn't appear to be a
// Chrome window. (This provides a way to close cros-term windows.)
void CloseFocusedNonChromeWindow();
WindowManager* wm_; // not owned
// Typically the PanelManager, although it can be set by tests.
// NULL until SetPanelAreaNotifier() is called.
PanelManagerAreaChangeNotifier* panel_area_notifier_; // not owned
// Area where we lay out browser windows which we intend to be visible.
// Note that other browser windows may extend outside of this area.
Rect workarea_;
scoped_ptr<EventConsumerRegistrar> event_consumer_registrar_;
scoped_ptr<KeyBindingsActionRegistrar> key_bindings_actions_;
// Key bindings that are always enabled (while a modal dialog isn't open).
scoped_ptr<KeyBindingsGroup> key_bindings_group_;
// Key bindings that are only enabled when a non-Chrome window is focused.
scoped_ptr<KeyBindingsGroup> non_chrome_key_bindings_group_;
std::vector<std::tr1::shared_ptr<BrowserWindow> > browser_windows_;
// Index in |browsers_| of the active browser window.
int active_browser_index_;
// The current layout mode (e.g. maximized, overlapping, etc.).
chromeos::WmIpcLayoutMode layout_mode_;
// The currently-fullscreen browser window, or NULL if none is fullscreen.
BrowserWindow* fullscreen_browser_;
// Map from transient window IDs to the browsers owning them.
std::map<XWindow, BrowserWindow*> transient_xids_to_browsers_;
// Windows that we're currently waiting on (either for them to get a new
// pixmap or to get unmapped) before we can arrange the browser windows.
std::set<Window*> windows_blocking_arrange_;
// Duration for arrange animations when ArrangeBrowserWindows() is next called
// in response to |windows_blocking_arrange_| becoming empty, in milliseconds.
int anim_ms_for_pending_arrange_;
// Input window that can be dragged to resize the active browser window.
XWindow resize_handle_xid_;
// Actor used to emphasize the resize handle while the pointer is over it.
scoped_ptr<Compositor::ColoredBoxActor> resize_handle_actor_;
bool resize_handle_actor_is_visible_;
// Left and right resize cursors used by |resize_handle_xid_|.
XID left_cursor_;
XID right_cursor_;
// Input windows that listen for clicks at the left or right edges of the
// screen so we can switch to the browser windows there. We stack these on
// top of the browsers so that the browsers won't display hover effects in
// response to mouse motion events.
XWindow left_edge_input_xid_;
XWindow right_edge_input_xid_;
// Is the user currently dragging |resize_handle_xid_| to resize the active
// browser window?
bool in_resize_drag_;
// Pointer position and active browser window width when the resize started.
Point resize_drag_start_pos_;
int resize_width_at_start_;
// Box displayed to show the current window dimensions while resizing.
scoped_ptr<ResizeBox> resize_box_;
// Is |resize_box_| currently snapped to cover the whole workarea?
bool resize_box_is_snapped_;
// Last bounds used for configuring |resize_box_|.
Rect last_resize_box_bounds_;
// When the user drags the resize box to cover the whole screen and then drags
// it back, time at which we unsnapped the box from the maximized state.
base::TimeTicks resize_box_unsnap_time_;
// Have we seen a browser window get mapped yet?
bool first_browser_window_mapped_;
} // namespace window_manager