blob: 5bf28d92fb52ae06adefe9b3fd371d4768342d34 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "window_manager/compositor/compositor.h"
#include "window_manager/focus_manager.h"
#include "window_manager/stacking_manager.h"
#include "window_manager/x11/x_types.h"
namespace window_manager {
class EventConsumerRegistrar;
class LayoutManager2;
class Rect;
class TransientWindowCollection;
class Window;
class WindowManager;
// Wraps a Window object that represents one of Chrome's browser windows.
// (Note that this may not necessarily be a browser; terminal windows are also
// tracked using this class -- more precisely, this is a big window that gets
// managed by LayoutManager2.)
class BrowserWindow {
// Specifies whether this window is anchored to the left or right edge of the
// screen when unmaximized.
enum AnchorPosition {
BrowserWindow(Window* win,
LayoutManager2* layout_manager,
int unmaximized_width);
// Should the passed-in window be handled by this class?
static bool ShouldHandleWindow(const Window& win);
WindowManager* wm() const;
Window* win() const { return win_; }
int unmaximized_width() const { return unmaximized_width_; }
void set_unmaximized_width(int width) { unmaximized_width_ = width; }
bool anchored_to_left() const {
return unmaximized_anchoring_ == ANCHOR_LEFT;
void set_unmaximized_anchoring(AnchorPosition anchoring) {
unmaximized_anchoring_ = anchoring;
double brightness() const { return brightness_; }
// Move and resize the window to |bounds| over |anim_ms| milliseconds.
void SetBounds(const Rect& bounds, int anim_ms);
// Stack the window at the top of |layer|.
void StackAtTopOfLayer(StackingManager::Layer layer,
StackingManager::ShadowPolicy shadow_policy,
StackingManager::Layer shadow_layer);
// Stack the window directly beneath |other_browser|.
void StackBelowOtherBrowserWindow(BrowserWindow* other_browser,
StackingManager::ShadowPolicy shadow_policy,
StackingManager::Layer shadow_layer);
// Assign the input focus to |win_| or one of its transient windows.
void TakeFocus(XTime timestamp);
// Handle transient windows belonging (per Window::transient_for_xid()) to
// this browser window being mapped, unmapped, or reconfigured.
void HandleTransientWindowMap(Window* transient_win);
void HandleTransientWindowUnmap(Window* transient_win);
void HandleTransientWindowConfigureRequest(Window* transient_win,
const Rect& requested_bounds);
// Does |win_| or one of the entries in |transients_| have the input focus?
bool IsWindowOrTransientFocused() const;
// Specify that a previously-registered transient window should get the input
// focus the next time that TakeFocus() is called. NULL can be passed to make
// the browser window itself get the focus (assuming that no modal transients
// are mapped).
void SetPreferredTransientWindowToFocus(Window* transient_win);
// Handle one of this browser's transient windows' modality changing.
void HandleTransientWindowModalityChange(Window* transient_win);
// Show or hide all of this browser's transient windows.
void SetTransientWindowVisibility(bool shown);
// Display an animation where the window tries to slide offscreen (to the left
// if |move_to_left| is true or to the right otherwise) but then bounces back.
// Used when the user tries to cycle windows while only one window is present.
void DoNudgeAnimation(bool move_to_left);
// Set a window's brightness. |brightness|'s range is [0.0, 1.0]. At 1, the
// window is displayed unmodified; at 0, it's completely black.
void SetBrightness(double brightness, int anim_ms);
// Get the window's brightness at this moment (|brightness_| instead contains
// the brightness to which we're animating).
double GetInstantaneousBrightness() const;
// Show or hide this window's status area.
void SetStatusAreaDisplayed(bool displayed);
// Add or remove atoms from the window's _NET_WM_STATE property that are used
// to let Chrome know about the window's current state. Calling this is a
// no-op if the property already contains the desired state.
void SetFullscreenProperty(bool fullscreen);
void SetMaximizedProperty(bool maximized);
Window* win_; // not owned
scoped_ptr<EventConsumerRegistrar> event_consumer_registrar_;
// Width of the browser window when unmaximized, in pixels.
int unmaximized_width_;
// Which side of the screen are we anchored to when unmaximized?
AnchorPosition unmaximized_anchoring_;
// Is this window currently displaying its status area?
bool status_area_displayed_;
// Most-recently-set brightness for the window.
double brightness_;
// Transient windows belonging to this window.
scoped_ptr<TransientWindowCollection> transients_;
// Actor displayed above the window to control its brightness.
scoped_ptr<Compositor::ColoredBoxActor> dimming_box_;
} // namespace window_manager