blob: cbaf3d21ba4709a65c69f3080e68632071c329d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST() macro
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "window_manager/compositor/compositor.h"
#include "window_manager/event_consumer.h"
#include "window_manager/x11/x_types.h"
namespace window_manager {
class EventConsumerRegistrar;
class WindowManager;
class Window;
// ScreenLockerHandler is an event consumer that hides all other actors
// when a screen locker window gets mapped and unhides them when the locker
// window is unmapped. It also handles messages sent by the power manager when
// the power button is pressed or unpressed or the system is shutting down, and
// messages sent by Chrome when the user is signing out.
class ScreenLockerHandler : public EventConsumer {
explicit ScreenLockerHandler(WindowManager* wm);
bool session_ending() const { return session_ending_; }
// Begin EventConsumer implementation.
virtual bool IsInputWindow(XWindow xid) { return false; }
virtual void HandleScreenResize();
virtual void HandleLoggedInStateChange() {}
virtual bool HandleWindowMapRequest(Window* win);
virtual void HandleWindowMap(Window* win);
virtual void HandleWindowUnmap(Window* win);
virtual void HandleWindowPixmapFetch(Window* win);
virtual void HandleWindowConfigureRequest(Window* win,
const Rect& requested_bounds) {}
virtual void HandleButtonPress(XWindow xid,
const Point& relative_pos,
const Point& absolute_pos,
int button,
XTime timestamp) {}
virtual void HandleButtonRelease(XWindow xid,
const Point& relative_pos,
const Point& absolute_pos,
int button,
XTime timestamp) {}
virtual void HandlePointerEnter(XWindow xid,
const Point& relative_pos,
const Point& absolute_pos,
XTime timestamp) {}
virtual void HandlePointerLeave(XWindow xid,
const Point& relative_pos,
const Point& absolute_pos,
XTime timestamp) {}
virtual void HandlePointerMotion(XWindow xid,
const Point& relative_pos,
const Point& absolute_pos,
XTime timestamp) {}
virtual void HandleChromeMessage(const WmIpc::Message& msg);
virtual void HandleClientMessage(XWindow xid,
XAtom message_type,
const long data[5]) {}
virtual void HandleWindowPropertyChange(XWindow xid, XAtom xatom) {}
virtual void OwnDestroyedWindow(DestroyedWindow* destroyed_win, XWindow xid) {
// End EventConsumer implementation.
friend class ScreenLockerHandlerTest;
FRIEND_TEST(ScreenLockerHandlerTest, BasicLock);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreenLockerHandlerTest, AbortedLock);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreenLockerHandlerTest, SuccessfulLock);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreenLockerHandlerTest, AbortedShutdown);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreenLockerHandlerTest, HandleShutdown);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreenLockerHandlerTest, InputsAlreadyGrabbed);
FRIEND_TEST(ScreenLockerHandlerTest, DeferLockUntilWindowIsVisible);
// Final size that we scale the snapshot of the screen down to in the
// pre-lock and pre-shutdown states.
static const float kSlowCloseSizeRatio;
// Is there a window in |screen_locker_xids_| whose initial pixmap has
// been loaded?
bool HasWindowWithInitialPixmap() const;
// Handle the power button having just been pressed while we're in an
// unlocked state. We take a snapshot of the screen, display only it,
// and make it slowly zoom away from the user.
void HandlePreLock();
// Handle the power button having been released while in the pre-lock
// state. We animate the snapshot scaling back to its normal size and
// set a timer to destroy it and switch back to displaying all actors.
void HandleAbortedLock();
// Handle the screen getting locked (that is, the first screen locker
// window just got mapped). We make the snapshot from the pre-lock state
// zoom quickly down to the center of the screen and display only the
// screen locker window.
void HandleLocked();
// Handle the screen getting unlocked (that is, the last screen locker
// window was unmapped). We display all actors.
void HandleUnlocked();
// Handle the power button having just been pressed while we're in the
// locked state, or while not logged in. We take a snapshot of the
// screen, display only it, and make it slowly zoom away from the user.
void HandlePreShutdown();
// Handle the power button having been released while in the pre-shutdown
// state. We animate the snapshot scaling back to its normal size and
// set a timer to destroy it and switch back to displaying the screen
// locker window (if locked) or all actors (if unlocked).
void HandleAbortedShutdown();
// Handle notification that the current session is ending (either due to
// shutdown if |shutting_down| is true or due to signout otherwise). We set
// the pointer to use a transparent cursor, grab the keyboard and pointer, and
// display an animation.
void HandleSessionEnding(bool shutting_down);
// Try to grab the pointer and keyboard if they aren't grabbed already.
// Once they're both grabbed, unregisters |grab_inputs_timeout_id_|.
void TryToGrabInputs();
// If |snapshot_actor_| is unset, grab and display a snapshot of the current
// contents of the screen.
void SetUpSnapshot();
// Animate a snapshot of the screen slowly scaling down to
// kSlowCloseSizeRatio.
void StartSlowCloseAnimation();
// Start an animation undoing the scaling from StartSlowCloseAnimation()
// and register a timeout to call
// DestroySnapshotAndUpdateVisibilityGroup() when it's done.
void StartUndoSlowCloseAnimation();
// Animate a snapshot of the screen quickly getting scaled down to the center
// of the screen. If |destroy_snapshot_when_done| is true, also register a
// timeout to call DestroySnapshotAndUpdateVisibilityGroup() when it's done.
// If there's an existing snapshot (from an in-progress slow-close animation),
// we use it.
void StartFastCloseAnimation(bool destroy_snapshot_when_done);
// Animate a snapshot of the screen quickly fading out to black.
void StartFadeoutAnimation();
// Destroy |snapshot_actor_| and |snapshot_pixmap_|.
void DestroySnapshot();
// Call DestroySnapshot() and also reset the active visibility groups to
// show all actors (if the screen is unlocked) or just the screen locker
// window (if the screen is locked).
void DestroySnapshotAndUpdateVisibilityGroup();
// Reset |destroy_snapshot_timeout_id_| to -1 and call
// DestroySnapshotAndUpdateVisibilityGroup().
void HandleDestroySnapshotTimeout();
WindowManager* wm_; // not owned
// Mapped screen locker windows.
std::set<XWindow> screen_locker_xids_;
// Non-screen locker windows that we should nevertheless show while the
// screen is locked.
std::set<XWindow> other_xids_to_show_while_locked_;
scoped_ptr<EventConsumerRegistrar> registrar_;
// Snapshot of the screen that we use for animations.
XPixmap snapshot_pixmap_;
scoped_ptr<Compositor::TexturePixmapActor> snapshot_actor_;
// Timeout for calling DestroySnapshotAndUpdateVisibilityGroup(), or -1
// if unset.
int destroy_snapshot_timeout_id_;
// Is the screen currently locked? We only consider the screen to be
// locked if a screen locker window has been mapped and we've loaded a
// pixmap for it.
bool is_locked_;
// Is the current X session ending? Set to true in response to a
// WM_IPC_MESSAGE_WM_NOTIFY_SHUTTING_DOWN message and never unset.
bool session_ending_;
// Recurring timeout that we use to try to grab the pointer and the keyboard
// when the session is ending.
int grab_inputs_timeout_id_;
// Are the pointer and keyboard grabbed?
bool pointer_grabbed_;
bool keyboard_grabbed_;
// Transparent cursor that we use to hide the pointer while the session is
// ending.
XID transparent_cursor_;
} // namespace window_manager