blob: 47355010388dcd39226fe2395ec5855ee2364123 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "window_manager/compositor/compositor.h"
#include "window_manager/event_loop.h"
#include "window_manager/focus_manager.h"
#include "window_manager/test_lib.h"
#include "window_manager/window.h"
#include "window_manager/window_manager.h"
#include "window_manager/x11/mock_x_connection.h"
DEFINE_bool(logtostderr, false,
"Print debugging messages to stderr (suppressed otherwise)");
namespace window_manager {
class FocusManagerTest : public BasicWindowManagerTest {
virtual void SetUp() {
focus_manager_ = wm_->focus_manager();
FocusManager* focus_manager_; // instance belonging to |wm_|
// Helper class used by the FocusChangeListener test.
struct TestFocusChangeListener : public FocusChangeListener {
TestFocusChangeListener() : num_changes(0) {}
virtual ~TestFocusChangeListener() {}
// Begin FocusChangeListener implementation.
virtual void HandleFocusChange() { num_changes++; }
// End FocusChangeListener implementation.
// Number of times that HandleFocusChange() has been called.
int num_changes;
// Test that the class focuses windows when we ask it to and updates the
// _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW property.
TEST_F(FocusManagerTest, Basic) {
EXPECT_TRUE(focus_manager_->focused_win() == NULL);
XTime timestamp = 123; // arbitrary
XWindow xid = CreateSimpleWindow();
XConnection::WindowGeometry geometry;
ASSERT_TRUE(xconn_->GetWindowGeometry(xid, &geometry));
Window win(wm_.get(), xid, false, geometry);
focus_manager_->FocusWindow(&win, timestamp++);
EXPECT_EQ(xid, xconn_->focused_xid());
EXPECT_EQ(&win, focus_manager_->focused_win());
EXPECT_EQ(xid, GetActiveWindowProperty());
focus_manager_->FocusWindow(NULL, timestamp++);
EXPECT_EQ(xconn_->GetRootWindow(), xconn_->focused_xid());
EXPECT_TRUE(focus_manager_->focused_win() == NULL);
EXPECT_EQ(0, GetActiveWindowProperty());
// Test that click-to-focus is implemented properly.
TEST_F(FocusManagerTest, ClickToFocus) {
XTime timestamp = 123; // arbitrary
XWindow xid = CreateSimpleWindow();
MockXConnection::WindowInfo* info = xconn_->GetWindowInfoOrDie(xid);
XConnection::WindowGeometry geometry;
ASSERT_TRUE(xconn_->GetWindowGeometry(xid, &geometry));
Window win(wm_.get(), xid, false, geometry);
// After we tell the focus manager that we want to use click-to-focus, it
// should install button grabs on the window.
&win, FocusManager::PASS_CLICKS_THROUGH);
EXPECT_FALSE(info->button_is_grabbed(0)); // AnyButton
EXPECT_FALSE(info->button_is_grabbed(4)); // scroll up
EXPECT_FALSE(info->button_is_grabbed(5)); // scroll down
// Grab the pointer as if a button had been pressed and then make sure
// that the focus manager automatically terminates the grab.
focus_manager_->HandleButtonPressInWindow(&win, timestamp++);
EXPECT_EQ(0, xconn_->pointer_grab_xid());
// Create a second window and focus it.
XWindow xid2 = CreateSimpleWindow();
MockXConnection::WindowInfo* info2 = xconn_->GetWindowInfoOrDie(xid2);
ASSERT_TRUE(xconn_->GetWindowGeometry(xid2, &geometry));
Window win2(wm_.get(), xid2, false, geometry);
focus_manager_->FocusWindow(&win2, timestamp++);
ASSERT_EQ(xid2, xconn_->focused_xid());
// The focus manager shouldn't install a button grab when enabling
// click-to-focus for the second window, since it currently has the
// focus.
&win2, FocusManager::PASS_CLICKS_THROUGH);
// If we focus the first window, its button grab should be removed and
// one should be added on the second window.
focus_manager_->FocusWindow(&win, timestamp++);
// When the second window is unmapped, the button grab should be removed.
// Test that we notify FocusChangeListeners when the focus changes.
TEST_F(FocusManagerTest, FocusChangeListener) {
XTime timestamp = 123; // arbitrary
XWindow xid = CreateSimpleWindow();
XConnection::WindowGeometry geometry;
ASSERT_TRUE(xconn_->GetWindowGeometry(xid, &geometry));
Window win(wm_.get(), xid, false, geometry);
TestFocusChangeListener listener;
EXPECT_EQ(0, listener.num_changes);
focus_manager_->FocusWindow(&win, timestamp++);
EXPECT_EQ(1, listener.num_changes);
// We shouldn't get called if the focus didn't actually change.
focus_manager_->FocusWindow(&win, timestamp++);
EXPECT_EQ(1, listener.num_changes);
focus_manager_->FocusWindow(NULL, timestamp++);
EXPECT_EQ(2, listener.num_changes);
// Test that we don't let the timestamps that we use when focusing
// windows move backwards.
TEST_F(FocusManagerTest, AdjustTimestamp) {
XTime timestamp = 123; // arbitrary
// We need two windows, since FocusManager will ignore attempts to
// focus the already-focused window.
XWindow xid = CreateSimpleWindow();
XConnection::WindowGeometry geometry;
ASSERT_TRUE(xconn_->GetWindowGeometry(xid, &geometry));
Window win(wm_.get(), xid, false, geometry);
XWindow xid2 = CreateSimpleWindow();
ASSERT_TRUE(xconn_->GetWindowGeometry(xid2, &geometry));
Window win2(wm_.get(), xid2, false, geometry);
focus_manager_->FocusWindow(&win, timestamp);
EXPECT_EQ(xid, xconn_->focused_xid());
EXPECT_EQ(timestamp, xconn_->last_focus_timestamp());
timestamp += 5;
focus_manager_->FocusWindow(&win2, timestamp);
EXPECT_EQ(xid2, xconn_->focused_xid());
EXPECT_EQ(timestamp, xconn_->last_focus_timestamp());
focus_manager_->FocusWindow(&win, timestamp - 5);
EXPECT_EQ(xid, xconn_->focused_xid());
EXPECT_EQ(timestamp, xconn_->last_focus_timestamp());
// Test that the focus manager handles modal windows correctly.
// Specifically, when it sees a button press and the currently-focused
// window is modal, the button press should be dropped instead of getting
// replayed.
TEST_F(FocusManagerTest, Modality) {
// Create a modal window and focus it.
XTime timestamp = 123; // arbitrary
XWindow xid = CreateSimpleWindow();
XConnection::WindowGeometry geometry;
ASSERT_TRUE(xconn_->GetWindowGeometry(xid, &geometry));
Window win(wm_.get(), xid, false, geometry);
&win, FocusManager::PASS_CLICKS_THROUGH);
win.wm_state_modal_ = true;
focus_manager_->FocusWindow(&win, timestamp++);
ASSERT_EQ(xid, xconn_->focused_xid());
// Create a second window.
XWindow xid2 = CreateSimpleWindow();
ASSERT_TRUE(xconn_->GetWindowGeometry(xid2, &geometry));
Window win2(wm_.get(), xid2, false, geometry);
&win2, FocusManager::PASS_CLICKS_THROUGH);
// When the focus manager sees a button press in the second window, it
// should avoid replaying the event.
int initial_num_replays = xconn_->num_pointer_ungrabs_with_replayed_events();
focus_manager_->HandleButtonPressInWindow(&win, timestamp++);
EXPECT_EQ(0, xconn_->pointer_grab_xid());
// Now make the first window non-modal and check that clicks are replayed.
win.wm_state_modal_ = false;
initial_num_replays = xconn_->num_pointer_ungrabs_with_replayed_events();
focus_manager_->HandleButtonPressInWindow(&win, timestamp++);
EXPECT_EQ(0, xconn_->pointer_grab_xid());
EXPECT_EQ(initial_num_replays + 1,
} // namespace window_manager
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
return window_manager::InitAndRunTests(&argc, argv, &FLAGS_logtostderr);