blob: ad43a1729182b553785629f8c43162798b8a2cf4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST() macro
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "window_manager/compositor/compositor.h"
#include "window_manager/geometry.h"
namespace window_manager {
// An ImageGrid is a 3x3 array of Compositor::ImageActor objects.
// As the grid is resized, its actors fill the requested space:
// - corner actors are not scaled
// - top and bottom actors are scaled horizontally
// - left and right actors are scaled vertically
// - center actor is scaled in both directions
// If one of the non-center actors is smaller than the largest actor in its
// row or column, it will be aligned with the outside of the grid. For
// example, given 4x4 top-left and top-right actors and a 1x2 top actor:
// +--------+---------------------+--------+
// | | top | |
// | top- +---------------------+ top- +
// | left | | right |
// +----+---+ +---+----+
// | | | |
// ...
// This may seem odd at first, but it lets ImageGrid be used to draw shadows
// with curved corners that extend inwards beyond a window's borders. In the
// below example, the top-left corner image is overlayed on top of the window's
// top-left corner:
// +---------+-----------------------
// | .xXX | ^ window's top edge
// | .xXX |
// +---------+
// | xXX|
// | xXX|< window's left edge
// | xXX|
// ...
class ImageGrid {
// Adding the grid to the compositor's stage is the caller's responsibility.
ImageGrid(Compositor* compositor);
int top_height() const { return top_height_; }
int bottom_height() const { return bottom_height_; }
int left_width() const { return left_width_; }
int right_width() const { return right_width_; }
// Get the sizes of various actors, or 0 if they're unset.
// Used by the Shadow class.
int top_actor_height() const {
return top_actor_.get() ? top_actor_->GetHeight() : 0;
int bottom_actor_height() const {
return bottom_actor_.get() ? bottom_actor_->GetHeight() : 0;
int left_actor_width() const {
return left_actor_.get() ? left_actor_->GetWidth() : 0;
int right_actor_width() const {
return right_actor_.get() ? right_actor_->GetWidth() : 0;
// Construct a grid using images loaded from a directory on disk.
// We look for the following files within |images_dir|:
// top.png bottom.png left.png right.png
// top_left.png top_right.png bottom_left.png bottom_right.png
// center.png
// Missing images are skipped.
void InitFromFiles(const std::string& images_dir);
// Construct a grid using ImageActors cloned from an existing grid.
// This can be used to avoid loading the same files from disk repeatedly for
// common sets of images (e.g. shadows).
void InitFromExisting(const ImageGrid& src);
// Get the actor that can be used to add the grid to a stage, move it, stack
// it, change its opacity, etc.
Compositor::Actor* group() const { return group_.get(); }
const Size& size() const { return size_; }
// Resize the grid over |anim_ms| milliseconds.
void Resize(const Size& size, int anim_ms);
friend class ImageGridTest;
FRIEND_TEST(ImageGridTest, Basic);
FRIEND_TEST(ImageGridTest, SingleImage);
FRIEND_TEST(ImageGridTest, SmallerSides);
FRIEND_TEST(ImageGridTest, InitFromExisting);
// Names of the different image files that we expect to find in a directory.
static const char kTopFilename[];
static const char kBottomFilename[];
static const char kLeftFilename[];
static const char kRightFilename[];
static const char kTopLeftFilename[];
static const char kTopRightFilename[];
static const char kBottomLeftFilename[];
static const char kBottomRightFilename[];
static const char kCenterFilename[];
// Helper method for InitFromFiles(). Given an image directory and the
// base name of an image file, creates and returns a new ImageActor
// (added to |group_|) if the file exists or NULL if it doesn't.
Compositor::Actor* CreateActor(const std::string& images_dir,
const std::string& filename);
// Helper method for InitFromExisting(). If |src| is NULL, returns NULL.
// Otherwise, clones it, adds the new actor to |group_|, and returns the
// new actor.
Compositor::Actor* CloneActor(Compositor::Actor* src);
Compositor* compositor_; // not owned
// Has InitFromFiles() or InitFromExisting() been called?
bool initialized_;
// The grid's current size. Used for testing.
Size size_;
// Sizes of the tallest image in the top and bottom rows and the widest in the
// left and right columns.
int top_height_;
int bottom_height_;
int left_width_;
int right_width_;
// Group containing the image actors.
scoped_ptr<Compositor::ContainerActor> group_;
// ImageActors displayed within the grid.
scoped_ptr<Compositor::Actor> top_actor_;
scoped_ptr<Compositor::Actor> bottom_actor_;
scoped_ptr<Compositor::Actor> left_actor_;
scoped_ptr<Compositor::Actor> right_actor_;
scoped_ptr<Compositor::Actor> top_left_actor_;
scoped_ptr<Compositor::Actor> top_right_actor_;
scoped_ptr<Compositor::Actor> bottom_left_actor_;
scoped_ptr<Compositor::Actor> bottom_right_actor_;
scoped_ptr<Compositor::Actor> center_actor_;
} // namespace window_manager