blob: 85c6e011823ec538f6f9d8cc4c001c7ced5baff0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "window_manager/compositor/compositor.h"
#include "window_manager/geometry.h"
#include "window_manager/image_grid.h"
#include "window_manager/test_lib.h"
#include "window_manager/x11/mock_x_connection.h"
DEFINE_bool(logtostderr, false,
"Print debugging messages to stderr (suppressed otherwise)");
using std::string;
namespace window_manager {
class ImageGridTest : public ::testing::Test {
// Directory where our test image files are stored.
static const char kImageDir[];
// Names of test image files in |kImageDir|.
static const char k1x1Filename[];
static const char k1x2Filename[];
static const char k2x1Filename[];
static const char k2x2Filename[];
virtual void SetUp() {
xconn_.reset(new MockXConnection);
compositor_.reset(new MockCompositor(xconn_.get()));
dir_.reset(new ScopedTempDirectory);
// Copy one of our test images into |dir_|.
// |src_filename| should be one of the k1x1Filename, etc. strings from above.
// |dest_filename| should be one of the kTopFilename, etc. strings from
// ImageGrid.
void CopyImage(const string& src_filename, const string& dest_filename) {
FilePath src_path = FilePath(kImageDir).Append(src_filename);
FilePath dest_path = dir_->path().Append(dest_filename);
CHECK(file_util::CopyFile(src_path, dest_path))
<< "Failed to copy " << src_path.value() << " to " << dest_path.value();
scoped_ptr<MockXConnection> xconn_;
scoped_ptr<MockCompositor> compositor_;
scoped_ptr<ScopedTempDirectory> dir_;
const char ImageGridTest::kImageDir[] = "data/image_grid";
const char ImageGridTest::k1x1Filename[] = "1x1.png";
const char ImageGridTest::k1x2Filename[] = "1x2.png";
const char ImageGridTest::k2x1Filename[] = "2x1.png";
const char ImageGridTest::k2x2Filename[] = "2x2.png";
// Test that an ImageGrid's actors are moved and scaled correctly when Resize()
// is called.
TEST_F(ImageGridTest, Basic) {
CopyImage(k1x2Filename, ImageGrid::kTopFilename);
CopyImage(k1x2Filename, ImageGrid::kBottomFilename);
CopyImage(k2x1Filename, ImageGrid::kLeftFilename);
CopyImage(k2x1Filename, ImageGrid::kRightFilename);
CopyImage(k2x2Filename, ImageGrid::kTopLeftFilename);
CopyImage(k2x2Filename, ImageGrid::kTopRightFilename);
CopyImage(k2x2Filename, ImageGrid::kBottomLeftFilename);
CopyImage(k2x2Filename, ImageGrid::kBottomRightFilename);
CopyImage(k1x1Filename, ImageGrid::kCenterFilename);
ImageGrid grid(compositor_.get());
ASSERT_TRUE(grid.top_actor_.get() != NULL);
ASSERT_TRUE(grid.bottom_actor_.get() != NULL);
ASSERT_TRUE(grid.left_actor_.get() != NULL);
ASSERT_TRUE(grid.right_actor_.get() != NULL);
ASSERT_TRUE(grid.top_left_actor_.get() != NULL);
ASSERT_TRUE(grid.top_right_actor_.get() != NULL);
ASSERT_TRUE(grid.bottom_left_actor_.get() != NULL);
ASSERT_TRUE(grid.bottom_right_actor_.get() != NULL);
ASSERT_TRUE(grid.center_actor_.get() != NULL);
const int kWidth = 20;
const int kHeight = 30;
grid.Resize(Size(kWidth, kHeight), 0);
// The top-left actor should be flush with the top-left corner and unscaled.
EXPECT_EQ(Point(0, 0), grid.top_left_actor_.get()->GetBounds().position());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, grid.top_left_actor_.get()->GetXScale());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, grid.top_left_actor_.get()->GetYScale());
// The top actor should be flush with the top edge and stretched horizontally
// between the two top corners.
EXPECT_EQ(Point(2, 0), grid.top_actor_.get()->GetBounds().position());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(static_cast<double>(kWidth - 4),
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, grid.top_actor_.get()->GetYScale());
// The top-right actor should be flush with the top-right corner and unscaled.
EXPECT_EQ(Point(kWidth - 2, 0),
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, grid.top_right_actor_.get()->GetXScale());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, grid.top_right_actor_.get()->GetYScale());
// The left actor should be flush with the left edge and stretched vertically
// between the two left corners.
EXPECT_EQ(Point(0, 2), grid.left_actor_.get()->GetBounds().position());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, grid.left_actor_.get()->GetXScale());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(static_cast<double>(kHeight - 4),
// The center actor should fill the space in the middle of the grid.
EXPECT_EQ(Point(2, 2), grid.center_actor_.get()->GetBounds().position());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(static_cast<double>(kWidth - 4),
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(static_cast<double>(kHeight - 4),
// The right actor should be flush with the right edge and stretched
// vertically between the two right corners.
EXPECT_EQ(Point(kWidth - 2, 2),
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, grid.right_actor_.get()->GetXScale());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(static_cast<double>(kHeight - 4),
// The bottom-left actor should be flush with the bottom-left corner and
// unscaled.
EXPECT_EQ(Point(0, kHeight - 2),
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, grid.bottom_left_actor_.get()->GetXScale());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, grid.bottom_left_actor_.get()->GetYScale());
// The bottom actor should be flush with the bottom edge and stretched
// horizontally between the two bottom corners.
EXPECT_EQ(Point(2, kHeight - 2),
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(static_cast<double>(kWidth - 4),
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, grid.bottom_actor_.get()->GetYScale());
// The bottom-right actor should be flush with the bottom-right corner and
// unscaled.
EXPECT_EQ(Point(kWidth - 2, kHeight - 2),
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, grid.bottom_right_actor_.get()->GetXScale());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, grid.bottom_right_actor_.get()->GetYScale());
// Check that we don't crash if only a single image is supplied.
TEST_F(ImageGridTest, SingleImage) {
CopyImage(k1x1Filename, ImageGrid::kTopFilename);
ImageGrid grid(compositor_.get());
ASSERT_TRUE(grid.top_actor_.get() != NULL);
EXPECT_TRUE(grid.bottom_actor_.get() == NULL);
EXPECT_TRUE(grid.left_actor_.get() == NULL);
EXPECT_TRUE(grid.right_actor_.get() == NULL);
EXPECT_TRUE(grid.top_left_actor_.get() == NULL);
EXPECT_TRUE(grid.top_right_actor_.get() == NULL);
EXPECT_TRUE(grid.bottom_left_actor_.get() == NULL);
EXPECT_TRUE(grid.bottom_right_actor_.get() == NULL);
EXPECT_TRUE(grid.center_actor_.get() == NULL);
// The top actor should be scaled horizontally across the entire width, but it
// shouldn't be scaled vertically.
Size kSize(10, 10);
grid.Resize(kSize, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(Point(0, 0), grid.top_actor_.get()->GetBounds().position());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, grid.top_actor_.get()->GetYScale());
// Test that side (top, left, right, bottom) actors that are narrower than their
// adjacent corner actors stay pinned to the outside edges instead of getting
// moved inwards or scaled. This exercises the scenario used for shadows.
TEST_F(ImageGridTest, SmallerSides) {
CopyImage(k1x1Filename, ImageGrid::kTopFilename);
CopyImage(k1x1Filename, ImageGrid::kLeftFilename);
CopyImage(k1x1Filename, ImageGrid::kRightFilename);
CopyImage(k2x2Filename, ImageGrid::kTopLeftFilename);
CopyImage(k2x2Filename, ImageGrid::kTopRightFilename);
ImageGrid grid(compositor_.get());
const int kWidth = 20;
const int kHeight = 30;
grid.Resize(Size(kWidth, kHeight), 0);
// The top actor should be flush with the top edge and stretched horizontally
// between the two top corners.
EXPECT_EQ(Point(2, 0), grid.top_actor_.get()->GetBounds().position());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(static_cast<double>(kWidth - 4),
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, grid.top_actor_.get()->GetYScale());
// The left actor should be flush with the left edge and stretched vertically
// between the top left corner and the bottom.
EXPECT_EQ(Point(0, 2), grid.left_actor_.get()->GetBounds().position());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, grid.left_actor_.get()->GetXScale());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(static_cast<double>(kHeight - 2),
// The right actor should be flush with the right edge and stretched
// vertically between the top right corner and the bottom.
EXPECT_EQ(Point(kWidth - grid.right_actor_.get()->GetWidth(), 2),
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(1.0, grid.right_actor_.get()->GetXScale());
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(static_cast<double>(kHeight - 2),
// Test that the InitFromExisting() method works.
TEST_F(ImageGridTest, InitFromExisting) {
const int kCornerSize = 2;
CopyImage(k1x2Filename, ImageGrid::kTopFilename);
CopyImage(k1x2Filename, ImageGrid::kBottomFilename);
CopyImage(k2x1Filename, ImageGrid::kLeftFilename);
CopyImage(k2x1Filename, ImageGrid::kRightFilename);
CopyImage(k2x2Filename, ImageGrid::kTopLeftFilename);
CopyImage(k2x2Filename, ImageGrid::kTopRightFilename);
CopyImage(k2x2Filename, ImageGrid::kBottomLeftFilename);
CopyImage(k2x2Filename, ImageGrid::kBottomRightFilename);
CopyImage(k1x1Filename, ImageGrid::kCenterFilename);
// Create a grid using images loaded from disk.
ImageGrid grid1(compositor_.get());
// Create a second grid that clones the images from the first one.
ImageGrid grid2(compositor_.get());
// Now resize both grids to different sizes and check that their bottom-right
// actors are at different positions (i.e. they're actually distinct actors
// and we didn't just reuse the same actor from the first grid or something
// dumb like that).
Size size1(10, 20);
grid1.Resize(size1, 0);
Size size2(30, 40);
grid2.Resize(size2, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(Point(size1.width - kCornerSize, size1.height - kCornerSize),
EXPECT_EQ(Point(size2.width - kCornerSize, size2.height - kCornerSize),
} // namespace window_manager
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
return window_manager::InitAndRunTests(&argc, argv, &FLAGS_logtostderr);