blob: 8eb78445fd20bcb39ac43b521d7a03cd510aeb52 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <tr1/memory>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "window_manager/geometry.h"
#include "window_manager/stacking_manager.h"
#include "window_manager/util.h"
#include "window_manager/window.h"
#include "window_manager/x11/x_types.h"
namespace window_manager {
class EventConsumer;
class WindowManager;
// TransientWindowCollection stores information like stacking, position,
// and focus about a set of transient windows belonging to a specific
// "owner" window.
class TransientWindowCollection {
enum StackingPolicy {
// Stack transient windows directly above the owner window.
// Stack transient windows in
enum CenterPolicy {
// Center transient windows over |owner_win_|.
// Center transient windows in the middle of the screen.
enum KeepOnscreenPolicy {
// Always keep transient windows entirely onscreen (if possible).
// This isn't meaningful in conjunction with CENTER_ONSCREEN, since we'll
// already be attempting to center the windows onscreen.
// Keep transient windows onscreen if their owner is onscreen, but let them
// go offscreen if their owner is offscreen.
// |owner_win| is the window owning the transients in this collection.
// |event_consumer| is used to register interest in events concerning the
// windows.
TransientWindowCollection(Window* owner_win,
StackingPolicy stacking_policy,
CenterPolicy center_policy,
KeepOnscreenPolicy keep_onscreen_policy,
EventConsumer* event_consumer);
bool shown() const { return shown_; }
void set_stacking_policy(StackingPolicy policy) { stacking_policy_ = policy; }
// Do we contain the passed-in window?
bool ContainsWindow(const Window& win) const;
// Does one of our transient windows currently have the input focus?
bool HasFocusedWindow() const;
// Focus a transient window if possible. Returns true if successful and
// false if no window was available to be focused.
bool TakeFocus(XTime timestamp);
// Set the window to be focused the next time that TakeFocus() is called.
// Note that this request may be ignored if a modal transient window
// already has the focus.
void SetPreferredWindowToFocus(Window* transient_win);
// Change the stacking policy.
// Automatically calls ApplyStackingForAllWindows().
void ChangeStackingPolicy(StackingPolicy policy);
// Add a transient window. This should be called in response to the
// window being mapped. The transient will typically be stacked above
// any other existing transients (unless an existing transient is modal),
// but if this is the only transient, it will be stacked according to
// |stacking_policy_|.
void AddWindow(Window* transient_win);
// Remove a transient window.
// This should be called in response to the window being unmapped.
void RemoveWindow(Window* transient_win);
// Handle a change in |transient_win|'s modality.
// If it's modal, then we set it as the preferred window to focus; if it's
// non-modal, then we check if there's another still-modal window that we
// should be focusing instead.
void HandleWindowModalityChange(Window* transient_win);
// Update all transient windows' positions and scales based on the owner
// window's position and scale.
void ConfigureAllWindowsRelativeToOwner(int anim_ms);
// Stack all transient windows' composited and client windows in the
// order dictated by |stacked_transients_|.
void ApplyStackingForAllWindows();
// Handle a ConfigureRequest event about one of our transient windows.
void HandleConfigureRequest(Window* transient_win,
const Rect& requested_bounds);
// Close all transient windows (which should eventually result in the
// owner receiving a bunch of UnmapNotify events and calling
// RemoveWindow() for each transient).
void CloseAllWindows();
// Show or hide all transient windows in this collection.
void Show();
void Hide();
// Information about a transient window.
struct TransientWindow {
explicit TransientWindow(Window* win)
: win(win),
centered(false) {
~TransientWindow() {
win = NULL;
// Save the transient window's offset from |rect| (typically its owner's
// bounds).
void SaveOffsetsRelativeToRect(const Rect& rect,
const Point& transient_pos) {
x_offset = transient_pos.x - rect.x;
y_offset = transient_pos.y - rect.y;
// Update offsets so the transient will be centered over |center_rect|. If
// |bounding_rect| is non-empty, the transient window's position will be
// constrained within it if possible if |center_rect| falls entirely within
// the rect or |force_constrain| is true.
void UpdateOffsetsToCenterOverRect(const Rect& center_rect,
const Rect& bounding_rect,
bool force_constrain);
// The transient window itself. Not owned by us.
Window* win;
// Transient window's position's offset from its owner's origin.
int x_offset;
int y_offset;
// Is the transient window centered over its owner? We set this when
// we first center a transient window but remove it if the client
// ever moves the transient itself.
bool centered;
typedef std::map<XWindow, std::tr1::shared_ptr<TransientWindow> >
WindowManager* wm() const { return owner_win_->wm(); }
// Get the TransientWindow struct representing the passed-in window.
TransientWindow* GetTransientWindow(const Window& win);
// Update the passed-in transient window's client and composited windows
// appropriately for the owner window's current configuration. If the
// collection is currently hidden, we do not move the client window
// (since it should remain offscreen).
void ConfigureTransientWindow(TransientWindow* transient, int anim_ms);
// Stack a transient window's composited and client windows. If |sibling_win|
// is non-NULL, we stack |transient| above or below it depending on
// |sibling_policy|; otherwise, we stack |transient| at the top of
void ApplyStackingForTransientWindow(
TransientWindow* transient,
Window* sibling_win,
StackingManager::SiblingPolicy sibling_policy);
// Choose a new transient window to focus. We choose the topmost modal
// window if there is one; otherwise we just return the topmost
// transient, or NULL if there aren't any transients.
TransientWindow* FindTransientWindowToFocus() const;
// Move a transient window to the top of the collection's stacking order,
// if it's not already there. Updates the transient's position in
// |stacked_transients_| and also restacks its composited and client
// windows.
void RestackTransientWindowOnTop(TransientWindow* transient);
// Window owning this collection. Not owned by us.
Window* owner_win_;
// Event consumer that we register as being interested in events about
// our transient windows. The consumer should pass ConfigureRequest
// notify events about the windows to us using HandleConfigureRequest().
EventConsumer* event_consumer_;
// Transient windows, keyed by XID.
TransientWindowMap transients_;
// Transient windows in top-to-bottom stacking order.
scoped_ptr<Stacker<TransientWindow*> > stacked_transients_;
// Transient window that should be focused when TakeFocus() is called,
// or NULL if we should avoid focusing any transients (indicating that
// the owner should be focused instead).
TransientWindow* transient_to_focus_;
// Are we currently showing all of the windows in this collection?
bool shown_;
StackingPolicy stacking_policy_;
CenterPolicy center_policy_;
KeepOnscreenPolicy keep_onscreen_policy_;
} // end namespace window_manager