blob: 9891212fc206ae97220101eeeac3f3243e291e1d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <tr1/memory>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
extern "C" {
// TODO: Move the event-handling methods (all private) into a separate
// header so that these includes can be removed.
#include <X11/extensions/shape.h>
#include <X11/extensions/sync.h>
#include <X11/extensions/Xdamage.h>
#include <X11/extensions/Xrandr.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h> // for FRIEND_TEST() macro
#include "base/hash_tables.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/time.h"
#include "cros/chromeos_wm_ipc_enums.h"
#include "window_manager/atom_cache.h" // for Atom enum
#include "window_manager/compositor/compositor.h"
#include "window_manager/panels/panel_manager.h"
#include "window_manager/wm_ipc.h"
#include "window_manager/x11/x_connection.h"
#include "window_manager/x11/x_types.h"
class MetricsLibrary; // from metrics/metrics_library.h
namespace window_manager {
class ChromeWatchdog;
class DBusInterface;
class EventConsumer;
class EventLoop;
class FocusManager;
class KeyBindings;
class KeyBindingsActionRegistrar;
class KeyBindingsGroup;
class LayoutManager2;
class LoginController;
class ModalityHandler;
class ScreenLockerHandler;
class StackingManager;
class Window;
class WmIpc;
template<class T> class Stacker;
class WindowManager : public PanelManagerAreaChangeListener,
public CompositionChangeListener {
// Visibility groups that actors can be added to.
// See Compositor::SetActiveVisibilityGroups().
enum VisibilityGroups {
// RAII-type object returned by CreateScopedCompositingRequest() that calls
// IncrementCompositingRequests() in its constructor and
// DecrementCompositingRequests() in its destructor.
class ScopedCompositingRequest {
explicit ScopedCompositingRequest(WindowManager* wm);
WindowManager* wm_; // not owned
WindowManager(EventLoop* event_loop,
XConnection* xconn,
Compositor* compositor,
DBusInterface* dbus);
virtual ~WindowManager();
void set_initialize_logging(bool should_init) {
initialize_logging_ = should_init;
EventLoop* event_loop() { return event_loop_; }
XConnection* xconn() { return xconn_; }
Compositor* compositor() { return compositor_; }
DBusInterface* dbus() { return dbus_; }
StackingManager* stacking_manager() { return stacking_manager_.get(); }
FocusManager* focus_manager() { return focus_manager_.get(); }
ModalityHandler* modality_handler() { return modality_handler_.get(); }
XWindow root() const { return root_; }
const Rect& root_bounds() const { return root_bounds_; }
Size root_size() const { return root_bounds_.size(); }
int root_depth() const { return root_depth_; }
int width() const { return root_bounds_.width; }
int height() const { return root_bounds_.height; }
const Stacker<XWindow>& stacked_xids() const {
return *(stacked_xids_.get());
Compositor::StageActor* stage() { return stage_; }
XWindow wm_xid() const { return wm_xid_; }
XWindow active_window_xid() const { return active_window_xid_; }
KeyBindings* key_bindings() { return key_bindings_.get(); }
WmIpc* wm_ipc() { return wm_ipc_.get(); }
int wm_ipc_version() const { return wm_ipc_version_; }
bool logged_in() const { return logged_in_; }
bool damage_debugging_enabled() const { return damage_debugging_enabled_; }
// Get the title for the window that we create to take ownership of management
// selections. This is also used to name our log files.
static const char* GetWmName() { return "chromeos-wm"; }
// Begin PanelManagerAreaChangeListener implementation.
virtual void HandlePanelManagerAreaChange();
// End PanelManagerAreaChangeListener implementation.
// Begin CompositionChangeListener implementation.
// This method is called by the compositor while it's drawing, and is the
// point at which we disable or enable compositing depending on whether
// there's a single actor covering the entire screen or not.
virtual void HandleTopFullscreenActorChange(
const Compositor::TexturePixmapActor* top_fullscreen_actor);
// End CompositionChangeListener implementation.
// Perform initial setup. This must be called immediately after the
// WindowManager object is created.
bool Init();
// Handle notification from Chrome that the logged-in state has changed.
// |initial| is true when this method is invoked by Init() and false when
// it is invoked later in response to a property change.
void SetLoggedInState(bool logged_in, bool initial);
// Process all pending events from |x_conn_|, invoking HandleEvent() for each.
void ProcessPendingEvents();
// Handle an event from the X server.
void HandleEvent(XEvent* event);
// Create a new X window for receiving input.
XWindow CreateInputWindow(const Rect& bounds, int event_mask);
// Move and resize the passed-in window.
// TODO: This isn't limited to input windows.
bool ConfigureInputWindow(XWindow xid, const Rect& bounds);
// Get the X server's ID corresponding to the passed-in atom (the Atom
// enum is defined in atom_cache.h).
XAtom GetXAtom(Atom atom);
// Get the name for an atom from the X server.
const std::string& GetXAtomName(XAtom xatom);
// Get the current time from the server. This can be useful for e.g.
// getting a timestamp to pass to XSetInputFocus() when triggered by an
// event that doesn't contain a timestamp.
XTime GetCurrentTimeFromServer();
// Look up a window in |client_windows_|. The first version returns NULL
// if the window doesn't exist, while the second crashes.
Window* GetWindow(XWindow xid);
Window* GetWindowOrDie(XWindow xid);
Window* GetWindowOwningActor(const Compositor::TexturePixmapActor& actor);
// Focus a window. Convenience method that just calls
// focus_manager_->FocusWindow().
void FocusWindow(Window* win, XTime timestamp);
// Does a modal window currently have the focus?
bool IsModalWindowFocused() const;
// Do something reasonable with the input focus.
// This is intended to be called by EventConsumers when they give up the
// focus and aren't sure what to do with it.
void TakeFocus(XTime timestamp);
// Set the _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW property, which contains the ID of the
// currently-active window (in our case, this is the toplevel window or
// panel window that has the focus).
bool SetActiveWindowProperty(XWindow xid);
// Set the WM_NAME and NET_WM_NAME properties on a window.
bool SetNamePropertiesForXid(XWindow xid, const std::string& name);
// Update the _CHROME_VIDEO_TIME property on the root window, which
// contains the last time that we believed a video was playing in a
// window. Note that updates may be rate-limited (see
// kVideoTimePropertyUpdateSec). Returns false if we attempted to set
// the property but failed and true otherwise.
bool SetVideoTimeProperty(time_t video_time);
// Handle notification from a window that a new pixmap has been fetched.
// We notify all of the event consumers that are interested in this
// window.
void HandleWindowPixmapFetch(Window* win);
// Register an event consumer as being interested in non-property-change
// events on a particular window.
void RegisterEventConsumerForWindowEvents(
XWindow xid, EventConsumer* event_consumer);
void UnregisterEventConsumerForWindowEvents(
XWindow xid, EventConsumer* event_consumer);
// Register an event consumer as a listener for changes of a particular
// property on a particular window. The consumer's
// HandleWindowPropertyChange() method will be invoked whenever we
// receive notification that the property has been changed (after we have
// already handled the change).
void RegisterEventConsumerForPropertyChanges(
XWindow xid, XAtom xatom, EventConsumer* event_consumer);
void UnregisterEventConsumerForPropertyChanges(
XWindow xid, XAtom xatom, EventConsumer* event_consumer);
// Register an event consumer as being interested in a particular type of
// WmIpc message from Chrome. The consumer's HandleChromeMessage()
// method will be passed all messages of this type.
void RegisterEventConsumerForChromeMessages(
chromeos::WmIpcMessageType message_type, EventConsumer* event_consumer);
void UnregisterEventConsumerForChromeMessages(
chromeos::WmIpcMessageType message_type, EventConsumer* event_consumer);
// Register an event consumer's interest in taking ownership of a Window
// object after the underlying X window has been destroyed. The
// registration will automatically be removed after the DestroyNotify
// event, but UnregisterEventConsumerForDestroyedWindow() can be called
// before the window is deleted to unregister interest (e.g. if the
// event consumer itself is getting deleted).
void RegisterEventConsumerForDestroyedWindow(
XWindow xid, EventConsumer* event_consumer);
void UnregisterEventConsumerForDestroyedWindow(
XWindow xid, EventConsumer* event_consumer);
// Register or unregister a mapping in |sync_alarms_to_windows_| between
// a Sync extension alarm and the window that created it.
void RegisterSyncAlarm(XID alarm_id, Window* win);
void UnregisterSyncAlarm(XID alarm_id);
bool client_window_debugging_enabled() const {
return !client_window_debugging_actors_.empty();
// Callback to show or hide debugging information about client windows.
void ToggleClientWindowDebugging();
// Callback to toggle visualization of damage events.
void ToggleDamageDebugging();
// Callback to toggle profiler states.
void ToggleProfiler();
// Function to update client window debugging info. Called from the
// layout manager.
void UpdateClientWindowDebugging();
// Get rid of the actor that we display as a background during startup.
void DropStartupBackground();
// Get the total number of "real" windows. Specifically, this is the
// number of toplevel windows plus the number of panels.
int GetNumWindows() const;
// Reset |login_controller_| to NULL. The login controller itself calls
// this once the user has logged in and we've seen the first Chrome
// window come up. Note that this actually posts
// DestroyLoginControllerInternal() to the event loop; we're probably
// getting called in response to an X event, so we don't want to be
// messing around with the list of event consumers.
void DestroyLoginController();
// Send a user action to Chrome so it can send it to UMA.
// Does nothing if metrics reporting is disabled.
void ReportUserAction(const std::string& action);
// Send a histogram sample to Chrome so it can send it to UMA.
// See metrics_library.h in metrics.git for more details.
// Does nothing if metrics reporting is disabled.
void ReportHistogramSample(const std::string& histogram_name,
int sample,
int min_value,
int max_value,
int num_buckets);
// Increment or decrement a counter tracking compositing requests. When it's
// greater than zero, we force compositing. If we're not already compositing,
// IncrementCompositingRequests() will force us to draw a composited frame
// before returning.
void IncrementCompositingRequests();
void DecrementCompositingRequests();
// Create and return a new ScopedCompositingRequest object. The caller
// should stick it in a scoped_ptr that goes out of scope at the point where
// the request should be withdrawn.
ScopedCompositingRequest* CreateScopedCompositingRequest();
friend class BasicWindowManagerTest;
friend class LayoutManager2Test; // uses |layout_manager_|
friend class LoginControllerTest; // uses |login_controller_|
friend class ModalityHandlerTest; // uses |modality_handler_|
friend class PanelTest; // uses |panel_manager_|
friend class PanelBarTest; // uses |panel_manager_|
friend class PanelDockTest; // uses |panel_manager_|
friend class PanelManagerTest; // uses |panel_manager_|
friend class ScreenLockerHandlerTest; // uses |screen_locker_handler_|
FRIEND_TEST(ChromeWatchdogTest, Basic);
FRIEND_TEST(PanelBarTest, ModalDimming);
FRIEND_TEST(WindowTest, TransientFor); // uses TrackWindow()
FRIEND_TEST(WindowManagerTest, RegisterExistence);
FRIEND_TEST(WindowManagerTest, EventConsumer);
FRIEND_TEST(WindowManagerTest, ResizeScreen);
FRIEND_TEST(WindowManagerTest, KeepPanelsAfterRestart);
FRIEND_TEST(WindowManagerTest, LoggedIn);
FRIEND_TEST(WindowManagerTest, ConfigureBackground);
FRIEND_TEST(WindowManagerTest, VideoTimeProperty);
FRIEND_TEST(WindowManagerTest, HandleTopFullscreenActorChange);
FRIEND_TEST(WindowManagerTest, ForceCompositing);
FRIEND_TEST(WindowManagerTest, ResizeScreenWhileCompositing);
typedef std::map<XWindow, std::set<EventConsumer*> > WindowEventConsumerMap;
typedef std::map<std::pair<XWindow, XAtom>, std::set<EventConsumer*> >
typedef std::map<chromeos::WmIpcMessageType, std::set<EventConsumer*> >
// Minimum number of seconds between updates to the
// _CHROME_VIDEO_TIME property on the root window.
static const int kVideoTimePropertyUpdateSec;
// Is this one of our internally-created windows?
bool IsInternalWindow(XWindow xid) {
return (xid == stage_xid_ || xid == overlay_xid_ || xid == wm_xid_);
// Are we in the process of shutting down or signing out?
bool IsSessionEnding() const;
// Get a manager selection as described in ICCCM section 2.8. |atom| is
// the selection to take, |manager_win| is the window acquiring the
// selection, and |timestamp| is the current time.
bool GetManagerSelection(
XAtom atom, XWindow manager_win, XTime timestamp);
// Tell the previous window and compositing managers to exit and register
// ourselves as the new managers.
bool RegisterExistence();
// Set various one-time/unchanging properties on the root window as
// specified in the Extended Window Manager Hints.
bool SetEwmhGeneralProperties();
// Set EWMH properties on the root window relating to the current screen size:
// calling SetEwmhWorkareaProperty()).
bool SetEwmhSizeProperties();
// Set the _NET_WORKAREA property on the root window to the screen area
// minus space used by panel docks.
bool SetEwmhWorkareaProperty();
// Register all of our key bindings. Called by Init().
void RegisterKeyBindings();
// Query the X server for all toplevel windows and start tracking (and
// possibly managing) them.
bool ManageExistingWindows();
// Start tracking this window (more specifically, create a Window object
// for it and register it in |client_windows_|). Returns NULL for
// windows that we specifically shouldn't track (e.g. the compositor's
// stage or the compositing overlay window).
Window* TrackWindow(XWindow xid, bool override_redirect,
XConnection::WindowGeometry& geometry);
// Handle a window getting mapped. This is primarily used by
// HandleMapNotify(), but is abstracted out into a separate method so
// that ManageExistingWindows() can also use it to handle windows that
// were already mapped when the WM started.
void HandleMappedWindow(Window* win);
// Handle a window getting mapped. This is primarily used by
// HandleUnmapNotify(), but is abstracted out into a separate method so we can
// call it if we see a DestroyNotify event about a still-mapped window (which
// doesn't seem like it should ever happen, but see
void HandleUnmappedWindow(Window* win);
// Handle the screen being resized.
void HandleScreenResize(const Size& new_size);
// Set the WM_STATE property on a window. Per ICCCM, |state| can
// be 0 (WithdrawnState), 1 (NormalState), or 3 (IconicState). Per
// 4.1.4, IconicState means that the toplevel window isn't viewable, so
// we should use NormalState even when drawing a scaled-down version of
// the window.
bool SetWmStateProperty(XWindow xid, int state);
// Update the _NET_CLIENT_LIST and _NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING properties
// on the root window (as described in EWMH).
bool UpdateClientListProperty();
bool UpdateClientListStackingProperty();
// Handlers for various X events.
void HandleButtonPress(const XButtonEvent& e);
void HandleButtonRelease(const XButtonEvent& e);
void HandleClientMessage(const XClientMessageEvent& e);
void HandleConfigureNotify(const XConfigureEvent& e);
void HandleConfigureRequest(const XConfigureRequestEvent& e);
void HandleCreateNotify(const XCreateWindowEvent& e);
void HandleDamageNotify(const XDamageNotifyEvent& e);
void HandleDestroyNotify(const XDestroyWindowEvent& e);
void HandleEnterNotify(const XEnterWindowEvent& e);
void HandleKeyPress(const XKeyEvent& e);
void HandleKeyRelease(const XKeyEvent& e);
void HandleLeaveNotify(const XLeaveWindowEvent& e);
void HandleMapNotify(const XMapEvent& e);
void HandleMapRequest(const XMapRequestEvent& e);
void HandleMappingNotify(const XMappingEvent& e);
void HandleMotionNotify(const XMotionEvent& e);
void HandlePropertyNotify(const XPropertyEvent& e);
void HandleReparentNotify(const XReparentEvent& e);
void HandleRRScreenChangeNotify(const XRRScreenChangeNotifyEvent& e);
void HandleShapeNotify(const XShapeEvent& e);
void HandleSyncAlarmNotify(const XSyncAlarmNotifyEvent& e);
void HandleUnmapNotify(const XUnmapEvent& e);
// Get an arbitrary window owned by Chrome. This can be used when
// sending a message to Chrome, when the particular window that's used
// doesn't matter. Returns 0 if there aren't any Chrome windows.
XWindow GetArbitraryChromeWindow();
// Write a screenshot to disk. If |select_region| is true, the
// user will have a chance to select a region to capture. Otherwise, the
// entire root window will be captured.
void TakeScreenshot(bool select_region);
// Initialize |startup_background_| to hold a new actor that displays the
// initial contents of the root window. Called by Init().
void CreateStartupBackground();
// Helper method that creates actors and stores them in
// |informational_actors_|. Called by Init().
void InitInformationalActors();
// Callback that clears |informational_actors_|.
void HandleDropInformationalActorsTimeout();
// Reshape |overlay_xid_| to be transparent, redirect
// |unredirected_fullscreen_xid_|, and tell the compositor to stop drawing.
// We want Compositor::Draw() to finish drawing the current frame before we
// disable compositing, so that the content on screen is refreshed. We post
// this method to the event loop from HandleTopFullscreenActorChange().
void DisableCompositing();
// Helper method posted as a task on the event loop by
// DestroyLoginController(). This actually does the deleting.
void DestroyLoginControllerInternal();
// Callback invoked by |chrome_watchdog_timeout_id_| to call
// chrome_watchdog_->SendPingToChrome().
void PingChrome();
EventLoop* event_loop_; // not owned
XConnection* xconn_; // not owned
Compositor* compositor_; // not owned
DBusInterface* dbus_; // not owned
XWindow root_;
// Root window bounds and depth.
Rect root_bounds_;
int root_depth_;
// Offscreen window that we just use for registering as the WM.
XWindow wm_xid_;
scoped_ptr<XConnection::WindowDestroyer> wm_xid_destroyer_;
Compositor::StageActor* stage_; // not owned
// Window containing the compositor's stage.
XWindow stage_xid_;
// XComposite overlay window.
XWindow overlay_xid_;
// If we're started before the user has logged in, this displays the
// initial contents of the root window. We use this as a background.
scoped_ptr<Compositor::TexturePixmapActor> startup_background_;
// This is the pixmap that gets displayed by |startup_background_|.
// We copy the root window here.
XPixmap startup_pixmap_;
scoped_ptr<AtomCache> atom_cache_;
scoped_ptr<StackingManager> stacking_manager_;
scoped_ptr<FocusManager> focus_manager_;
// Library used to report user action metrics to Chrome.
// NULL if --report_metrics is false.
scoped_ptr<MetricsLibrary> metrics_library_;
// Map from a Sync extension alarm ID to the Window object that's using
// the alarm to support the _NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST protocol.
base::hash_map<XID, Window*> sync_alarms_to_windows_;
// Windows that are being tracked.
typedef std::map<XWindow, std::tr1::shared_ptr<Window> > WindowMap;
WindowMap client_windows_;
// This is a list of mapped, managed (i.e. not override-redirect) client
// windows, in most-to-least-recently-mapped order. Used to set EWMH's
// _NET_CLIENT_LIST property.
scoped_ptr<Stacker<XWindow> > mapped_xids_;
// All immediate children of the root window (even ones that we don't
// "track", in the sense of having Window objects for them in
// |client_windows_|) in top-to-bottom stacking order. EWMH's
// _NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING property contains the managed (i.e. not
// override-redirect) windows from this list.
scoped_ptr<Stacker<XWindow> > stacked_xids_;
// Things that consume events (e.g. LayoutManager2, PanelManager, etc.).
std::set<EventConsumer*> event_consumers_;
// Map from windows to event consumers that will be notified if events
// are received.
WindowEventConsumerMap window_event_consumers_;
// Map from (window, atom) pairs to event consumers that will be
// notified if the corresponding property is changed.
PropertyChangeEventConsumerMap property_change_event_consumers_;
// Map from Chrome message types to event consumers that will receive
// copies of the messages.
ChromeMessageEventConsumerMap chrome_message_event_consumers_;
// Map from windows to the event consumer that will receive ownership of
// the Window object when the underlying X window is destroyed.
base::hash_map<XWindow, EventConsumer*> destroyed_window_event_consumers_;
// Actors that are being used to show client windows' positions.
typedef std::vector<std::tr1::shared_ptr<Compositor::Actor> > ActorVector;
ActorVector client_window_debugging_actors_;
// Should we flash regions of the screen in response to damage events?
bool damage_debugging_enabled_;
// The last window that was passed to SetActiveWindowProperty().
XWindow active_window_xid_;
scoped_ptr<WmIpc> wm_ipc_;
scoped_ptr<KeyBindings> key_bindings_;
scoped_ptr<ModalityHandler> modality_handler_;
// These aren't initialized until the user has logged in.
scoped_ptr<PanelManager> panel_manager_;
scoped_ptr<LayoutManager2> layout_manager_;
// Initialized at startup if the user isn't already logged in, and
// deletes itself via DestroyLoginController() when the user is logged in
// and the initial browser window is mapped.
scoped_ptr<LoginController> login_controller_;
scoped_ptr<ScreenLockerHandler> screen_locker_handler_;
scoped_ptr<ChromeWatchdog> chrome_watchdog_;
// ID for the timeout that calls QueryKeyboardState().
int query_keyboard_state_timeout_id_;
// Window that has currently been unredirected (in conjunction with
// disabling compositing) as a performance optimization because it's
// fullscreen and covering all other windows. The value will be zero
// whenever compositing is enabled, non-zero otherwise.
XWindow unredirected_fullscreen_xid_;
// Is there a task currently posted to the event loop to run
// DisableCompositing()?
bool disable_compositing_task_is_pending_;
// Version of the IPC protocol that Chrome is currently using. See
// chromeos_wm_ipc_enums.h for details.
int wm_ipc_version_;
// Key binding actions that we've registered.
scoped_ptr<KeyBindingsActionRegistrar> key_bindings_actions_;
// Has the user logged in yet? This affects whether some key bindings
// are enabled or not and determines how new windows are handled. This
// tracks the _CHROME_LOGGED_IN property that Chrome sets on the root
// window, but never transitions from true to false (the window manager
// is restarted when the user logs out).
bool logged_in_;
// Should we initialize the logging code when we switch between logged-in
// and logged-out mode? This defaults to off, since we typically don't
// want to write log files when called by tests, but sets it to
// true.
bool initialize_logging_;
// Time at which we last updated the _CHROME_VIDEO_TIME property. This is
// a monotonically-increasing time as returned from GetMonotonicTime().
base::TimeTicks video_property_update_time_;
// Images that we display onscreen at startup to inform the user about
// something (e.g. "Unaccelerated graphics", "Debug build", etc.). Drawing
// text would be nicer but we don't link against any graphics libraries.
ActorVector informational_actors_;
// ID for the timeout that calls HandleDropInformationalActorsTimeout().
int drop_informational_actors_timeout_id_;
// ID for the timeout that calls PingChrome().
int chrome_watchdog_timeout_id_;
// Number of outstanding requests to force compositing.
int num_compositing_requests_;
} // namespace window_manager