blob: e112350cae7e7de2322a879f442dfd389903ae08 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
#Example code to for the autotest stub that will call this file.
#from wireless_automation.aspects.measurement_list import the_measurement_list
# class cellular_smoke(test.test):
# # The autotest infrastructure calls run_once. The control file
# def run_once(self):
# cellular_smoke()
# print the_measurement_list
from wireless_automation.aspects import configurable
from wireless_automation.aspects.measurement_list import TheMeasurementList
from wireless_automation.racks import oyster_bay_rack
class CellularSmoke(configurable.Configurable):
CellularSmoke connects over LTE to a call box and downloads a web page.
CONFIGSPEC = ["config_stuff=string(default='CellularSmokeConfig')"]
def __init__(self, config):
:param config: ConfigObj object
:type config: :class:wireless_automation.aspects.configobj.ConfigObj:
:rtype None: No return type
The constructor.
super(CellularSmoke, self).__init__(config)
config = oyster_bay_rack.\
config['call_box']['use_fake'] = True
self.rack = oyster_bay_rack.OysterBayPxtDevelopmentRack(config)
def run(self):
:param None:
Runs the test. Used by external frameworks.
# Arrange
# Act
url = self.rack.network_data_source.get_download_url()
speed = self.rack.chrome_device.measure_download_speed(url)
# Assert
assert speed > 0
# Record
TheMeasurementList.append(name='download_speed', value=speed)
# Annihilate or Reset
# Done implicitly via the destructors
def run(channel, dut_name, pxt_ip):
config = CellularSmoke.get_default_config()
config['channel'] = channel
cellular_smoke = CellularSmoke(config)
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
config = sys.argv[1]