blob: 17568665869e0bdbfaf81e03b4e8d36aa8cb55c3 [file] [log] [blame]
.arch armv7-r
.syntax unified
.global foo
@ Section A6.1.3 "Use of 0b1101 as a register specifier".
@ R13 as the source or destination register of a mov instruction.
@ only register to register transfers without shifts are supported,
@ with no flag setting
mov sp,r0
mov r0,sp
@ Using the following instructions to adjust r13 up or down by a
@ multiple of 4:
add sp,sp,#0
addw sp,sp,#0
sub sp,sp,#0
subw sp,sp,#0
add sp,sp,r0
add sp,sp,r0,lsl #1
sub sp,sp,r0
sub sp,sp,r0,lsl #1
@ R13 as a base register <Rn> of any load/store instruction.
ldr r0, [sp]
ldr r0, [pc]
ldr pc, [r0]
ldr sp, [r0]
ldr pc, [pc]
ldr sp, [sp]
ldr pc, [sp]
ldr sp, [pc]
ldr sp, [r0, +pc]
str r0, [sp]
str sp, [r0]
str sp, [sp]
str sp, [r0, +pc]
@ R13 as the first operand <Rn> in any add{s}, cmn, cmp, or sub{s} instruction.
add r0, sp, r0
adds r0, sp, r0
add r0, sp, r0, lsl #1
adds r0, sp, r0, lsl #1
cmn sp, #0
cmn sp, r0
cmn sp, r0, lsl #1
cmp sp, #0
cmp sp, r0
cmp sp, r0, lsl #1
sub sp, #0
subs sp, #0
sub r0, sp, #0
subs r0, sp, #0
@ ADD (sp plus immediate).
add sp, #4
add r0, sp, #4
adds sp, #4
adds r0, sp, #4
addw r0, sp, #4
add sp, sp, #4
adds sp, sp, #4
addw sp, sp, #4
@ ADD (sp plus register).
add sp, r0
add r0, sp, r0
add r0, sp, r0, lsl #1
adds sp, r0
adds r0, sp, r0
adds r0, sp, r0, lsl #1
add sp, sp, r0
add sp, sp, r0, lsl #1
adds sp, sp, r0
adds sp, sp, r0, lsl #1
add sp, sp, sp
@ SUB (sp minus immediate).
sub r0, sp , #0
subs r0, sp , #0
subw r0, sp , #0
sub sp, sp , #0
subs sp, sp , #0
subw sp, sp , #0
@ SUB (sp minus register).
sub sp, #0
subs sp, #0
sub r0, sp, r0, lsl #1
subs r0, sp, r0, lsl #1
sub sp, sp, r0, lsl #1
subs sp, sp, r0, lsl #1
@ PC-related insns (equivalent to adr).
add r0, pc, #4
sub r0, pc, #4
adds r0, pc, #4
subs r0, pc, #4
addw r0, pc, #4
subw r0, pc, #4
@ nops to pad the section out to an alignment boundary.