blob: 6181d908128bc2fa06580026420fc101b51273ef [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Source file used to test relaxation.
.ifdef atk0
.set at=$k0
b bar
bal bar
beq $2, $3, bar
bne $4, $5, bar
blez $2, bar
bgtz $3, bar
bltz $4, bar
bgez $5, bar
bc1f bar
bc1t bar
bltzal $2, bar
bgezal $3, bar
beql $2, $3, bar
bnel $4, $5, bar
blezl $2, bar
bgtzl $3, bar
bltzl $4, bar
bgezl $5, bar
bc1fl bar
bc1tl bar
bltzall $2, bar
bgezall $3, bar
.space 0x20000 # to make a 128kb loop body
b foo
bal foo
beq $2, $3, foo
bne $4, $5, foo
blez $2, foo
bgtz $3, foo
bltz $4, foo
bgez $5, foo
bc1f foo
bc1t foo
bltzal $2, foo
bgezal $3, foo
beql $2, $3, foo
bnel $4, $5, foo
blezl $2, foo
bgtzl $3, foo
bltzl $4, foo
bgezl $5, foo
bc1fl foo
bc1tl foo
bltzall $2, foo
bgezall $3, foo
# Force at least 8 (non-delay-slot) zero bytes, to make 'objdump' print ...
.align 2
.space 8