blob: 7b7e1a61cfb1489846e2a681a98edd8ad213ad11 [file] [log] [blame]
Version: Current as of Tue Jan 24 21:22:03 PST 2012
License: Creative Commons Atrribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)
License File: No LICENSE file is available since the source code does not contain one.
License URL:
Description: plus what we anticipate to be minor changes, eg appending to
(rather than overwriting) logfiles when using the -w option.
To facilitate an easily appended-to log file format, we omit the
[square brackets] written on the first/last line of the logfile by the
upstream version. This technically introduces a minor incompatibility
in that logfiles written by one version would not be correctly read
by the other version, unless [ ] are added/removed (e.g. in an editor).