blob: 91fcff18245d252ea397fbfb8dbdc48125a13161 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! This file depends on the module test_common_binding_labels_3. That module
! must be compiled first and not be removed until after this test.
module test_common_binding_labels_3_main
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_int
integer(c_int), bind(c, name="my_common_block") :: my_int ! { dg-error "collides" }
end module test_common_binding_labels_3_main
program main
use test_common_binding_labels_3_main
use test_common_binding_labels_3 ! { dg-error "collides" }
end program main
! { dg-final { cleanup-modules "test_common_binding_labels_3" } }