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/* --
Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003, 2006, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
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import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* A key-pair generator for asymetric keys to use in conjunction with the RSA
* scheme.
* <p>
* Reference:
* <ol>
* <li><a
* href="">
* RSA-PSS Signature Scheme with Appendix</a>, part B. Primitive specification
* and supporting documentation. Jakob Jonsson and Burt Kaliski. </li>
* <li><a href="">Handbook of Applied
* Cryptography</a>, Alfred J. Menezes, Paul C. van Oorschot and Scott A.
* Vanstone. Section 11.3 RSA and related signature schemes.</li>
* </ol>
public class RSAKeyPairGenerator
implements IKeyPairGenerator
private static final Logger log = Configuration.DEBUG ?
Logger.getLogger(RSAKeyPairGenerator.class.getName()) : null;
/** The BigInteger constant 1. */
private static final BigInteger ONE = BigInteger.ONE;
/** The BigInteger constant 2. */
private static final BigInteger TWO = BigInteger.valueOf(2L);
/** Property name of the length (Integer) of the modulus of an RSA key. */
public static final String MODULUS_LENGTH = "gnu.crypto.rsa.L";
* Property name of an optional {@link SecureRandom} instance to use. The
* default is to use a classloader singleton from {@link PRNG}.
public static final String SOURCE_OF_RANDOMNESS = "gnu.crypto.rsa.prng";
* Property name of an optional {@link RSAKeyGenParameterSpec} instance to use
* for this generator's <code>n</code>, and <code>e</code> values. The
* default is to generate <code>n</code> and use a fixed value for
* <code>e</.code> (Fermat's F4 number).
public static final String RSA_PARAMETERS = "gnu.crypto.rsa.params";
* Property name of the preferred encoding format to use when externalizing
* generated instance of key-pairs from this generator. The property is taken
* to be an {@link Integer} that encapsulates an encoding format identifier.
public static final String PREFERRED_ENCODING_FORMAT = "gnu.crypto.rsa.encoding";
/** Default value for the modulus length. */
private static final int DEFAULT_MODULUS_LENGTH = 1024;
/** Default encoding format to use when none was specified. */
private static final int DEFAULT_ENCODING_FORMAT = Registry.RAW_ENCODING_ID;
/** The desired bit length of the modulus. */
private int L;
* This implementation uses, by default, Fermat's F4 number as the public
* exponent.
private BigInteger e = BigInteger.valueOf(65537L);
/** The optional {@link SecureRandom} instance to use. */
private SecureRandom rnd = null;
/** Our default source of randomness. */
private PRNG prng = null;
/** Preferred encoding format of generated keys. */
private int preferredFormat;
// implicit 0-arguments constructor
public String name()
return Registry.RSA_KPG;
* Configures this instance.
* @param attributes the map of name/value pairs to use.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException if the designated MODULUS_LENGTH value
* is less than 1024.
public void setup(Map attributes)
if (Configuration.DEBUG)
log.entering(this.getClass().getName(), "setup", attributes);
// do we have a SecureRandom, or should we use our own?
rnd = (SecureRandom) attributes.get(SOURCE_OF_RANDOMNESS);
// are we given a set of RSA params or we shall use our own?
RSAKeyGenParameterSpec params = (RSAKeyGenParameterSpec) attributes.get(RSA_PARAMETERS);
// find out the modulus length
if (params != null)
L = params.getKeysize();
e = params.getPublicExponent();
Integer l = (Integer) attributes.get(MODULUS_LENGTH);
L = (l == null ? DEFAULT_MODULUS_LENGTH : l.intValue());
if (L < 1024)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(MODULUS_LENGTH);
// what is the preferred encoding format
Integer formatID = (Integer) attributes.get(PREFERRED_ENCODING_FORMAT);
preferredFormat = formatID == null ? DEFAULT_ENCODING_FORMAT
: formatID.intValue();
if (Configuration.DEBUG)
log.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "setup");
* <p>
* The algorithm used here is described in <i>nessie-pss-B.pdf</i> document
* which is part of the RSA-PSS submission to NESSIE.
* </p>
* @return an RSA keypair.
public KeyPair generate()
if (Configuration.DEBUG)
log.entering(this.getClass().getName(), "generate");
BigInteger p, q, n, d;
// 1. Generate a prime p in the interval [2**(M-1), 2**M - 1], where
// M = CEILING(L/2), and such that GCD(p, e) = 1
int M = (L + 1) / 2;
BigInteger lower = TWO.pow(M - 1);
BigInteger upper = TWO.pow(M).subtract(ONE);
byte[] kb = new byte[(M + 7) / 8]; // enough bytes to frame M bits
step1: while (true)
p = new BigInteger(1, kb).setBit(0);
if (p.compareTo(lower) >= 0 && p.compareTo(upper) <= 0
&& p.isProbablePrime(80) && p.gcd(e).equals(ONE))
break step1;
// 2. Generate a prime q such that the product of p and q is an L-bit
// number, and such that GCD(q, e) = 1
step2: while (true)
q = new BigInteger(1, kb).setBit(0);
n = p.multiply(q);
if (n.bitLength() == L && q.isProbablePrime(80) && q.gcd(e).equals(ONE))
break step2;
// TODO: test for p != q
// TODO: ensure p < q
// 3. Put n = pq. The public key is (n, e).
// 4. Compute the parameters necessary for the private key K (see
// Section 2.2).
BigInteger phi = p.subtract(ONE).multiply(q.subtract(ONE));
d = e.modInverse(phi);
// 5. Output the public key and the private key.
PublicKey pubK = new GnuRSAPublicKey(preferredFormat, n, e);
PrivateKey secK = new GnuRSAPrivateKey(preferredFormat, p, q, e, d);
KeyPair result = new KeyPair(pubK, secK);
if (Configuration.DEBUG)
log.exiting(this.getClass().getName(), "generate", result);
return result;
* Fills the designated byte array with random data.
* @param buffer the byte array to fill with random data.
private void nextRandomBytes(byte[] buffer)
if (rnd != null)
private PRNG getDefaultPRNG()
if (prng == null)
prng = PRNG.getInstance();
return prng;