blob: de1fdb81304e6735c60e4e27b6fba4b00bb4d6a3 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! { dg-options "-fno-range-check" }
! PR 52428 Read IO of integers near the end of range. Note that we
! support the two's complement representation even though the Fortran
! numerical model has a symmetric range. (The -fno-range-check option
! is needed to allow the -2147483648 literal.)
program int_range
implicit none
character(25) :: inputline = "-2147483648"
integer(4) :: test
integer :: st
read(inputline,100) test
100 format(1i11)
if (test /= -2147483648) call abort
inputline(1:1) = " "
read(inputline, 100, iostat=st) test
if (st == 0) call abort
inputline(11:11) = "7"
read(inputline, 100) test
if (test /= 2147483647) call abort
! Same as above but with list-formatted IO
inputline = "-2147483648"
read(inputline, *) test
if (test /= -2147483648) call abort
inputline(1:1) = " "
read(inputline, *, iostat=st) test
if (st == 0) call abort
inputline(11:11) = "7"
read(inputline, *) test
if (test /= 2147483647) call abort
end program int_range