blob: ea8067d389c957efa87fea3634e46601bf1c7415 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! PR48351 - automatic (re)allocation of allocatable components of class objects
! Contributed by Nasser M. Abbasi on comp.lang.fortran
module foo
implicit none
type :: foo_t
real, allocatable :: u(:)
procedure :: make
procedure :: disp
end type foo_t
subroutine make(this,u)
implicit none
class(foo_t) :: this
real, intent(in) :: u(:)
this%u = u(int (u)) ! The failure to allocate occurred here.
if (.not.allocated (this%u)) call abort
end subroutine make
function disp(this)
implicit none
class(foo_t) :: this
real, allocatable :: disp (:)
if (allocated (this%u)) disp = this%u
end function
end module foo
program main2
use foo
implicit none
type(foo_t) :: o
real, allocatable :: u(:)
u=real ([3,2,1,4])
call o%make(u)
if (any (int (o%disp()) .ne. [1,2,3,4])) call abort
u=real ([2,1])
call o%make(u)
if (any (int (o%disp()) .ne. [1,2])) call abort
end program main2