blob: d9c1b38744106448f522f994f4ad709221ab543a [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Test the fix for PR31879 in which the concatenation operators below
! would cause ICEs because the character lengths were never resolved.
! Contributed by Vivek Rao <>
module str_mod
character(3) :: mz(2) = (/"fgh","ijk"/)
function ccopy(yy) result(xy)
character (len=*), intent(in) :: yy(:)
character (len=5) :: xy(size(yy))
xy = yy
end function ccopy
end module str_mod
program xx
use str_mod, only: ccopy, mz
implicit none
character(2) :: z = "zz"
character(3) :: zz(2) = (/"abc","cde"/)
character(2) :: ans(2)
integer :: i = 2, j = 3
if (any(ccopy("_&_"//(/"A","B"/)//"?") .ne. (/"_&_A?","_&_B?"/))) call abort ()
if (any(ccopy(z//zz) .ne. (/"zzabc","zzcde"/))) call abort ()
if (any(ccopy(z//zz(:)(1:2)) .ne. (/"zzab ","zzcd "/))) call abort ()
if (any(ccopy(z//mz(:)(2:3)) .ne. (/"zzgh ","zzjk "/))) call abort ()
! This was another bug, uncovered when the PR was fixed.
if (any(ccopy(z//mz(:)(i:j)) .ne. (/"zzgh ","zzjk "/))) call abort ()
end program xx