blob: 5dabca849db17f1192ab2937cbe970ee38b19814 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! PR 45004: [OOP] Segfault with allocatable scalars and move_alloc
! Contributed by Salvatore Filippone <>
program bug18
type foo
integer :: i
end type foo
type bar
class(foo), allocatable :: bf
end type bar
class(foo), allocatable :: afab
type(bar) :: bb
allocate(foo :: afab)
afab%i = 8
call move_alloc(afab, bb%bf)
if (.not. allocated(bb%bf)) call abort()
if (allocated(afab)) call abort()
if (bb%bf%i/=8) call abort()
end program bug18