blob: 12828a7f545aa23da78c190bf529ead7861954a0 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! { dg-additional-sources iso_c_binding_rename_1_driver.c }
module iso_c_binding_rename_0
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: my_c_ptr_0 => c_ptr, &
end module iso_c_binding_rename_0
module iso_c_binding_rename_1
! rename a couple of the symbols from iso_c_binding. the compiler
! needs to be able to recognize the derived types with names different
! from the one in iso_c_binding because it will look up the derived types
! to define the args and return values of some of the procedures in
! iso_c_binding. this should verify that this functionality works.
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, my_c_int => c_int, my_c_ptr => c_ptr, &
my_c_associated => c_associated, my_c_f_pointer => c_f_pointer
subroutine sub0(my_int) bind(c)
integer(my_c_int), value :: my_int
if(my_int .ne. 1) then
call abort()
end if
end subroutine sub0
subroutine sub1(my_ptr) bind(c)
type(my_c_ptr), value :: my_ptr
if(.not. my_c_associated(my_ptr)) then
call abort()
end if
end subroutine sub1
subroutine sub2(my_int, my_long) bind(c)
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, my_c_int_2 => c_int, &
my_c_long_2 => c_long
integer(my_c_int_2), value :: my_int
integer(my_c_long_2), value :: my_long
if(my_int .ne. 1) then
call abort()
end if
if(my_long .ne. 1) then
call abort()
end if
end subroutine sub2
subroutine sub3(cptr1, cptr2) bind(c)
type(my_c_ptr), value :: cptr1
type(my_c_ptr), value :: cptr2
integer(my_c_int), pointer :: my_f90_c_ptr
if(.not. my_c_associated(cptr1)) then
call abort()
end if
if(.not. my_c_associated(cptr1, cptr2)) then
call abort()
end if
call my_c_f_pointer(cptr1, my_f90_c_ptr)
end subroutine sub3
subroutine sub4(cptr1, cptr2) bind(c)
! rename the my_c_ptr_0 from iso_c_binding_rename_0 just to further test
! both are actually aliases to c_ptr
use iso_c_binding_rename_0, my_c_ptr_local => my_c_ptr_0, &
my_c_associated_2 => c_associated
implicit none
type(my_c_ptr_local), value :: cptr1
type(my_c_ptr_local), value :: cptr2
if(.not. my_c_associated_2(cptr1)) then
call abort()
end if
if(.not. my_c_associated_2(cptr2)) then
call abort()
end if
end subroutine sub4
end module iso_c_binding_rename_1