blob: 89ffa638d00a27fa1bdaac17dcee2e7b9aac3ec2 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do compile }
! { dg-options "-O0" }
! Tests the fix for PR24207 and the problems associated
! with the fix for PR21986. In two cases, use associated
! public symbols were taking on the default private access
! attribute of the local namespace. In the third, a private
! symbol was not available to a namelist in contained
! procedure in the same module.
! Based on the example in PR24207.
module a
implicit none
real b
type :: mytype
integer :: c
end type mytype
end module a
module c
use a
implicit none
public d
real x
subroutine d (arg_t) ! This would cause an error
type (mytype) :: arg_t
namelist /e/ b, x ! .... as would this.
arg_t%c = 42
end subroutine d
end module c