blob: d8c177f117d18041e89f5b4c0fb3007c1f72c6f5 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
program a
implicit none
integer n
character(len=70) e1
character(len=30) e2
integer, allocatable :: i(:)
e1 = 'No error'
allocate(i(4), stat=n, errmsg=e1)
if (trim(e1) /= 'No error') call abort
e2 = 'No error'
allocate(i(4),stat=n, errmsg=e2)
if (trim(e2) /= 'No error') call abort
e1 = 'No error'
allocate(i(4), stat=n, errmsg=e1)
allocate(i(4), stat=n, errmsg=e1)
if (trim(e1) /= 'Attempt to allocate an allocated object') call abort
e2 = 'No error'
allocate(i(4), stat=n, errmsg=e2)
allocate(i(4), stat=n, errmsg=e2)
if (trim(e2) /= 'Attempt to allocate an allocat') call abort
end program a