blob: 81a9841434fd49d3479b7ce733a9c30566e1faf1 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Test the fix for PR46897. defined_assignment_1.f90 checks that the PR
! testcases run correctly, this checks array components are OK.
module m0
implicit none
type component
integer :: i = 0
procedure :: assign0
generic :: assignment(=)=>assign0
end type
type parent
type(component) :: foo(2)
end type
type, extends(parent) :: child
integer :: j
end type
elemental subroutine assign0(lhs,rhs)
class(component), intent(out) :: lhs
class(component), intent(in) :: rhs
lhs%i = 20
end subroutine
end module
program main
use m0
implicit none
type(child) :: infant0, infant1(2)
infant0 = child([component(1),component(2)], 99)
if (any (infant0%parent%foo%i .ne. [20, 20])) call abort