blob: e611547b63b36f38f999bb9f61c8ca903ab30e08 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! PR26890 Test for use of SIZE variable in IO list.
! Test case from Paul Thomas.
! Submitted by Jerry DeLisle <>
character(80) :: buffer, line
integer :: nchars
line = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
open (10, status="scratch")
write (10, '(a)') trim(line)
rewind (10)
read (10, '(a)', advance = 'no', size = nchars, eor = 998) buffer
call abort()
998 if ( call abort()
rewind (10)
buffer = "how about some random text here just to be sure on this one."
nchars = 80
read (10, '(a)', advance = 'no', size = nchars, eor = 999) buffer(:nchars)
999 if ( call abort()
if ( call abort()
close (10)