blob: d975f47270588f9a3c1212b7b4640d4f400d5e15 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! Test (re)allocation on assignment of scalars
! Contributed by Paul Thomas <>
call test_real
call test_derived
call test_char1
call test_char4
call test_deferred_char1
call test_deferred_char4
subroutine test_real
real, allocatable :: x
real :: y = 42
x = 42.0
if (x .ne. y) call abort
deallocate (x)
x = y
if (x .ne. y) call abort
end subroutine
subroutine test_derived
type :: mytype
real :: x
character(4) :: c
end type
type (mytype), allocatable :: t
t = mytype (99.0, "abcd")
if (t%c .ne. "abcd") call abort
end subroutine
subroutine test_char1
character(len = 8), allocatable :: c1
character(len = 8) :: c2 = "abcd1234"
c1 = "abcd1234"
if (c1 .ne. c2) call abort
deallocate (c1)
c1 = c2
if (c1 .ne. c2) call abort
end subroutine
subroutine test_char4
character(len = 8, kind = 4), allocatable :: c1
character(len = 8, kind = 4) :: c2 = 4_"abcd1234"
c1 = 4_"abcd1234"
if (c1 .ne. c2) call abort
deallocate (c1)
c1 = c2
if (c1 .ne. c2) call abort
end subroutine
subroutine test_deferred_char1
character(:), allocatable :: c
c = "Hello"
if (c .ne. "Hello") call abort
if (len(c) .ne. 5) call abort
c = "Goodbye"
if (c .ne. "Goodbye") call abort
if (len(c) .ne. 7) call abort
! Check that the hidden LEN dummy is passed by reference
call test_pass_c1 (c)
if (c .ne. "Made in test!") print *, c
if (len(c) .ne. 13) call abort
end subroutine
subroutine test_pass_c1 (carg)
character(:), allocatable :: carg
if (carg .ne. "Goodbye") call abort
if (len(carg) .ne. 7) call abort
carg = "Made in test!"
end subroutine
subroutine test_deferred_char4
character(:, kind = 4), allocatable :: c
c = 4_"Hello"
if (c .ne. 4_"Hello") call abort
if (len(c) .ne. 5) call abort
c = 4_"Goodbye"
if (c .ne. 4_"Goodbye") call abort
if (len(c) .ne. 7) call abort
! Check that the hidden LEN dummy is passed by reference
call test_pass_c4 (c)
if (c .ne. 4_"Made in test!") print *, c
if (len(c) .ne. 13) call abort
end subroutine
subroutine test_pass_c4 (carg)
character(:, kind = 4), allocatable :: carg
if (carg .ne. 4_"Goodbye") call abort
if (len(carg) .ne. 7) call abort
carg = 4_"Made in test!"
end subroutine