blob: 1a85712292db66a9314dc6f6a900e35a941aa23c [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! PR34556 Rejects valid with bogus error message: parameter initalization
! Found using the Fortran Company Fortran 90 Test Suite (Lite),
! Version 1.4
! Test case modified by Jerry DeLisle < to
! show correct results.
module splitprms
integer, parameter :: nplam = 3 ! # of plans to expand TABs
integer, parameter :: linem = 132 ! max. line length
integer, parameter :: ncntm = 39 ! max. # cont. lines
integer, parameter, dimension (linem, nplam) :: nxttab = &
reshape ([[(6, i= 1, 2*linem) ], [(i, i= 1,linem)], &
max ([(i, i= 1,linem)], [(10*i, i= 1,linem)])], &
[linem, nplam ])
end module splitprms
program test
use splitprms
if (nxttab(1, 1) .ne. 6) call abort
if (nxttab(1, nplam) .ne. 1) call abort
if (nxttab(linem, 1) .ne. 6) call abort
if (nxttab(linem, nplam) .ne. 132) call abort
end program test