blob: d0a17567ab43da4cba1090557bac8969542fbf06 [file] [log] [blame]
! { dg-do run }
! PR 43945: [OOP] Derived type with GENERIC: resolved to the wrong specific TBP
! Contributed by by Salvatore Filippone <>
module foo_mod
type foo
integer :: i
procedure, pass(a) :: doit
procedure, pass(a) :: getit
generic, public :: do => doit
generic, public :: get => getit
end type foo
private doit,getit
subroutine doit(a)
class(foo) :: a
a%i = 1
write(*,*) 'FOO%DOIT base version'
end subroutine doit
function getit(a) result(res)
class(foo) :: a
integer :: res
res = a%i
end function getit
end module foo_mod
module foo2_mod
use foo_mod
type, extends(foo) :: foo2
integer :: j
procedure, pass(a) :: doit => doit2
procedure, pass(a) :: getit => getit2
end type foo2
private doit2, getit2
subroutine doit2(a)
class(foo2) :: a
a%i = 2
a%j = 3
end subroutine doit2
function getit2(a) result(res)
class(foo2) :: a
integer :: res
res = a%j
end function getit2
end module foo2_mod
program testd15
use foo2_mod
type(foo2) :: af2
class(foo), allocatable :: afab
allocate(foo2 :: afab)
call af2%do()
if (af2%i .ne. 2) call abort
if (af2%get() .ne. 3) call abort
call afab%do()
if (afab%i .ne. 2) call abort
if (afab%get() .ne. 3) call abort
end program testd15