blob: 5d11ec39200b9e3bac58a6fb86115b6b00316df5 [file] [log] [blame]
| (C) Copyright 2008 Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
| GPLv2: This program is free software; you can redistribute it
| and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General
| Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
| This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
| GNU General Public License for more details.
#ifndef _DEBUG_H_
#define _DEBUG_H_
#ifndef _STYLE_H_
#include <style.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
int debugon (void);
int debugoff (void);
int fdebugon (void);
int fdebugoff(void);
int debugenv (void);
void debugstderr(void);
void debugstdout(void);
bool debug_is_on (void);
bool debug_is_off (void);
bool prf (const char *);
bool pr (const char *fn, unsigned line, const char *);
bool prd (const char *fn, unsigned line, const char *, s64);
bool prp (const char *fn, unsigned line, const char *, void *);
bool prs (const char *fn, unsigned line, const char *, const char *);
bool pru (const char *fn, unsigned line, const char *, u64);
bool prx (const char *fn, unsigned line, const char *, u64);
bool prg (const char *fn, unsigned line, const char *, double x);
bool prid (const char *fn, unsigned line, const char *, guid_t x);
bool prmem (const char *, const void *, unsigned int);
bool prbytes (const char *, const void *, unsigned int);
bool print (const char *fn, unsigned line, const char *format, ...);
#define FN_ARG __FUNCTION__, __LINE__
#define FN prf(__FUNCTION__)
#define HERE pr(FN_ARG, NULL)
#define PR(_s_) pr(FN_ARG, # _s_)
#define PRd(_x_) prd(FN_ARG, # _x_, _x_)
#define PRp(_x_) prp(FN_ARG, # _x_, _x_)
#define PRs(_x_) prs(FN_ARG, # _x_, _x_)
#define PRu(_x_) pru(FN_ARG, # _x_, _x_)
#define PRx(_x_) prx(FN_ARG, # _x_, _x_)
#define PRg(_x_) prg(FN_ARG, # _x_, _x_)
#define PRid(_x_) prid(FN_ARG, # _x_, _x_)
typedef struct counter_s counter_s;
struct counter_s {
counter_s *next;
const char *where;
const char *fn;
u64 count;
void count (counter_s *coutner);
void report (void);
#define CNT { \
static counter_s counter = { NULL, WHERE, __FUNCTION__, 0 }; \
count( &counter); \
#ifndef assert
extern int assertError(const char *what);
#define assert(_e_) ((void)((_e_) || assertError(WHERE " (" # _e_ ")")))
#ifdef __cplusplus