blob: 96c48f894ceed98652e254cfd533a808e528c7ab [file] [log] [blame]
The simple-tester-python program makes use of the 'libqmi-glib' library
through GObject Introspection.
The program will:
* Open a connection to the qmi-proxy, or launch the qmi-proxy itself
if it isn't already running.
* Allocate a DMS client.
* Query device capabilities.
* Release DMS client.
The output will look like this:
$ ./simple-tester-python /dev/cdc-wdm0
max tx channel rate: 50000000
max rx channel rate: 100000000
data service: non-simultaneous-cs-ps
sim: supported
networks: gsm, umts, lte
Note that the program requires libqmi-glib to be installed in the system
and the introspection typelibs available in the standard paths.
Have fun!