blob: 1788a78bc8b5e147d23460f73dfafa9ac3314cef [file] [log] [blame]
// *********************************************************************************
{ "name" : "WDS",
"type" : "Service" },
// *********************************************************************************
{ "name" : "QMI Client WDS",
"type" : "Client" },
// *********************************************************************************
{ "name" : "QMI Message WDS",
"type" : "Message-ID-Enum" },
// *********************************************************************************
{ "name" : "Reset",
"type" : "Message",
"service" : "WDS",
"id" : "0x0000",
"version" : "1.0",
"output" : [ { "common-ref" : "Operation Result" } ] },
// *********************************************************************************
{ "name" : "Abort",
"type" : "Message",
"service" : "WDS",
"id" : "0x0002",
"version" : "1.0",
// This magic tag allows us to avoid creating a method in the client
"scope" : "library-only",
"input" : [ { "name" : "Transaction ID",
"id" : "0x01",
"mandatory" : "yes",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint16" } ],
"output" : [ { "common-ref" : "Operation Result" } ] },
// *********************************************************************************
{ "name" : "Start Network",
"type" : "Message",
"service" : "WDS",
"id" : "0x0020",
"version" : "1.0",
// This method may be aborted
"abort" : "yes",
"input" : [ { "name" : "Primary DNS Address Preference",
"id" : "0x10",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint32" },
{ "name" : "Secondary DNS Address Preference",
"id" : "0x11",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint32" },
{ "name" : "Primary NBNS Address Preference",
"id" : "0x12",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint32" },
{ "name" : "Secondary NBNS Address Preference",
"id" : "0x13",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint32" },
{ "name" : "APN",
"id" : "0x14",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "string" },
{ "name" : "IPv4 Address Preference",
"id" : "0x15",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint32" },
{ "name" : "Authentication Preference",
"id" : "0x16",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint8",
"public-format" : "QmiWdsAuthentication" },
{ "name" : "Username",
"id" : "0x17",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "string" },
{ "name" : "Password",
"id" : "0x18",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "string" },
{ "name" : "IP Family Preference",
"id" : "0x19",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint8",
"public-format" : "QmiWdsIpFamily" },
{ "name" : "Technology Preference",
"id" : "0x30",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint8",
"public-format" : "QmiWdsTechnologyPreference" },
{ "name" : "Profile Index 3GPP",
"id" : "0x31",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint8" },
{ "name" : "Profile Index 3GPP2",
"id" : "0x32",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint8" },
{ "name" : "Enable Autoconnect",
"id" : "0x33",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint8",
"public-format" : "gboolean" },
{ "name" : "Extended Technology Preference",
"id" : "0x34",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint16",
"public-format" : "QmiWdsExtendedTechnologyPreference" },
{ "name" : "Call Type",
"id" : "0x35",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint8",
"public-format" : "QmiWdsCallType" } ],
"output" : [ { "common-ref" : "Operation Result" },
{ "name" : "Packet Data Handle",
"id" : "0x01",
"mandatory" : "yes",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint32",
"prerequisites": [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "Call End Reason",
"id" : "0x10",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint16",
"public-format" : "QmiWdsCallEndReason",
"prerequisites" : [ { "field" : "Result.Error Status",
"operation" : "!=",
"value" : "QMI_STATUS_SUCCESS" },
{ "field" : "Result.Error Code",
"operation" : "==",
{ "name" : "Verbose Call End Reason",
"id" : "0x11",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "sequence",
"contents" : [ { "name" : "Type",
"format" : "guint16",
"public-format" : "QmiWdsVerboseCallEndReasonType" },
{ "name" : "Reason",
"format" : "gint16" } ],
"prerequisites": [ { "field" : "Result.Error Status",
"operation" : "!=",
"value" : "QMI_STATUS_SUCCESS" },
{ "field" : "Result.Error Code",
"operation" : "==",
"value" : "QMI_PROTOCOL_ERROR_CALL_FAILED" } ] } ] },
// *********************************************************************************
{ "name" : "Stop Network",
"type" : "Message",
"service" : "WDS",
"id" : "0x0021",
"version" : "1.0",
"input" : [ { "name" : "Packet Data Handle",
"id" : "0x01",
"mandatory" : "yes",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint32" },
{ "name" : "Disable Autoconnect",
"id" : "0x10",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint8",
"public-format" : "gboolean" } ],
"output" : [ { "common-ref" : "Operation Result" } ] },
// *********************************************************************************
{ "name" : "Get Packet Service Status",
"type" : "Message",
"service" : "WDS",
"id" : "0x0022",
"version" : "1.0",
"output" : [ { "common-ref" : "Operation Result" },
{ "name" : "Connection Status",
"id" : "0x01",
"mandatory" : "yes",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint8",
"public-format" : "QmiWdsConnectionStatus",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] } ] },
// *********************************************************************************
{ "name" : "Get Packet Statistics",
"type" : "Message",
"service" : "WDS",
"id" : "0x0024",
"version" : "1.0",
"input" : [ { "name" : "Mask",
"id" : "0x01",
"mandatory" : "yes",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint32",
"public-format" : "QmiWdsPacketStatisticsMaskFlag" } ],
"output" : [ { "common-ref" : "Operation Result" },
{ "name" : "Tx Packets Ok",
"id" : "0x10",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint32",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "Rx Packets Ok",
"id" : "0x11",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint32",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "Tx Packets Error",
"id" : "0x12",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint32",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "Rx Packets Error",
"id" : "0x13",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint32",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "Tx Overflows",
"id" : "0x14",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint32",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "Rx Overflows",
"id" : "0x15",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint32",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "Tx Bytes Ok",
"id" : "0x19",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint64",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "Rx Bytes Ok",
"id" : "0x1A",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint64",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "Last Call Tx Bytes Ok",
"id" : "0x1B",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint64",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "Last Call Rx Bytes Ok",
"id" : "0x1C",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint64",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "Tx Packets Dropped",
"id" : "0x1D",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint32",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "Rx Packets Dropped",
"id" : "0x1E",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint32",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] } ] },
// *********************************************************************************
{ "name" : "Get Profile List",
"type" : "Message",
"service" : "WDS",
"id" : "0x002A",
"version" : "1.1",
"input" : [ { "name" : "Profile Type",
"id" : "0x10",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint8",
"public-format" : "QmiWdsProfileType" } ],
"output" : [ { "common-ref" : "Operation Result" },
{ "name" : "Profile List",
"id" : "0x01",
"mandatory" : "yes",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "array",
"array-element" : { "name" : "Profile",
"format" : "struct",
"contents" : [ { "name" : "Profile Type",
"format" : "guint8",
"public-format" : "QmiWdsProfileType" },
{ "name" : "Profile Index",
"format" : "guint8" },
{ "name" : "Profile Name",
"format" : "string" } ] },
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "Extended Error Code",
"id" : "0xE0",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint16",
"public-format" : "QmiWdsDsProfileError",
"prerequisites" : [ { "field" : "Result.Error Status",
"operation" : "!=",
"value" : "QMI_STATUS_SUCCESS" },
{ "field" : "Result.Error Code",
"operation" : "==",
// *********************************************************************************
{ "name" : "Get Profile Settings",
"type" : "Message",
"service" : "WDS",
"id" : "0x002B",
"version" : "1.1",
"input" : [ { "name" : "Profile ID",
"id" : "0x01",
"mandatory" : "yes",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "sequence",
"contents" : [ { "name" : "Profile Type",
"format" : "guint8",
"public-format" : "QmiWdsProfileType" },
{ "name" : "Profile Index",
"format" : "guint8" } ] } ],
"output" : [ { "common-ref" : "Operation Result" },
{ "name" : "Profile Name",
"id" : "0x10",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "string",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "PDP Type",
"id" : "0x11",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint8",
"public-format" : "QmiWdsPdpType",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "APN Name",
"id" : "0x14",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "string",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "Primary IPv4 DNS Address",
"id" : "0x15",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"endian" : "little",
"format" : "guint32",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "Secondary IPv4 DNS Address",
"id" : "0x16",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"endian" : "little",
"format" : "guint32",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
// 0x17 UMTS Requested QoS
// 0x18 UMTS Minimum QoS
{ "name" : "GPRS Requested QoS",
"id" : "0x19",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "sequence",
"contents" : [ { "name" : "Precedence Class",
"format" : "guint32" },
{ "name" : "Delay Class",
"format" : "guint32" },
{ "name" : "Reliability Class",
"format" : "guint32" },
{ "name" : "Peak Throughput Class",
"format" : "guint32" },
{ "name" : "Mean Throughput Class",
"format" : "guint32" } ],
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "GPRS Minimum QoS",
"id" : "0x1A",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "sequence",
"contents" : [ { "name" : "Precedence Class",
"format" : "guint32" },
{ "name" : "Delay Class",
"format" : "guint32" },
{ "name" : "Reliability Class",
"format" : "guint32" },
{ "name" : "Peak Throughput Class",
"format" : "guint32" },
{ "name" : "Mean Throughput Class",
"format" : "guint32" } ],
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "Username",
"id" : "0x1B",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "string",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "Password",
"id" : "0x1C",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "string",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "Authentication",
"id" : "0x1D",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint8",
"public-format" : "QmiWdsAuthentication",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "IPv4 Address Preference",
"id" : "0x1E",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"endian" : "little",
"format" : "guint32",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "PCSCF Address Using PCO",
"id" : "0x1F",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint8",
"public-format" : "gboolean",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
// 0x20, PDP access control flag
{ "name" : "PCSCF Address Using DHCP",
"id" : "0x21",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint8",
"public-format" : "gboolean",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "IMCN Flag",
"id" : "0x22",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint8",
"public-format" : "gboolean",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
// 0x23, TFT ID1 Parameters
// 0x24, TFT ID2 Parameters
// 0x25, PDP context number
// 0x26, PDP context secondary flag
// 0x27, PDP context primary id
{ "name" : "IPv6 Address Preference",
"id" : "0x28",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "sequence",
"contents" : [ { "name" : "Address",
"format" : "array",
"fixed-size" : "8",
"array-element" : { "format": "guint16", "endian": "network" } } ] },
// 0x29, UMTS requested QoS with Signaling Indication Flag
// 0x2A, UMTS minimum QoS with Signaling Indication Flag
{ "name" : "IPv6 Primary DNS Address Preference",
"id" : "0x2B",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "array",
"fixed-size": "8",
"array-element" : { "format": "guint16", "endian": "network" },
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "IPv6 Secondary DNS Address Preference",
"id" : "0x2C",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "array",
"fixed-size": "8",
"array-element" : { "format": "guint16", "endian": "network" },
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
// 0x2D, DHCP/NAS Preference
// 0x2E, 3GPP LTE QoS Parameters
// 0x2F, APN disabled flag
// 0x30, PDN inactivity timeout
// 0x31, APN class
// 0x90, Negotiate DNS server preference
// 0x91, PPP session close timer for DO
// 0x92, PPP session close timer for 1X
// 0x93, Allow/disallow lingering of interface
// 0x94, LCP ACK timeout
// 0x95, IPCP ACK timeout
// 0x96, AUTH timeout
// 0x97, LCP configuration request retry count value
// 0x98, IPCP configuration request retry count value
// 0x99, Authentication retry
// 0x9A, Authentication protocol,
// 0x9B, User ID
// 0x9C, Authentication password
// 0x9D, Data rate
// 0x9E, Application type
// 0x9F, Data mode
// 0xA0, Application priority
// 0xA1, APN string
// 0xA2, PDN type
// 0xA3, Is PCSCF address needed
// 0xA4, IPv4 Primary DNS address
// 0xA5, IPv4 Secondary DNS address
// 0xA6, IPv6 Primary DNS address
// 0xA7, IPv6 Secondary DNS address
// 0xA8, RAT type
// 0xA9, APN enabled
// 0xAA, PDN inactivity timeout
// 0xAB, APN class
{ "name" : "Extended Error Code",
"id" : "0xE0",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint16",
"public-format" : "QmiWdsDsProfileError",
"prerequisites" : [ { "field" : "Result.Error Status",
"operation" : "!=",
"value" : "QMI_STATUS_SUCCESS" },
{ "field" : "Result.Error Code",
"operation" : "==",
// *********************************************************************************
{ "name" : "Get Default Settings",
"type" : "Message",
"service" : "WDS",
"id" : "0x002C",
"version" : "1.1",
"input" : [ { "name" : "Profile Type",
"id" : "0x01",
"mandatory" : "yes",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint8",
"public-format" : "QmiWdsProfileType" } ],
"output" : [ { "common-ref" : "Operation Result" },
{ "name" : "Profile Name",
"id" : "0x10",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "string",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "PDP Type",
"id" : "0x11",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint8",
"public-format" : "QmiWdsPdpType",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "APN Name",
"id" : "0x14",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "string",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "Primary IPv4 DNS Address",
"id" : "0x15",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"endian" : "little",
"format" : "guint32",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "Secondary IPv4 DNS Address",
"id" : "0x16",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"endian" : "little",
"format" : "guint32",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
// 0x17 UMTS Requested QoS
// 0x18 UMTS Minimum QoS
{ "name" : "GPRS Requested QoS",
"id" : "0x19",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "sequence",
"contents" : [ { "name" : "Precedence Class",
"format" : "guint32" },
{ "name" : "Delay Class",
"format" : "guint32" },
{ "name" : "Reliability Class",
"format" : "guint32" },
{ "name" : "Peak Throughput Class",
"format" : "guint32" },
{ "name" : "Mean Throughput Class",
"format" : "guint32" } ],
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "GPRS Minimum QoS",
"id" : "0x1A",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "sequence",
"contents" : [ { "name" : "Precedence Class",
"format" : "guint32" },
{ "name" : "Delay Class",
"format" : "guint32" },
{ "name" : "Reliability Class",
"format" : "guint32" },
{ "name" : "Peak Throughput Class",
"format" : "guint32" },
{ "name" : "Mean Throughput Class",
"format" : "guint32" } ],
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "Username",
"id" : "0x1B",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "string",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "Password",
"id" : "0x1C",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "string",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "Authentication",
"id" : "0x1D",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint8",
"public-format" : "QmiWdsAuthentication",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "IPv4 Address Preference",
"id" : "0x1E",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"endian" : "little",
"format" : "guint32",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "PCSCF Address Using PCO",
"id" : "0x1F",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint8",
"public-format" : "gboolean",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
// 0x20, PDP access control flag
{ "name" : "PCSCF Address Using DHCP",
"id" : "0x21",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint8",
"public-format" : "gboolean",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "IMCN Flag",
"id" : "0x22",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint8",
"public-format" : "gboolean",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
// 0x23, TFT ID1 Parameters
// 0x24, TFT ID2 Parameters
// 0x25, PDP context number
// 0x26, PDP context secondary flag
// 0x27, PDP context primary id
{ "name" : "IPv6 Address Preference",
"id" : "0x28",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "sequence",
"contents" : [ { "name" : "Address",
"format" : "array",
"fixed-size" : "8",
"array-element" : { "format": "guint16", "endian": "network" } } ] },
// 0x29, UMTS requested QoS with Signaling Indication Flag
// 0x2A, UMTS minimum QoS with Signaling Indication Flag
{ "name" : "IPv6 Primary DNS Address Preference",
"id" : "0x2B",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "array",
"fixed-size": "8",
"array-element" : { "format": "guint16", "endian": "network" },
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "IPv6 Secondary DNS Address Preference",
"id" : "0x2C",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "array",
"fixed-size": "8",
"array-element" : { "format": "guint16", "endian": "network" },
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
// 0x2D, DHCP/NAS Preference
// 0x2E, 3GPP LTE QoS Parameters
// 0x2F, APN disabled flag
// 0x30, PDN inactivity timeout
// 0x31, APN class
// 0x90, Negotiate DNS server preference
// 0x91, PPP session close timer for DO
// 0x92, PPP session close timer for 1X
// 0x93, Allow/disallow lingering of interface
// 0x94, LCP ACK timeout
// 0x95, IPCP ACK timeout
// 0x96, AUTH timeout
// 0x97, LCP configuration request retry count value
// 0x98, IPCP configuration request retry count value
// 0x99, Authentication retry
// 0x9A, Authentication protocol,
// 0x9B, User ID
// 0x9C, Authentication password
// 0x9D, Data rate
// 0x9E, Application type
// 0x9F, Data mode
// 0xA0, Application priority
// 0xA1, APN string
// 0xA2, PDN type
// 0xA3, Is PCSCF address needed
// 0xA4, IPv4 Primary DNS address
// 0xA5, IPv4 Secondary DNS address
// 0xA6, IPv6 Primary DNS address
// 0xA7, IPv6 Secondary DNS address
// 0xA8, RAT type
// 0xA9, APN enabled
// 0xAA, PDN inactivity timeout
// 0xAB, APN class
{ "name" : "Extended Error Code",
"id" : "0xE0",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint16",
"public-format" : "QmiWdsDsProfileError",
"prerequisites" : [ { "field" : "Result.Error Status",
"operation" : "!=",
"value" : "QMI_STATUS_SUCCESS" },
{ "field" : "Result.Error Code",
"operation" : "==",
// *********************************************************************************
{ "name" : "Get Current Settings",
"type" : "Message",
"service" : "WDS",
"id" : "0x002D",
"version" : "1.2",
"input" : [ { "name" : "Requested Settings",
"id" : "0x10",
"mandatory" : "yes",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint32",
"public-format" : "QmiWdsGetCurrentSettingsRequestedSettings" } ],
"output" : [ { "common-ref" : "Operation Result" },
{ "name" : "Profile Name",
"id" : "0x10",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "string",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "PDP Type",
"id" : "0x11",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint8",
"public-format" : "QmiWdsPdpType",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "APN Name",
"id" : "0x14",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "string",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "Primary IPv4 DNS Address",
"id" : "0x15",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"endian" : "little",
"format" : "guint32",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "Secondary IPv4 DNS Address",
"id" : "0x16",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"endian" : "little",
"format" : "guint32",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "GPRS Granted QoS",
"id" : "0x19",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "sequence",
"contents" : [ { "name" : "Precedence Class",
"format" : "guint32" },
{ "name" : "Delay Class",
"format" : "guint32" },
{ "name" : "Reliability Class",
"format" : "guint32" },
{ "name" : "Peak Throughput Class",
"format" : "guint32" },
{ "name" : "Mean Throughput Class",
"format" : "guint32" } ],
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "Username",
"id" : "0x1B",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "string",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "Authentication",
"id" : "0x1D",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint8",
"public-format" : "QmiWdsAuthentication",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "IPv4 Address",
"id" : "0x1E",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"endian" : "little",
"format" : "guint32",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "Profile ID",
"id" : "0x1F",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "sequence",
"contents" : [ { "name" : "Profile Type",
"format" : "guint8",
"public-format" : "QmiWdsProfileType" },
{ "name" : "Profile Index",
"format" : "guint8" } ],
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "IPv4 Gateway Address",
"id" : "0x20",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"endian" : "little",
"format" : "guint32",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "IPv4 Gateway Subnet Mask",
"id" : "0x21",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"endian" : "little",
"format" : "guint32",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "PCSCF Address Using PCO",
"id" : "0x22",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint8",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "PCSCF Server Address List",
"id" : "0x23",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "array",
"array-element" : { "name" : "IPv4 Address",
"endian" : "little",
"format" : "guint32" },
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "PCSCF Domain Name List",
"id" : "0x24",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "array",
"array-element" : { "name" : "FQDN",
"format" : "string",
"size-prefix-format" : "guint16" },
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "IPv6 Address",
"id" : "0x25",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "sequence",
"contents" : [ { "name" : "Address",
"format" : "array",
"fixed-size" : "8",
"array-element" : { "format": "guint16", "endian": "network" } },
{ "name" : "Prefix Length",
"format" : "guint8" } ],
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "IPv6 Gateway Address",
"id" : "0x26",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "sequence",
"contents" : [ { "name" : "Address",
"format" : "array",
"fixed-size" : "8",
"array-element" : { "format": "guint16", "endian": "network" } },
{ "name" : "Prefix Length",
"format" : "guint8" } ],
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "IPv6 Primary DNS Address",
"id" : "0x27",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "array",
"fixed-size": "8",
"array-element" : { "format": "guint16", "endian": "network" },
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "IPv6 Secondary DNS Address",
"id" : "0x28",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "array",
"fixed-size": "8",
"array-element" : { "format": "guint16", "endian": "network" },
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "MTU",
"id" : "0x29",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint32",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "Domain Name List",
"id" : "0x2A",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "array",
"array-element" : { "name" : "Domain Name",
"format" : "string",
"size-prefix-format" : "guint16" },
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "IP Family",
"id" : "0x2B",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint8",
"public-format" : "QmiWdsIpFamily",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "IMCN Flag",
"id" : "0x2C",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "gint8",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "Extended Technology Preference",
"id" : "0x2D",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint16",
"public-format" : "QmiWdsExtendedTechnologyPreference",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] } ] },
// *********************************************************************************
{ "name" : "Get Data Bearer Technology",
"type" : "Message",
"service" : "WDS",
"id" : "0x0037",
"version" : "1.12",
"output" : [ { "common-ref" : "Operation Result" },
{ "name" : "Current",
"id" : "0x01",
"mandatory" : "yes",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "gint8",
"public-format" : "QmiWdsDataBearerTechnology",
"prerequisites" : [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "Last",
"id" : "0x10",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "gint8",
"public-format" : "QmiWdsDataBearerTechnology",
"prerequisites" : [ { "field" : "Result.Error Status",
"operation" : "!=",
"value" : "QMI_STATUS_SUCCESS" },
{ "field" : "Result.Error Code",
"operation" : "==",
"value" : "QMI_PROTOCOL_ERROR_OUT_OF_CALL" } ] } ] },
// *********************************************************************************
{ "name" : "Get Current Data Bearer Technology",
"type" : "Message",
"service" : "WDS",
"id" : "0x0044",
"version" : "1.4",
"output" : [ { "common-ref" : "Operation Result" },
{ "name" : "Current",
"id" : "0x01",
"mandatory" : "yes",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "sequence",
"contents" : [ { "name" : "Network Type",
"format" : "guint8",
"public-format" : "QmiWdsNetworkType" },
{ "name" : "RAT Mask",
"format" : "guint32" },
{ "name" : "SO Mask",
"format" : "guint32" } ],
"prerequisites": [ { "common-ref" : "Success" } ] },
{ "name" : "Last",
"id" : "0x10",
"mandatory" : "no",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "sequence",
"contents" : [ { "name" : "Network Type",
"format" : "guint8",
"public-format" : "QmiWdsNetworkType" },
{ "name" : "RAT Mask",
"format" : "guint32" },
{ "name" : "SO Mask",
"format" : "guint32" } ] } ] },
// *********************************************************************************
{ "name" : "Set IP Family",
"type" : "Message",
"service" : "WDS",
"id" : "0x004D",
"version" : "1.9",
"input" : [ { "name" : "Preference",
"id" : "0x01",
"mandatory" : "yes",
"type" : "TLV",
"format" : "guint8",
"public-format" : "QmiWdsIpFamily" } ],
"output" : [ { "common-ref" : "Operation Result" } ] }