blob: add16f744815e3c7fa6211af2a94590006beb3e1 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of the sigrok-cli project.
* Copyright (C) 2013 Bert Vermeulen <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "sigrok-cli.h"
#include "config.h"
#include <glib.h>
#ifdef HAVE_SRD
static GHashTable *pd_ann_visible = NULL;
static GHashTable *pd_meta_visible = NULL;
static GHashTable *pd_binary_visible = NULL;
static GHashTable *pd_channel_maps = NULL;
extern struct srd_session *srd_sess;
extern gint opt_loglevel;
static int opts_to_gvar(struct srd_decoder *dec, GHashTable *hash,
GHashTable **options)
struct srd_decoder_option *o;
GSList *optl;
GVariant *gvar;
gint64 val_int;
int ret;
char *val_str, *conv;
ret = TRUE;
*options = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free,
for (optl = dec->options; optl; optl = optl->next) {
o = optl->data;
if (!(val_str = g_hash_table_lookup(hash, o->id)))
/* Not specified. */
if (g_variant_is_of_type(o->def, G_VARIANT_TYPE_STRING)) {
gvar = g_variant_new_string(val_str);
} else if (g_variant_is_of_type(o->def, G_VARIANT_TYPE_INT64)) {
val_int = strtoll(val_str, &conv, 0);
if (!conv || conv == val_str) {
g_critical("Protocol decoder '%s' option '%s' "
"requires a number.", dec->name, o->id);
ret = FALSE;
gvar = g_variant_new_int64(val_int);
} else {
g_critical("Unsupported type for option '%s' (%s)",
o->id, g_variant_get_type_string(o->def));
ret = FALSE;
g_hash_table_insert(*options, g_strdup(o->id), gvar);
g_hash_table_remove(hash, o->id);
return ret;
static int move_hash_element(GHashTable *src, GHashTable *dest, void *key)
void *orig_key, *value;
if (!g_hash_table_lookup_extended(src, key, &orig_key, &value))
/* Not specified. */
return FALSE;
g_hash_table_steal(src, orig_key);
g_hash_table_insert(dest, orig_key, value);
return TRUE;
static GHashTable *extract_channel_map(struct srd_decoder *dec, GHashTable *hash)
GHashTable *channel_map;
struct srd_channel *pdch;
GSList *l;
channel_map = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
g_free, g_free);
for (l = dec->channels; l; l = l->next) {
pdch = l->data;
move_hash_element(hash, channel_map, pdch->id);
for (l = dec->opt_channels; l; l = l->next) {
pdch = l->data;
move_hash_element(hash, channel_map, pdch->id);
return channel_map;
/* Register the given PDs for this session.
* Accepts a string of the form: "spi:sck=3:sdata=4,spi:sck=3:sdata=5"
* That will instantiate two SPI decoders on the clock but different data
* lines.
int register_pds(const char *opt_pds, char *opt_pd_annotations)
struct srd_decoder *dec;
GHashTable *pd_opthash, *options, *channels;
GList *leftover, *l;
struct srd_decoder_inst *di;
int ret;
char **pdtokens, **pdtok, *pd_name;
pd_ann_visible = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
g_free, NULL);
ret = 0;
pd_name = NULL;
pd_opthash = options = channels = pd_channel_maps = NULL;
pdtokens = g_strsplit(opt_pds, ",", 0);
for (pdtok = pdtokens; *pdtok; pdtok++) {
if (!(pd_opthash = parse_generic_arg(*pdtok, TRUE))) {
g_critical("Invalid protocol decoder option '%s'.", *pdtok);
pd_name = g_strdup(g_hash_table_lookup(pd_opthash, "sigrok_key"));
g_hash_table_remove(pd_opthash, "sigrok_key");
if (srd_decoder_load(pd_name) != SRD_OK) {
g_critical("Failed to load protocol decoder %s.", pd_name);
ret = 1;
dec = srd_decoder_get_by_id(pd_name);
/* Convert decoder option and channel values to GVariant. */
if (!opts_to_gvar(dec, pd_opthash, &options)) {
ret = 1;
channels = extract_channel_map(dec, pd_opthash);
if (g_hash_table_size(pd_opthash) > 0) {
leftover = g_hash_table_get_keys(pd_opthash);
for (l = leftover; l; l = l->next)
g_critical("Unknown option or channel '%s'", (char *)l->data);
if (!(di = srd_inst_new(srd_sess, pd_name, options))) {
g_critical("Failed to instantiate protocol decoder %s.", pd_name);
ret = 1;
if (pdtok == pdtokens) {
* Save the channel setup for later, but only on the
* first decoder (stacked decoders don't get channels).
pd_channel_maps = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash,
g_str_equal, g_free, (GDestroyNotify)g_hash_table_destroy);
g_hash_table_insert(pd_channel_maps, g_strdup(di->inst_id), channels);
channels = NULL;
/* If no annotation list was specified, add them all in now.
* This will be pared down later to leave only the last PD
* in the stack.
if (!opt_pd_annotations)
g_hash_table_insert(pd_ann_visible, g_strdup(di->inst_id),
g_slist_append(NULL, GINT_TO_POINTER(-1)));
if (pd_opthash)
if (options)
if (channels)
if (pd_name)
return ret;
static void map_pd_inst_channels(void *key, void *value, void *user_data)
GHashTable *channel_map;
GHashTable *channel_indices;
GSList *channel_list;
struct srd_decoder_inst *di;
GVariant *var;
void *channel_id;
void *channel_target;
struct sr_channel *ch;
GHashTableIter iter;
int num_channels;
channel_map = value;
channel_list = user_data;
di = srd_inst_find_by_id(srd_sess, key);
if (!di) {
g_critical("Protocol decoder instance \"%s\" not found.",
(char *)key);
channel_indices = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free,
g_hash_table_iter_init(&iter, channel_map);
while (g_hash_table_iter_next(&iter, &channel_id, &channel_target)) {
ch = find_channel(channel_list, channel_target);
if (!ch) {
g_printerr("cli: No channel with name \"%s\" found.\n",
(char *)channel_target);
if (!ch->enabled)
g_printerr("cli: Target channel \"%s\" not enabled.\n",
(char *)channel_target);
var = g_variant_new_int32(ch->index);
g_hash_table_insert(channel_indices, g_strdup(channel_id), var);
num_channels = g_slist_length(channel_list);
srd_inst_channel_set_all(di, channel_indices, (num_channels + 7) / 8);
void map_pd_channels(struct sr_dev_inst *sdi)
if (pd_channel_maps) {
g_hash_table_foreach(pd_channel_maps, &map_pd_inst_channels,
pd_channel_maps = NULL;
int setup_pd_stack(char *opt_pds, char *opt_pd_stack, char *opt_pd_annotations)
struct srd_decoder_inst *di_from, *di_to;
int ret, i;
char **pds, **ids;
/* Set up the protocol decoder stack. */
pds = g_strsplit(opt_pds, ",", 0);
if (g_strv_length(pds) > 1) {
if (opt_pd_stack) {
/* A stack setup was specified, use that. */
pds = g_strsplit(opt_pd_stack, ",", 0);
if (g_strv_length(pds) < 2) {
g_critical("Specify at least two protocol decoders to stack.");
return 1;
/* First PD goes at the bottom of the stack. */
ids = g_strsplit(pds[0], ":", 0);
if (!(di_from = srd_inst_find_by_id(srd_sess, ids[0]))) {
g_critical("Cannot stack protocol decoder '%s': "
"instance not found.", pds[0]);
return 1;
/* Every subsequent PD goes on top. */
for (i = 1; pds[i]; i++) {
ids = g_strsplit(pds[i], ":", 0);
if (!(di_to = srd_inst_find_by_id(srd_sess, ids[0]))) {
g_critical("Cannot stack protocol decoder '%s': "
"instance not found.", pds[i]);
return 1;
if ((ret = srd_inst_stack(srd_sess, di_from, di_to)) != SRD_OK)
return 1;
/* Don't show annotation from this PD. Only the last PD in
* the stack will be left on the annotation list (unless
* the annotation list was specifically provided).
if (!opt_pd_annotations)
g_hash_table_remove(pd_ann_visible, di_from->inst_id);
di_from = di_to;
return 0;
int setup_pd_annotations(char *opt_pd_annotations)
GSList *l, *l_ann;
struct srd_decoder *dec;
int ann_class;
char **pds, **pdtok, **keyval, **annlist, **ann, **ann_descr;
/* Set up custom list of PDs and annotations to show. */
pds = g_strsplit(opt_pd_annotations, ",", 0);
for (pdtok = pds; *pdtok && **pdtok; pdtok++) {
keyval = g_strsplit(*pdtok, "=", 0);
if (!(dec = srd_decoder_get_by_id(keyval[0]))) {
g_critical("Protocol decoder '%s' not found.", keyval[0]);
return 1;
if (!dec->annotations) {
g_critical("Protocol decoder '%s' has no annotations.", keyval[0]);
return 1;
if (g_strv_length(keyval) == 2 && keyval[1][0] != '\0') {
annlist = g_strsplit(keyval[1], ":", 0);
for (ann = annlist; *ann && **ann; ann++) {
ann_class = 0;
for (l = dec->annotations; l; l = l->next, ann_class++) {
ann_descr = l->data;
if (!canon_cmp(ann_descr[0], *ann))
/* Found it. */
if (!l) {
g_critical("Annotation '%s' not found "
"for protocol decoder '%s'.", *ann, keyval[0]);
return 1;
l_ann = g_hash_table_lookup(pd_ann_visible, keyval[0]);
l_ann = g_slist_append(l_ann, GINT_TO_POINTER(ann_class));
g_hash_table_replace(pd_ann_visible, g_strdup(keyval[0]), l_ann);
g_debug("cli: Showing protocol decoder %s annotation "
"class %d (%s).", keyval[0], ann_class, ann_descr[0]);
} else {
/* No class specified: show all of them. */
g_hash_table_insert(pd_ann_visible, g_strdup(keyval[0]),
g_slist_append(NULL, GINT_TO_POINTER(-1)));
g_debug("cli: Showing all annotation classes for protocol "
"decoder %s.", keyval[0]);
return 0;
int setup_pd_meta(char *opt_pd_meta)
struct srd_decoder *dec;
char **pds, **pdtok;
pd_meta_visible = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_int_equal,
g_free, NULL);
pds = g_strsplit(opt_pd_meta, ",", 0);
for (pdtok = pds; *pdtok && **pdtok; pdtok++) {
if (!(dec = srd_decoder_get_by_id(*pdtok))) {
g_critical("Protocol decoder '%s' not found.", *pdtok);
return 1;
g_debug("cli: Showing protocol decoder meta output from '%s'.", *pdtok);
g_hash_table_insert(pd_meta_visible, g_strdup(*pdtok), NULL);
return 0;
int setup_pd_binary(char *opt_pd_binary)
GSList *l;
struct srd_decoder *dec;
int bin_class;
char **pds, **pdtok, **keyval, **bin_name;
pd_binary_visible = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_int_equal,
g_free, NULL);
pds = g_strsplit(opt_pd_binary, ",", 0);
for (pdtok = pds; *pdtok && **pdtok; pdtok++) {
keyval = g_strsplit(*pdtok, "=", 0);
if (!(dec = srd_decoder_get_by_id(keyval[0]))) {
g_critical("Protocol decoder '%s' not found.", keyval[0]);
return 1;
if (!dec->binary) {
g_critical("Protocol decoder '%s' has no binary output.", keyval[0]);
return 1;
bin_class = 0;
if (g_strv_length(keyval) == 2) {
for (l = dec->binary; l; l = l->next, bin_class++) {
bin_name = l->data;
if (!strcmp(bin_name[0], keyval[1]))
/* Found it. */
if (!l) {
g_critical("binary output '%s' not found "
"for protocol decoder '%s'.", keyval[1], keyval[0]);
return 1;
g_debug("cli: Showing protocol decoder %s binary class "
"%d (%s).", keyval[0], bin_class, bin_name[0]);
} else {
/* No class specified: output all of them. */
bin_class = -1;
g_debug("cli: Showing all binary classes for protocol "
"decoder %s.", keyval[0]);
g_hash_table_insert(pd_binary_visible, g_strdup(keyval[0]), GINT_TO_POINTER(bin_class));
return 0;
void show_pd_annotations(struct srd_proto_data *pdata, void *cb_data)
struct srd_decoder *dec;
struct srd_proto_data_annotation *pda;
GSList *ann_list, *l;
int i;
char **ann_descr;
gboolean show;
/* 'cb_data' is not used in this specific callback. */
if (!pd_ann_visible)
if (!g_hash_table_lookup_extended(pd_ann_visible, pdata->pdo->di->inst_id,
NULL, (void **)&ann_list))
/* Not in the list of PDs whose annotations we're showing. */
dec = pdata->pdo->di->decoder;
pda = pdata->data;
show = FALSE;
for (l = ann_list; l; l = l->next) {
if (GPOINTER_TO_INT(l->data) == -1
|| GPOINTER_TO_INT(l->data) == pda->ann_format) {
show = TRUE;
if (!show)
if (opt_loglevel <= SR_LOG_WARN) {
/* Show only the longest annotation. */
printf("%s", pda->ann_text[0]);
} else if (opt_loglevel >= SR_LOG_INFO) {
/* Sample numbers and quotes around the longest annotation. */
printf("%"PRIu64"-%"PRIu64"", pdata->start_sample, pdata->end_sample);
if (opt_loglevel == SR_LOG_INFO) {
printf(" \"%s\"", pda->ann_text[0]);
} else {
/* Protocol decoder id, annotation class,
* all annotation strings. */
ann_descr = g_slist_nth_data(dec->annotations, pda->ann_format);
printf(" %s: %s:", pdata->pdo->proto_id, ann_descr[0]);
for (i = 0; pda->ann_text[i]; i++)
printf(" \"%s\"", pda->ann_text[i]);
void show_pd_meta(struct srd_proto_data *pdata, void *cb_data)
/* 'cb_data' is not used in this specific callback. */
if (!g_hash_table_lookup_extended(pd_meta_visible,
pdata->pdo->di->decoder->id, NULL, NULL))
/* Not in the list of PDs whose meta output we're showing. */
if (opt_loglevel > SR_LOG_WARN)
printf("%"PRIu64"-%"PRIu64" ", pdata->start_sample, pdata->end_sample);
printf("%s: ", pdata->pdo->proto_id);
printf("%s: %s", pdata->pdo->meta_name, g_variant_print(pdata->data, FALSE));
void show_pd_binary(struct srd_proto_data *pdata, void *cb_data)
struct srd_proto_data_binary *pdb;
gpointer classp;
int class;
/* 'cb_data' is not used in this specific callback. */
if (!g_hash_table_lookup_extended(pd_binary_visible,
pdata->pdo->di->decoder->id, NULL, (void **)&classp))
/* Not in the list of PDs whose meta output we're showing. */
class = GPOINTER_TO_INT(classp);
pdb = pdata->data;
if (class != -1 && class != pdb->bin_class)
/* Not showing this binary class. */
/* Just send the binary output to stdout, no embellishments. */
fwrite(pdb->data, pdb->size, 1, stdout);