blob: d0b9b0dcf898f57c558e315245e70f9623e048a8 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Memtest86 SPD extension
* added by Reto Sonderegger, 2004,
* Released under version 2 of the Gnu Puclic License
#include "test.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "pci.h"
#include "msr.h"
#include "screen_buffer.h"
#define SMBHSTSTS smbusbase
#define SMBHSTCNT smbusbase + 2
#define SMBHSTCMD smbusbase + 3
#define SMBHSTADD smbusbase + 4
#define SMBHSTDAT smbusbase + 5
extern void wait_keyup();
int smbdev, smbfun;
unsigned short smbusbase;
unsigned char spd[256];
char s[] = {'/', 0, '-', 0, '\\', 0, '|', 0};
static void ich5_get_smb(void)
unsigned long x;
int result;
result = pci_conf_read(0, smbdev, smbfun, 0x20, 2, &x);
if (result == 0) smbusbase = (unsigned short) x & 0xFFFE;
unsigned char ich5_smb_read_byte(unsigned char adr, unsigned char cmd)
int l1, h1, l2, h2;
unsigned long long t;
__outb(0x1f, SMBHSTSTS); // reset SMBus Controller
__outb(0xff, SMBHSTDAT);
while(__inb(SMBHSTSTS) & 0x01); // wait until ready
__outb(cmd, SMBHSTCMD);
__outb((adr << 1) | 0x01, SMBHSTADD);
__outb(0x48, SMBHSTCNT);
rdtsc(l1, h1);
cprint(POP2_Y, POP2_X + 16, s + cmd % 8); // progress bar
while (!(__inb(SMBHSTSTS) & 0x02)) { // wait til command finished
rdtsc(l2, h2);
t = ((h2 - h1) * 0xffffffff + (l2 - l1)) / v->clks_msec;
if (t > 10) break; // break after 10ms
return __inb(SMBHSTDAT);
static int ich5_read_spd(int dimmadr)
int x;
spd[0] = ich5_smb_read_byte(0x50 + dimmadr, 0);
if (spd[0] == 0xff) return -1; // no spd here
for (x = 1; x < 256; x++) {
spd[x] = ich5_smb_read_byte(0x50 + dimmadr, (unsigned char) x);
return 0;
static void us15w_get_smb(void)
unsigned long x;
int result;
result = pci_conf_read(0, 0x1f, 0, 0x40, 2, &x);
if (result == 0) smbusbase = (unsigned short) x & 0xFFC0;
unsigned char us15w_smb_read_byte(unsigned char adr, unsigned char cmd)
int l1, h1, l2, h2;
unsigned long long t;
//__outb(0x00, smbusbase + 1); // reset SMBus Controller
//__outb(0x00, smbusbase + 6);
//while((__inb(smbusbase + 1) & 0x08) != 0); // wait until ready
__outb(0x02, smbusbase + 0); // Byte read
__outb(cmd, smbusbase + 5); // Command
__outb(0x07, smbusbase + 1); // Clear status
__outb((adr << 1) | 0x01, smbusbase + 4); // DIMM address
__outb(0x12, smbusbase + 0); // Start
//while (((__inb(smbusbase + 1) & 0x08) == 0)) {} // wait til busy
rdtsc(l1, h1);
cprint(POP2_Y, POP2_X + 16, s + cmd % 8); // progress bar
while (((__inb(smbusbase + 1) & 0x01) == 0) ||
((__inb(smbusbase + 1) & 0x08) != 0)) { // wait til command finished
rdtsc(l2, h2);
t = ((h2 - h1) * 0xffffffff + (l2 - l1)) / v->clks_msec;
if (t > 10) break; // break after 10ms
return __inb(smbusbase + 6);
static int us15w_read_spd(int dimmadr)
int x;
spd[0] = us15w_smb_read_byte(0x50 + dimmadr, 0);
if (spd[0] == 0xff) return -1; // no spd here
for (x = 1; x < 256; x++) {
spd[x] = us15w_smb_read_byte(0x50 + dimmadr, (unsigned char) x);
return 0;
struct pci_smbus_controller {
unsigned vendor;
unsigned device;
char *name;
void (*get_adr)(void);
int (*read_spd)(int dimmadr);
static struct pci_smbus_controller smbcontrollers[] = {
{0x8086, 0x3B30, "Intel P55", ich5_get_smb, ich5_read_spd},
{0x8086, 0x3A60, "Intel ICH10B", ich5_get_smb, ich5_read_spd},
{0x8086, 0x3A30, "Intel ICH10R", ich5_get_smb, ich5_read_spd},
{0x8086, 0x2930, "Intel ICH9", ich5_get_smb, ich5_read_spd},
{0x8086, 0x283E, "Intel ICH8", ich5_get_smb, ich5_read_spd},
{0x8086, 0x27DA, "Intel ICH7", ich5_get_smb, ich5_read_spd},
{0x8086, 0x266A, "Intel ICH6", ich5_get_smb, ich5_read_spd},
{0x8086, 0x24D3, "Intel ICH5", ich5_get_smb, ich5_read_spd},
{0x8086, 0x24C3, "Intel ICH4", ich5_get_smb, ich5_read_spd},
{0x8086, 0x25A4, "Intel 6300ESB", ich5_get_smb, ich5_read_spd},
{0x8086, 0x269B, "Intel ESB2", ich5_get_smb, ich5_read_spd},
{0x8086, 0x8119, "Intel US15W", us15w_get_smb, us15w_read_spd},
{0x8086, 0x5032, "Intel EP80579", ich5_get_smb, ich5_read_spd},
{0, 0, "", 0, 0}
int find_smb_controller(void)
int i = 0;
unsigned long valuev, valued;
for (smbdev = 0; smbdev < 32; smbdev++) {
for (smbfun = 0; smbfun < 8; smbfun++) {
pci_conf_read(0, smbdev, smbfun, 0, 2, &valuev);
if (valuev != 0xFFFF) { // if there is something look what's it..
for (i = 0; smbcontrollers[i].vendor > 0; i++) { // check if this is a known smbus controller
if (valuev == smbcontrollers[i].vendor) {
pci_conf_read(0, smbdev, smbfun, 2, 2, &valued); // read the device id
if (valued == smbcontrollers[i].device) {
return i;
return -1;
void show_spd(void)
int index;
int i, j;
int flag = 0;
index = find_smb_controller();
if (index == -1) {
cprint(POP2_Y, POP2_X+1, "SMBus Controller not known");
while (!get_key());
else cprint(POP2_Y, POP2_X+1, "SPD Data: Slot");
for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
if (smbcontrollers[index].read_spd(j) == 0) {
dprint(POP2_Y, POP2_X + 15, j, 2, 0);
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
hprint2(2 + POP2_Y + i / 16, 3 + POP2_X + (i % 16) * 3, spd[i], 2);
flag = 0;
while(!flag) {
if (get_key()) flag++;