blob: 9c352508e474ae280a06e9ddf65168d32f00a258 [file] [log] [blame]
The Anatomy & Physiology of Memtest86-SMP
1. Binary layout
| bootsect.o | setup.o | head.o memtest_shared |
Labels _start<-------memtest---------->_end
addr 0 512 512+4*512 |
2. The following steps occur after we power on.
a. The bootsect.o code gets loaded at 0x7c00
and copies
i. itself to 0x90000
ii. setup.o to 0x90200
iii. everything between _start and _end i.e memtest
to 0x10000
b. jumps somewhere into the copied bootsect.o code at 0x90000
,does some trivial stuff and jumps to setup.o
c. setup.o puts the processor in protected mode, with a basic
gdt and idt and does a long jump to the start of the
memtest code (startup_32, see 4 below). The code and data
segment base address are all set to 0x0. So a linear
address range and no paging is enabled.
d. From now on we no longer required the bootsect.o and setup.o
3. The code in memtest is compiled as position independent
code. Which implies that the code can be moved dynamically in
the address space and can still work. Since we are now in head.o,
which is compiled with PIC , we no longer should use absolute
addresses references while accessing functions or globals.
All symbols are stored in a table called Global Offset Table(GOT)
and %ebx is set to point to the base of that table. So to get/set
the value of a symbol we need to read (%ebx + symbolOffsetIntoGOT) to
get the symbol value. For eg. if foo is global varible the assembly
code to store %eax value into foo will be changed from
mov %eax, foo
mov %eax, foo@GOTOFF(%ebx)
4. (startup_32) The first step done in head.o is to change
the gdtr and idtr register values to point to the final(!)
gdt and ldt tables in head.o, since we can no longer use the
gdt and ldt tables in setup.o, and call the dynamic linker
stub in memtest_shared (see call _dl_start in head.S). This
dynamic linker stub relocates all the code in memtest w.r.t
the new base location i.e 0x1000. Finally we call the test_start()
'C' routine.
5. The test_start() C routine is the main routine which lets the BSP
bring up the APs from their halt state, relocate the code
(if necessary) to new address, move the APs to the newly
relocated address and execute the tests. The BSP is the
master which controls the execution of the APs, and mostly
it is the one which manupulates the global variables.
i. we change the stack to a private per cpu stack.
(this step happens every time we move to a new location)
ii. We kick start the APs in the system by
a. Putting a temporary real mode code
(_ap_trampoline_start - _ap_trampoline_protmode)
at 0x9000, which puts the AP in protected mode and jumps
to _ap_trampoline_protmode in head.o. The code in
_ap_trampoline_protmode calls start_32 in head.o which
reinitialises the AP's gdt and idt to point to the
final(!) gdt and idt. (see step 4 above)
b. Since the APs also traverse through the same initialisation
code(startup_32 in head.o), the APs also call test_start().
The APs just spin wait (see AP_SpinWaitStart) till the
are instructed by the BSP to jump to a new location,
which can either be a test execution or spin wait at a
new location.
iii. The base address at which memtest tries to execute as far
as possible is 0x2000. This is the lowest possible address
memtest can put itself at. So the next step is to
move to 0x2000, which it cannot directly, since copying
code to 0x2000 will override the existing code at 0x1000.
0x2000 +sizeof(memtest) will usually be greater than 0x1000.
so we temporarily relocated to 0x200000 and then relocate
back to 0x2000. Every time the BSP relocates the code to the
new location, it pulls up the APs spin waiting at the old
location to spin wait at the corresponding relocated
spin wait location, by making them jump to the new
statup_32 relocated location(see 4 above).
Hence forth during the tests 0x200000 is the only place
we relocate to if we need to test a memory window
(see v. below to get a description of what a window is)
which includes address range 0x2000.
Address map during normal execution.
| head.o memtest_shared | |RAM_END
Labels _start<-------memtest---------->_end
addr 0x0 0x2000 | Memory that is being tested.. |RAM_END
Address map during relocated state.
| head.o memtest_shared | |RAM_END
Labels _start<-------memtest---------->_end
addr memory that is being tested... |0x200000 | |RAM_END
iv. Once we are at 0x2000 we initialise the system, and
determine the memory map ,usually via the bios e820 map.
The sorted, and non-overlapping RAM page ranges are
placed in v->pmap[] array. This array is the reference
of the RAM memory map on the system.
v. The memory range(in page numbers) which the
memtest86 can test is partitioned into windows.
the current version of memtest86-smp has the capability
to test the memory from 0x0 - 0xFFFFFFFFF (max address
when pae mode is enabled).
We then compute the linear memory address ranges(called
segments) for the window we are currently about to
test. The windows are
a. 0 - 640K
b. (0x2000 + (_end - _start)) - 4G (since the code is at 0x2000).
c. >4G to test pae address range, each window with size
of 0x80000(2G), large enough to be mapped in one page directory
entry. So a window size of 0x80000 means we can map 1024 page
table entries, with page size of 2M(pae mode), with one
page directory entry. Something similar to kseg entry
in linux. The upper bound page number is 0x1000000 which
corresponds to linear address 0xFFFFFFFFF + 1 which uses
all the 36 address bits.
Each window is compared against the sorted & non-overlapping
e820 map which we have stored in v->pmap[] array, since all
memory in the selected window address range may correspond to
RAM or can be usable. A list of segments within the window is
created , which contain the usable portions of the window.
This is stored in v->mmap[] array.
vi. Once the v->mmap[] array populated, we have the list of
non-overlapping segments in the current window which are the
final address ranges that can be tested. The BSP executes the
test first and lets each AP execute the test one by one. Once
all the APs finish execting the same test, the BSP moves to the
next window follows the same procedure till all the windows
are done. Once all the windows are done, the BSP moves to the
next test. Before executing in any window the BSP checks if
the window overlaps with the code/data of memtest86, if so
tries to relocate to 0x200000. If the window includes both
0x2000 as well as 0x200000 the BSP skips that window.
Looking at the window values the only time the memtest
relocates is when testing the 0 - 640K window.
Known Issues:
* Memtest86-smp does not work on IBM-NUMA machines, x440 and friends.
email comments to:
Kalyan Rajasekharuni<>
Sub: Memtest86-SMP