blob: fb7982fe57f65d2bbc277f4ced71cc79aec1e70a [file] [log] [blame]
/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details:
* Copyright (C) 2008 - 2009 Novell, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2009 - 2012 Red Hat, Inc.
* Copyright (C) 2012 Google, Inc.
#include <ModemManager.h>
#include <libmm-glib.h>
#include "glib-object.h"
#include "mm-charsets.h"
/* NOTE:
* We will use the following nomenclature for the different AT commands referred
* - AT+SOMETHING --> "Exec" command
* - AT+SOMETHING? --> "Read" command
* - AT+SOMETHING=X,X --> "Write" command
* - AT+SOMETHING=? --> "Test" command
/* Common utilities */
gchar *mm_strip_quotes (gchar *str);
const gchar *mm_strip_tag (const gchar *str,
const gchar *cmd);
gchar **mm_split_string_groups (const gchar *str);
GArray *mm_parse_uint_list (const gchar *str,
GError **error);
guint mm_count_bits_set (gulong number);
gchar *mm_create_device_identifier (guint vid,
guint pid,
const gchar *ati,
const gchar *ati1,
const gchar *gsn,
const gchar *revision,
const gchar *model,
const gchar *manf);
guint mm_netmask_to_cidr (const gchar *netmask);
GArray *mm_filter_current_bands (const GArray *supported_bands,
const GArray *current_bands);
gchar *mm_new_iso8601_time (guint year,
guint month,
guint day,
guint hour,
guint minute,
guint second,
gboolean have_offset,
gint offset_minutes);
GArray *mm_filter_supported_modes (const GArray *all,
const GArray *supported_combinations);
GArray *mm_filter_supported_capabilities (MMModemCapability all,
const GArray *supported_combinations);
/* VOICE specific helpers and utilities */
GRegex *mm_voice_ring_regex_get (void);
GRegex *mm_voice_cring_regex_get(void);
GRegex *mm_voice_clip_regex_get (void);
/* 3GPP specific helpers and utilities */
/* Common Regex getters */
GPtrArray *mm_3gpp_creg_regex_get (gboolean solicited);
void mm_3gpp_creg_regex_destroy (GPtrArray *array);
GRegex *mm_3gpp_ciev_regex_get (void);
GRegex *mm_3gpp_cusd_regex_get (void);
GRegex *mm_3gpp_cmti_regex_get (void);
GRegex *mm_3gpp_cds_regex_get (void);
/* AT+COPS=? (network scan) response parser */
typedef struct {
MMModem3gppNetworkAvailability status;
gchar *operator_long;
gchar *operator_short;
gchar *operator_code; /* mandatory */
MMModemAccessTechnology access_tech;
} MM3gppNetworkInfo;
void mm_3gpp_network_info_list_free (GList *info_list);
GList *mm_3gpp_parse_cops_test_response (const gchar *reply,
GError **error);
/* AT+COPS? (current operator) response parser */
gboolean mm_3gpp_parse_cops_read_response (const gchar *response,
guint *out_mode,
guint *out_format,
gchar **out_operator,
MMModemAccessTechnology *out_act,
GError **error);
/* Logic to compare two APN names */
gboolean mm_3gpp_cmp_apn_name (const gchar *requested,
const gchar *existing);
/* AT+CGDCONT=? (PDP context format) test parser */
typedef struct {
guint min_cid;
guint max_cid;
MMBearerIpFamily pdp_type;
} MM3gppPdpContextFormat;
void mm_3gpp_pdp_context_format_list_free (GList *pdp_format_list);
GList *mm_3gpp_parse_cgdcont_test_response (const gchar *reply,
GError **error);
/* AT+CGDCONT? (PDP context query) response parser */
typedef struct {
guint cid;
MMBearerIpFamily pdp_type;
gchar *apn;
} MM3gppPdpContext;
void mm_3gpp_pdp_context_list_free (GList *pdp_list);
GList *mm_3gpp_parse_cgdcont_read_response (const gchar *reply,
GError **error);
/* AT+CGACT? (active PDP context query) response parser */
typedef struct {
guint cid;
gboolean active;
} MM3gppPdpContextActive;
void mm_3gpp_pdp_context_active_list_free (GList *pdp_active_list);
GList *mm_3gpp_parse_cgact_read_response (const gchar *reply,
GError **error);
/* CREG/CGREG response/unsolicited message parser */
gboolean mm_3gpp_parse_creg_response (GMatchInfo *info,
MMModem3gppRegistrationState *out_reg_state,
gulong *out_lac,
gulong *out_ci,
MMModemAccessTechnology *out_act,
gboolean *out_cgreg,
gboolean *out_cereg,
GError **error);
/* AT+CMGF=? (SMS message format) response parser */
gboolean mm_3gpp_parse_cmgf_test_response (const gchar *reply,
gboolean *sms_pdu_supported,
gboolean *sms_text_supported,
GError **error);
/* AT+CPMS=? (Preferred SMS storage) response parser */
gboolean mm_3gpp_parse_cpms_test_response (const gchar *reply,
GArray **mem1,
GArray **mem2,
GArray **mem3);
/* AT+CPMS? (Current SMS storage) response parser */
gboolean mm_3gpp_parse_cpms_query_response (const gchar *reply,
MMSmsStorage *mem1,
MMSmsStorage *mem2,
GError** error);
gboolean mm_3gpp_get_cpms_storage_match (GMatchInfo *match_info,
const gchar *match_name,
MMSmsStorage *storage,
GError **error);
/* AT+CSCS=? (Supported charsets) response parser */
gboolean mm_3gpp_parse_cscs_test_response (const gchar *reply,
MMModemCharset *out_charsets);
/* AT+CLCK=? (Supported locks) response parser */
gboolean mm_3gpp_parse_clck_test_response (const gchar *reply,
MMModem3gppFacility *out_facilities);
/* AT+CLCK=X,X,X... (Current locks) response parser */
gboolean mm_3gpp_parse_clck_write_response (const gchar *reply,
gboolean *enabled);
/* AT+CNUM (Own numbers) response parser */
GStrv mm_3gpp_parse_cnum_exec_response (const gchar *reply,
GError **error);
/* AT+CIND=? (Supported indicators) response parser */
typedef struct MM3gppCindResponse MM3gppCindResponse;
GHashTable *mm_3gpp_parse_cind_test_response (const gchar *reply,
GError **error);
const gchar *mm_3gpp_cind_response_get_desc (MM3gppCindResponse *r);
guint mm_3gpp_cind_response_get_index (MM3gppCindResponse *r);
gint mm_3gpp_cind_response_get_min (MM3gppCindResponse *r);
gint mm_3gpp_cind_response_get_max (MM3gppCindResponse *r);
/* AT+CIND? (Current indicators) response parser */
GByteArray *mm_3gpp_parse_cind_read_response (const gchar *reply,
GError **error);
/* AT+CMGL=4 (list sms parts) response parser */
typedef struct {
gint index;
gint status;
gchar *pdu;
} MM3gppPduInfo;
void mm_3gpp_pdu_info_free (MM3gppPduInfo *info);
void mm_3gpp_pdu_info_list_free (GList *info_list);
GList *mm_3gpp_parse_pdu_cmgl_response (const gchar *str,
GError **error);
/* AT+CMGR (Read message) response parser */
MM3gppPduInfo *mm_3gpp_parse_cmgr_read_response (const gchar *reply,
guint index,
GError **error);
/* AT+CRSM response parser */
gboolean mm_3gpp_parse_crsm_response (const gchar *reply,
guint *sw1,
guint *sw2,
gchar **hex,
GError **error);
/* AT+CGCONTRDP=N response parser */
gboolean mm_3gpp_parse_cgcontrdp_response (const gchar *response,
guint *out_cid,
guint *out_bearer_id,
gchar **out_apn,
gchar **out_local_address,
gchar **out_subnet,
gchar **out_gateway_address,
gchar **out_dns_primary_address,
gchar **out_dns_secondary_address,
GError **error);
/* CFUN? response parser
* Note: a custom method with values not translated into MMModemPowerState is
* provided, because they may be vendor specific.
gboolean mm_3gpp_parse_cfun_query_response (const gchar *response,
guint *out_state,
GError **error);
gboolean mm_3gpp_parse_cfun_query_generic_response (const gchar *response,
MMModemPowerState *out_state,
GError **error);
/* +CESQ response parser */
gboolean mm_3gpp_parse_cesq_response (const gchar *response,
guint *out_rxlev,
guint *out_ber,
guint *out_rscp,
guint *out_ecn0,
guint *out_rsrq,
guint *out_rsrp,
GError **error);
gboolean mm_3gpp_cesq_response_to_signal_info (const gchar *response,
MMSignal **out_gsm,
MMSignal **out_umts,
MMSignal **out_lte,
GError **error);
/* Additional 3GPP-specific helpers */
MMModem3gppFacility mm_3gpp_acronym_to_facility (const gchar *str);
gchar *mm_3gpp_facility_to_acronym (MMModem3gppFacility facility);
MMModemAccessTechnology mm_string_to_access_tech (const gchar *string);
void mm_3gpp_normalize_operator_name (gchar **operator,
MMModemCharset cur_charset);
gboolean mm_3gpp_parse_operator_id (const gchar *operator_id,
guint16 *mcc,
guint16 *mnc,
GError **error);
const gchar *mm_3gpp_get_pdp_type_from_ip_family (MMBearerIpFamily family);
MMBearerIpFamily mm_3gpp_get_ip_family_from_pdp_type (const gchar *pdp_type);
char *mm_3gpp_parse_iccid (const char *raw_iccid, GError **error);
/* CDMA specific helpers and utilities */
/* AT+SPSERVICE? response parser */
gboolean mm_cdma_parse_spservice_read_response (const gchar *reply,
MMModemCdmaRegistrationState *out_cdma_1x_state,
MMModemCdmaRegistrationState *out_evdo_state);
/* Generic ERI response parser */
gboolean mm_cdma_parse_eri (const gchar *reply,
gboolean *out_roaming,
guint32 *out_ind,
const gchar **out_desc);
/* AT+CRM=? response parser */
gboolean mm_cdma_parse_crm_test_response (const gchar *reply,
MMModemCdmaRmProtocol *min,
MMModemCdmaRmProtocol *max,
GError **error);
/* Additional CDMA-specific helpers */
MMModemCdmaRmProtocol mm_cdma_get_rm_protocol_from_index (guint index,
GError **error);
guint mm_cdma_get_index_from_rm_protocol (MMModemCdmaRmProtocol protocol,
GError **error);
gint mm_cdma_normalize_class (const gchar *orig_class);
gchar mm_cdma_normalize_band (const gchar *long_band,
gint *out_class);
gboolean mm_parse_gsn (const char *gsn,
gchar **out_imei,
gchar **out_meid,
gchar **out_esn);
/* +CCLK response parser */
gboolean mm_parse_cclk_response (const gchar *response,
gchar **iso8601p,
MMNetworkTimezone **tzp,
GError **error);
#endif /* MM_MODEM_HELPERS_H */