Remove unused Nodelist code

Nodelist is currently unused, and there are not current plans to use it
in the near future, so remove it so it doesn't cause maintenance

Change-Id: Ibbbafab62b2353297b6f0efb5939038ab225d4c4
Signed-off-by: Daniel Gryniewicz <>
diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
index 5d58f34..1428435 100644
--- a/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -839,8 +839,6 @@
   set(GANESHA_CORE ${GANESHA_CORE} gshdbus)
@@ -905,7 +903,6 @@
diff --git a/src/NodeList/CMakeLists.txt b/src/NodeList/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index fbc784f..0000000
--- a/src/NodeList/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-########### next target ###############
-   nodelist_internals.h
-   nodelist_common.c
-   nodelist.c
-   nodelist_range.c
-   nodelist_map.c
-add_library(NodeList STATIC ${NodeList_STAT_SRCS})
-########### install files ###############
diff --git a/src/NodeList/nodelist.c b/src/NodeList/nodelist.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 684fc95..0000000
--- a/src/NodeList/nodelist.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,600 +0,0 @@
-#include "config.h"
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <search.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include "abstract_mem.h"
-#include "nodelist.h"
-#include "nodelist_internals.h"
-#define MAX_LONG_INT_STRING_SIZE      128
- * \ingroup NODELIST_COMMON
- * \brief Add ids list to nodes list
- *
- * \param list the input nodes list
- * \param idlist the ids list to add (string representation)
- *
- * \retval  n padding length if operation successfully done
- * \retval -1 error during the operation
-static inline int nl_nl_add_ids(nl_nl_t *nodelist, char *idlist)
-	return nl_rangelist_add_list(&nodelist->rangelist, idlist);
-void nl_common_split_nl_entry(char *list, char **p_prefix,
-			      char **p_idlist, char **p_suffix)
-	char *list_end;
-	char *prefix = NULL;
-	char *prefix_begin;
-	char *prefix_end;
-	char *suffix = NULL;
-	char *suffix_begin;
-	char *idlist = NULL;
-	char *idlist_begin;
-	char *idlist_end;
-	/* create working copy of input list */
-	list_end = list + (strlen(list));
-	prefix_begin = list;
-	prefix_end = list;
-	/* get prefix */
-	while (*prefix_end != '[' && !isdigit(*prefix_end)
-	       && prefix_end < list_end)
-		prefix_end++;
-	if (prefix_end != prefix_begin && prefix_end <= list_end) {
-		prefix = gsh_malloc(prefix_end - prefix_begin + 1);
-		memcpy(prefix, list, prefix_end - prefix_begin);
-		prefix[prefix_end - prefix_begin] = '\0';
-	}
-	/* get idlist */
-	/* search for idlist begin */
-	if (prefix != NULL)
-		idlist_begin = prefix_end;
-	else
-		idlist_begin = list;
-	while (*idlist_begin == '[' && idlist_begin < list_end)
-		idlist_begin++;
-	idlist_end = idlist_begin;
-	if (idlist_begin < list_end) {
-		/* search for idlist end */
-		while ((isdigit(*idlist_end) || *idlist_end == ','
-			|| *idlist_end == '-')
-		       && idlist_end < list_end) {
-			idlist_end++;
-		}
-		/* remove trailing dash, like in node%d-eth */
-		if (*(idlist_end - 1) == '-') {
-			idlist_end--;
-			while (*(idlist_end - 1) == '-')
-				idlist_end--;
-		}
-		/* dump idlist */
-		idlist = gsh_malloc(idlist_end - idlist_begin + 1);
-		memcpy(idlist, idlist_begin, idlist_end - idlist_begin);
-		idlist[idlist_end - idlist_begin] = '\0';
-	}
-	/* get suffix */
-	/* search for suffix begin */
-	suffix_begin = idlist_end;
-	while (*suffix_begin == ']' && suffix_begin < list_end)
-		suffix_begin++;
-	/* dump suffix */
-	if (suffix_begin != list_end) {
-		suffix = gsh_malloc(list_end - suffix_begin + 1);
-		memcpy(suffix, suffix_begin, list_end - suffix_begin);
-		suffix[list_end - suffix_begin] = '\0';
-	}
-	*p_prefix = prefix;
-	*p_idlist = idlist;
-	*p_suffix = suffix;
-void nl_nl_init(nl_nl_t *nodelist, char **lists, int lists_nb)
-	int i;
-	char *list;
-	int operation = 1;	/* 1=add 2=remove */
-	nodelist->next = NULL;
-	nl_rangelist_init(&(nodelist->rangelist));
-	nl_nodepattern_init(&(nodelist->pattern));
-	for (i = 0; i < lists_nb; i++) {
-		list = lists[i];
-		/* set operation if required */
-		if (strlen(list) == 1) {
-			if (*list == '-') {
-				operation = 2;
-				continue;
-			}
-			if (*list == '+') {
-				operation = 1;
-				continue;
-			} else
-				operation = 1;
-		}
-		/* do action */
-		switch (operation) {
-		case 1:
-			nl_nl_add_nodes(nodelist, list);
-			break;
-		case 2:
-			nl_nl_remove_nodes(nodelist, list);
-			break;
-		}
-		/* setting default operation */
-		operation = 1;
-	}
-void nl_nl_free_contents(nl_nl_t *nodelist)
-	if (nodelist->next != NULL)
-		nl_nl_free_contents(nodelist->next);
-	nodelist->next = NULL;
-	nl_nodepattern_free_contents(&(nodelist->pattern));
-	nl_rangelist_free_contents(&(nodelist->rangelist));
- * \ingroup NODELIST_COMMON
- * \brief Copy a node list into an other one
- *
- * \param dest_list the input/output nodes list
- * \param src_list the second list to copy into the first one
- *
-void nl_nl_copy(nl_nl_t *dest_list, nl_nl_t *src_list)
-	nl_nl_t **pwldest;
-	nl_nl_t **pwlsrc;
-	nl_nl_free_contents(dest_list);
-	pwldest = &dest_list;
-	nl_nl_init(*pwldest, NULL, 0);
-	if (src_list->pattern.prefix == NULL &&
-	    src_list->pattern.suffix == NULL) {
-		/* second list is empty... so initialization will
-		 * be sufficient
-		 */
-		return;
-	}
-	pwlsrc = &src_list;
-	while (*pwlsrc != NULL) {
-		nl_nodepattern_init_by_copy(
-		    &(*pwldest)->pattern, &(*pwlsrc)->pattern);
-		if ((*pwlsrc)->pattern.basic != 1) {
-			/* add ids */
-			nl_rangelist_init_by_copy(&(*pwldest)->rangelist,
-						  &(*pwlsrc)->rangelist);
-		}
-		pwldest = &((*pwldest)->next);
-		pwlsrc = &((*pwlsrc)->next);
-	}
- * \ingroup NODELIST_COMMON
- * \brief Check if a node list is empty
- *
- * \param nodelist the input node list
- *
- * \retval  1 if empty
- * \retval  0 if not empty
-int nl_nl_is_empty(nl_nl_t *nodelist)
-	if (nodelist->pattern.prefix == NULL
-	    && nodelist->pattern.suffix == NULL) {
-		return 1;
-	} else {
-		return 0;
-	}
- * \ingroup NODELIST_COMMON
- * \brief Add a node list to an other one
- *
- * \param nodelist the input/output nodes list
- * \param nodelist the second list to add to the first one
- *
-void nl_nl_add_nodelist(nl_nl_t *nodelist, nl_nl_t *second_list)
-	nl_nl_t **pwldest;
-	nl_nl_t **pwlsrc;
-	/* If second list is emty, nothing to add */
-	if (nl_nl_is_empty(second_list))
-		return;
-	/* If nodelist is empty, duplicate second_list! */
-	if (nl_nl_is_empty(nodelist)) {
-		nl_nl_copy(nodelist, second_list);
-		return;
-	}
-	/* we have to add each second list sublist to the first one */
-	pwlsrc = &second_list;
-	while (*pwlsrc != NULL) {
-		/* try to add src sublist to an existing dest list sublist */
-		pwldest = &nodelist;
-		while (*pwldest != NULL) {
-			/* if patterns equal, try to add ids and break */
-			if (nl_nodepattern_equals(&(*pwldest)->pattern,
-						  &(*pwlsrc)->pattern)) {
-				if ((*pwldest)->pattern.padding <
-				    (*pwlsrc)->pattern.padding) {
-					nl_nodepattern_set_padding(
-					    &(*pwldest)->pattern,
-					    (*pwlsrc)->pattern.padding);
-				}
-				nl_rangelist_add_rangelist(
-					&(*pwldest)->rangelist,
-					&(*pwlsrc)->rangelist);
-				break;
-			}
-			/* increment dst sublist */
-			pwldest = &(*pwldest)->next;
-		}
-		/* add a new sublist to dest list if no
-		 * equivalent pattern list was found
-		 */
-		if (*pwldest == NULL) {
-			*pwldest = gsh_malloc(sizeof(nl_nl_t));
-			nl_nl_init(*pwldest, NULL, 0);
-			nl_nodepattern_init_by_copy(&((*pwldest)->pattern),
-						    &((*pwlsrc)->pattern));
-			nl_rangelist_add_rangelist(&(*pwldest)->rangelist,
-						   &(*pwlsrc)->rangelist);
-		}
-		pwlsrc = &((*pwlsrc)->next);	/* increment src sublist */
-	}
- * \ingroup NODELIST_COMMON
- * \brief Remove a node list from an other one
- *
- * \param nodelist the input/output nodes list
- * \param nodelist the second list to remove from the first one
- *
-void nl_nl_remove_nodelist(nl_nl_t *nodelist, nl_nl_t *second_list)
-	int add_flag;
-	nl_nl_t worklist;
-	nl_nl_t **pwldest;
-	nl_nl_t **pwlsrc;
-	/* If second list is emty, nothing to remove */
-	if (nl_nl_is_empty(second_list))
-		return;
-	/* If nodelist is empty, nothing to remove */
-	if (nl_nl_is_empty(nodelist))
-		return;
-	/* we have to remove each second list sublist from the first one */
-	/* initialize work list by copying the first nodelist */
-	nl_nl_init(&worklist, NULL, 0);
-	pwldest = &nodelist;
-	while (*pwldest != NULL) {
-		add_flag = 1;
-		pwlsrc = &second_list;
-		while (*pwlsrc != NULL) {
-			/* if patterns equal, try to remove ids and break */
-			if (nl_nodepattern_equals(&(*pwldest)->pattern,
-						  &(*pwlsrc)->pattern)) {
-				add_flag = 0;
-				if ((*pwldest)->pattern.basic == 0) {
-					nl_rangelist_remove_rangelist(
-					    &(*pwldest)->rangelist,
-					    &(*pwlsrc)->rangelist);
-				}
-				break;
-			}
-			pwlsrc = &((*pwlsrc)->next);	/* incr src sublist */
-		}
-		if (add_flag == 1)
-			nl_nl_add_nodelist(&worklist, *pwldest);
-		pwldest = &((*pwldest)->next);	/* incr dest sublist */
-	}
-	nl_nl_copy(nodelist, &worklist);
-	nl_nl_free_contents(&worklist);
-void nl_nl_add_nodes(nl_nl_t *nodelist, char *list)
-	char *prefix;
-	char *idlist;
-	char *suffix;
-	int token_nb, i;
-	char *token;
-	nl_nl_t wlist;
-	if (nl_common_string_get_tokens_quantity(list, ",", &token_nb) == 0) {
-		for (i = 1; i <= token_nb; i++) {
-			token = NULL;
-			if (nl_common_string_get_token(list, ",", i, &token)
-			    == 0) {
-				nl_common_split_nl_entry(token, &prefix,
-							 &idlist, &suffix);
-				nl_nl_init(&wlist, NULL, 0);
-				nl_nodepattern_set_prefix
-					(&wlist.pattern, prefix);
-				nl_nodepattern_set_suffix
-					(&wlist.pattern, suffix);
-				if (idlist != NULL) {
-					int padding;
-					wlist.pattern.basic = 0;
-					padding = nl_nl_add_ids(
-						&wlist, idlist);
-					nl_nodepattern_set_padding(
-						&wlist.pattern, padding);
-				}
-				nl_nl_add_nodelist(nodelist, &wlist);
-				nl_nl_free_contents(&wlist);
-				xfree(prefix);
-				xfree(suffix);
-				xfree(idlist);
-				gsh_free(token);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-void nl_nl_remove_nodes(nl_nl_t *nodelist, char *list)
-	char *prefix;
-	char *idlist;
-	char *suffix;
-	int token_nb, i;
-	char *token;
-	nl_nl_t wlist;
-	if (nl_common_string_get_tokens_quantity(list, ",", &token_nb) == 0) {
-		for (i = 1; i <= token_nb; i++) {
-			token = NULL;
-			if (nl_common_string_get_token(list, ",", i, &token)
-			    == 0) {
-				nl_common_split_nl_entry(token, &prefix,
-							 &idlist, &suffix);
-				nl_nl_init(&wlist, NULL, 0);
-				nl_nodepattern_set_prefix(
-					&wlist.pattern, prefix);
-				nl_nodepattern_set_suffix(
-					&wlist.pattern, suffix);
-				if (idlist != NULL) {
-					int padding;
-					wlist.pattern.basic = 0;
-					padding = nl_nl_add_ids(
-						&wlist, idlist);
-					nl_nodepattern_set_padding(
-					    &wlist.pattern, padding);
-				}
-				nl_nl_remove_nodelist(nodelist, &wlist);
-				nl_nl_free_contents(&wlist);
-				xfree(prefix);
-				xfree(suffix);
-				xfree(idlist);
-				gsh_free(token);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-long int nl_nl_non_recursive_nodes_quantity(nl_nl_t *nodelist)
-	long int quantity;
-	long int i;
-	quantity = 0;
-	if (nodelist->pattern.basic == 1) {
-		quantity++;
-	} else {
-		for (i = 0; i < nodelist->rangelist.ranges_nb; i++) {
-			quantity +=
-			    (nodelist->rangelist.array[i].to -
-			     nodelist->rangelist.array[i].from + 1);
-		}
-	}
-	return quantity;
-long int nl_nl_nodes_quantity(nl_nl_t *nodelist)
-	long int quantity;
-	nl_nl_t *nlist;
-	quantity = 0;
-	nlist = nodelist;
-	while (nlist != NULL) {
-		quantity +=
-		    nl_nl_non_recursive_nodes_quantity(nlist);
-		nlist = nlist->next;
-	}
-	return quantity;
- *  @{
- */
- * \brief Initialize a bridge node pattern structure
- *
- * by default, padding is set to 0, prefix and suffix to NULL
- * and the node pattern is basic
- *
- * \param np pointer on a bridge node pattern structure to initialize
- *
-void nl_nodepattern_init(nl_nodepattern_t *np)
-	np->padding = 0;
-	np->prefix = NULL;
-	np->suffix = NULL;
-	np->basic = 1;
- * \brief Initialize a bridge node pattern structure by dumping an other one
- *
- * by default, padding is set to 0, prefix and suffix to NULL
- * and the node pattern is basic
- *
- * \param np pointer on a bridge node pattern structure to initialize
- * \param npin pointer on a bridge node pattern to copy
- *
-void nl_nodepattern_init_by_copy(nl_nodepattern_t *np, nl_nodepattern_t *npin)
-	np->padding = npin->padding;
-	np->basic = npin->basic;
-	np->prefix = NULL;
-	np->suffix = NULL;
-	if (npin->prefix != NULL)
-		np->prefix = gsh_strdup(npin->prefix);
-	if (npin->suffix != NULL)
-		np->suffix = gsh_strdup(npin->suffix);
- * \brief Clean a bridge node pattern structure
- *
- * \param np pointer on a bridge node pattern structure to free
- *
-void nl_nodepattern_free_contents(nl_nodepattern_t *np)
-	np->padding = 0;
-	xfree(np->prefix);
-	xfree(np->suffix);
-	np->basic = 1;
- * \brief Test if two bridge node patterns are identical (paddinf is not tested)
- *
- * \param np1 pointer on the first bridge node pattern structure
- * \param np2 pointer on the first bridge node pattern structure
- *
- * \retval  1 if the two pattern are identical
- * \retval  0 if they are not identical
- * \retval -1 operation failed
-int nl_nodepattern_equals(nl_nodepattern_t *np1,
-				nl_nodepattern_t *np2)
-	int fstatus = -1;
-	if (np1 != NULL && np2 != NULL) {
-		fstatus = 0;
-		/* same basic flag ? */
-		if (np1->basic != np2->basic)
-			return fstatus;
-		/* same prefix or lack of prefix ? */
-		if (np1->prefix != NULL && np2->prefix != NULL) {
-			if (strcmp(np1->prefix, np2->prefix) != 0)
-				return fstatus;
-		} else if (np1->prefix == NULL && np2->prefix != NULL) {
-			return fstatus;
-		} else if (np1->prefix != NULL && np2->prefix == NULL) {
-			return fstatus;
-		}
-		/* same suffix or lack of suffix ? */
-		if (np1->suffix != NULL && np2->suffix != NULL) {
-			if (strcmp(np1->suffix, np2->suffix) != 0)
-				return fstatus;
-		} else if (np1->suffix == NULL && np2->suffix != NULL) {
-			return fstatus;
-		} else if (np1->suffix != NULL && np2->suffix == NULL) {
-			return fstatus;
-		}
-		/* ok, they are the same pattern */
-		fstatus = 1;
-	}
-	return fstatus;
- * @}
diff --git a/src/NodeList/nodelist_common.c b/src/NodeList/nodelist_common.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d51542..0000000
--- a/src/NodeList/nodelist_common.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-#include "config.h"
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "abstract_mem.h"
-#include "nodelist.h"
-/* Forward declaration */
-int _nl_common_string_get_token_common(char *string,
-				       char *separators_list,
-				       int *p_token_nb, int token_id,
-				       char **p_token);
-int nl_common_string_get_token(char *string, char *separators_list,
-				     int token_id, char **p_token)
-	int fstatus = -1;
-	int token_nb = 0;
-	fstatus =
-	    _nl_common_string_get_token_common(string, separators_list,
-						     &token_nb, token_id,
-						     p_token);
-	if (*p_token != NULL)
-		fstatus = 0;
-	else
-		fstatus = -1;
-	return fstatus;
-int nl_common_string_get_tokens_quantity(char *string,
-					       char *separators_list,
-					       int *p_token_nb)
-	int fstatus = -1;
-	fstatus =
-	    _nl_common_string_get_token_common(string, separators_list,
-						     p_token_nb, 0, NULL);
-	return fstatus;
-static char *get_next_token(char *workingstr, char separator)
-	char *current = workingstr;
-	int in_bracket = 0;
-	while (*current) {
-		if (!in_bracket && (*current == '['))
-			in_bracket = 1;
-		else if (in_bracket && (*current == ']'))
-			in_bracket = 0;
-		else if (!in_bracket && (*current == separator))
-			return current;
-		current++;
-	}
-	return NULL;
-}				/* get_next_token */
-int _nl_common_string_get_token_common(char *string,
-					     char *separators_list,
-					     int *p_token_nb, int token_id,
-					     char **p_token)
-	int fstatus = -1;
-	int i;
-	size_t string_length;
-	size_t separators_list_length;
-	char *working_string;
-	char *current_pointer;
-	char *best_pointer;
-	char *old_pointer;
-	size_t copy_length;
-	int local_token_nb;
-	int end_of_loop;
-	/*
-	   First we check that pointers are not NULL
-	 */
-	if (string != NULL && separators_list != NULL) {
-		string_length = strlen(string);
-		separators_list_length = strlen(separators_list);
-		/*
-		   Then, that their lengths are not null
-		 */
-		if (string_length != 0 && separators_list_length != 0) {
-			/*
-			   Then, the separators research loop start
-			 */
-			working_string = string;
-			old_pointer = working_string;
-			local_token_nb = 1;
-			end_of_loop = 0;
-			while (!end_of_loop) {
-				best_pointer = NULL;
-				/*
-				   Search the first occurence of a separator
-				 */
-				for (i = 0; i < separators_list_length; i++) {
-					current_pointer =
-					    get_next_token(working_string,
-							   *(separators_list +
-							     i));
-					if (best_pointer == NULL) {
-						best_pointer = current_pointer;
-					} else if (best_pointer >
-						   current_pointer
-						   && current_pointer != NULL) {
-						best_pointer = current_pointer;
-					}
-				}
-				/*
-				   If this token must be extracted, extract it
-				 */
-				if (token_id == local_token_nb
-				    && (*p_token) == NULL) {
-					if (best_pointer == NULL)
-						copy_length =
-						    strlen(old_pointer);
-					else
-						copy_length =
-						    (size_t) (best_pointer -
-							      old_pointer);
-					*p_token = gsh_malloc(copy_length + 1);
-					(*p_token)[copy_length] = '\0';
-					memcpy(*p_token, old_pointer,
-						copy_length);
-					fstatus++;
-				}
-				/*
-				   If no more occurences, break the loop
-				 */
-				if (best_pointer == NULL)
-					end_of_loop = 1;
-				/*  Otherwise, increment token counter
-				 * and adjust working string */
-				else {
-					local_token_nb++;
-					working_string = best_pointer + 1;
-					old_pointer = working_string;
-				}
-			}
-			*p_token_nb = local_token_nb;
-			fstatus++;
-		}
-	}
-	return fstatus;
diff --git a/src/NodeList/nodelist_internals.h b/src/NodeList/nodelist_internals.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 91e86a2..0000000
--- a/src/NodeList/nodelist_internals.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "nodelist.h"
-int nl_nl_non_recursive_intersects(nl_nl_t *first_list,
-				   nl_nl_t *
-				   second_list);
-int nl_rangelist_includes(nl_rangelist_t *a1,
-			  nl_rangelist_t *a2);
-int nl_range_intersects(nl_range_t *r1, nl_range_t *r2);
-int nl_rangelist_intersects(nl_rangelist_t *a1,
-			    nl_rangelist_t *a2);
-void nl_nl_remove_nodes(nl_nl_t *nodelist, char *list);
-void nl_rangelist_add_rangelist(nl_rangelist_t *array, nl_rangelist_t *rlin);
-void nl_rangelist_remove_rangelist(nl_rangelist_t *array, nl_rangelist_t *rlin);
diff --git a/src/NodeList/nodelist_map.c b/src/NodeList/nodelist_map.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 64bad63..0000000
--- a/src/NodeList/nodelist_map.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-#include "config.h"
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "abstract_mem.h"
-#include "nodelist.h"
-#define MAX_LONG_INT_STRING_SIZE      128
-/* Forward declaration */
-int _nl_common_string_get_token_common(char *string,
-				       char *separators_list,
-				       int *p_token_nb, int token_id,
-				       char **p_token);
-int nl_map(nl_nl_t *nodelist,
-	  int (*map_function)(char *, void *),
-	  void *other_params)
-	int fstatus = 0;
-	nl_nl_t *nlist;
-	char *node_string;
-	size_t node_string_size;
-	long int i, j;
-	char id_print_format[128];
-	char *prefix;
-	char *suffix;
-	/* node list sublist loop */
-	nlist = nodelist;
-	while (nlist != NULL) {
-		/* build sublist padded id format */
-		prefix = nlist->pattern.prefix;
-		suffix = nlist->pattern.suffix;
-		snprintf(id_print_format, 128, "%%s%%0.%uu%%s",
-			 nlist->pattern.padding);
-		node_string_size = 0;
-		if (prefix != NULL)
-			node_string_size += strlen(prefix);
-		if (suffix != NULL)
-			node_string_size += strlen(suffix);
-		node_string_size += MAX_LONG_INT_STRING_SIZE;
-		node_string = gsh_malloc(node_string_size);
-		if (nlist->pattern.basic == 1) {
-			/* add basic node */
-			snprintf(node_string, node_string_size,
-				 "%s%s",
-				 (prefix == NULL) ? "" : prefix,
-				 (suffix == NULL) ? "" : suffix);
-			fstatus = map_function(node_string,
-					       other_params);
-		} else {
-			/* add enumerated nodes */
-			for (i = 0; i < nlist->rangelist.ranges_nb; i++) {
-				for (j = nlist->rangelist.array[i].from;
-				     j <= nlist->rangelist.array[i].to;
-				     j++) {
-					snprintf(node_string,
-						 node_string_size,
-						 id_print_format,
-						 (prefix == NULL)
-							? "" : prefix,
-						 j,
-						 (suffix == NULL)
-							? "" : suffix);
-					fstatus = map_function(node_string,
-							       other_params);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		gsh_free(node_string);
-		if (fstatus != 0)
-			break;
-		nlist = nlist->next;
-	}
-	return fstatus;
-int nl_map_condensed(char *src_list,
-		     int (*map_function)(char *, void *),
-		     void *other_params)
-	int fstatus;
-	nl_nl_t nodelist;
-	nl_nl_init(&nodelist, &src_list, 1);
-	if (nl_map(&nodelist, map_function, other_params) == 0)
-		fstatus = nl_nl_nodes_quantity(&nodelist);
-	else
-		fstatus = -1;
-	nl_nl_free_contents(&nodelist);
-	return fstatus;
diff --git a/src/NodeList/nodelist_range.c b/src/NodeList/nodelist_range.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e83abd..0000000
--- a/src/NodeList/nodelist_range.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,415 +0,0 @@
-#include "config.h"
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include "abstract_mem.h"
-#include "nodelist.h"
-#define DEFAULT_RANGELIST_SIZE       16
-void nl_range_set(nl_range_t *r1, long int v1, long int v2)
-	/* assert that lower and upper bound are in right order */
-	if (v1 <= v2) {
-		r1->from = v1;
-		r1->to = v2;
-	} else {
-		r1->from = v2;
-		r1->to = v1;
-	}
-int nl_range_check(nl_range_t *r1)
-	if ((r1->from) <= (r1->to))
-		return 1;
-	else
-		return 0;
-int _nl_range_compare(const void *a1, const void *a2)
-	nl_range_t *r1 = (nl_range_t *) a1;
-	nl_range_t *r2 = (nl_range_t *) a2;
-	return nl_range_compare(r1, r2);
-int nl_range_compare(nl_range_t *r1, nl_range_t *r2)
-	if (!nl_range_check(r1) || !nl_range_check(r2))
-		return 0;
-	if (r1->from == r2->from && r1->to == r2->to)
-		return 0;
-	else if (r1->to < r2->from)
-		return -1;
-	else
-		return 1;
-int nl_range_intersects(nl_range_t *r1, nl_range_t *r2)
-	int fstatus = 0;
-	if (!nl_range_check(r1) || !nl_range_check(r2))
-		return 0;
-	if (r2->to == r2->from)
-		if (r1->from <= r2->to && r2->to <= r1->to)
-			fstatus = 1;
-	if (r1->to == r1->from)
-		if (r2->from <= r1->to && r1->to <= r2->to)
-			fstatus = 1;
-	if (r2->to >= r1->from && r2->from <= r1->to)
-		fstatus = 1;
-	if (r1->to >= r2->from && r1->from <= r2->to)
-		fstatus = 1;
-	return fstatus;
-int nl_range_contiguous(nl_range_t *r1, nl_range_t *r2)
-	if (!nl_range_check(r1) || !nl_range_check(r2))
-		return -1;
-	if ((r1->to + 1) != r2->from && (r1->from - 1) != r2->to)
-		return 0;
-	else if (r1->to < r2->from)
-		return 1;
-	else
-		return 2;
-int nl_range_includes(nl_range_t *r1, nl_range_t *r2)
-	if (!nl_range_check(r1) || !nl_range_check(r2))
-		return -1;
-	if (r2->from >= r1->from && r2->to <= r1->to)
-		return 1;
-	else if (r1->from >= r2->from && r1->to <= r2->to)
-		return 2;
-	else
-		return 0;
-int nl_range_union(nl_range_t *r1, nl_range_t *r2,
-			 nl_range_t *rout)
-	if (!nl_range_check(r1) || !nl_range_check(r2))
-		return -1;
-	if (!nl_range_intersects(r1, r2)) {
-		if (!nl_range_contiguous(r1, r2))
-			return -1;
-	}
-	rout->from = (r1->from < r2->from) ? r1->from : r2->from;
-	rout->to = (r1->to > r2->to) ? r1->to : r2->to;
-	return 0;
-void nl_rangelist_init(nl_rangelist_t *array)
-	array->pre_allocated_ranges = DEFAULT_RANGELIST_SIZE;
-	array->ranges_nb = 0;
-	array->array = gsh_malloc(array->pre_allocated_ranges *
-				  sizeof(nl_range_t));
-void nl_rangelist_init_by_copy(nl_rangelist_t *array, nl_rangelist_t *a2c)
-	int i;
-	array->pre_allocated_ranges = a2c->pre_allocated_ranges;
-	array->ranges_nb = a2c->ranges_nb;
-	array->array = gsh_malloc(array->pre_allocated_ranges *
-				  sizeof(nl_range_t));
-	for (i = 0; i < array->ranges_nb; i++) {
-		memcpy(((array->array) + i), ((a2c->array) + i),
-		       sizeof(nl_range_t));
-	}
-void nl_rangelist_free_contents(nl_rangelist_t *array)
-	array->pre_allocated_ranges = 0;
-	array->ranges_nb = 0;
-	gsh_free(array->array);
-	array->array = NULL;
-void nl_rangelist_incremente_size(nl_rangelist_t *array)
-	array->pre_allocated_ranges += DEFAULT_RANGELIST_INC_SIZE;
-	array->array = gsh_realloc(array->array, array->pre_allocated_ranges *
-				   sizeof(nl_range_t));
-void nl_rangelist_add_range(nl_rangelist_t *array, nl_range_t *rin)
-	int already_added_flag = 0;
-	long int id;
-	nl_range_t r;
-	nl_rangelist_t work_array;
-	memcpy(&r, rin, sizeof(nl_range_t));
-	if (array->ranges_nb == 0) {
-		memcpy(array->array, &r, sizeof(nl_range_t));
-		array->ranges_nb++;
-	} else {
-		/* test if range is already present */
-		for (id = 0; id < array->ranges_nb; id++) {
-			already_added_flag =
-			    nl_range_includes(&(array->array[id]), &r);
-			if (already_added_flag == 1)
-				break;
-			already_added_flag = 0;
-		}
-		/* add range if not already present */
-		if (!already_added_flag) {
-			/* initialize working ranges array */
-			nl_rangelist_init(&work_array);
-			/* process sequentially input ranges array 's ranges */
-			for (id = 0; id < array->ranges_nb; id++) {
-				/* if range to add doesn't intersect or is
-				 *  not contiguous to currently tested
-				 *  range of the input ranges array, we
-				 *   add it to working ranges array
-				 * otherwise, we merge it with current tested
-				 * range of the input ranges array and go
-				 * to the next range */
-				if (!nl_range_intersects
-				    (&(array->array[id]), &r)
-				    &&
-				    !nl_range_contiguous(&
-							       (array->
-								array[id]),
-							       &r)) {
-					if (work_array.ranges_nb ==
-					    work_array.pre_allocated_ranges)
-						nl_rangelist_incremente_size
-						    (&work_array);
-					memcpy(work_array.array +
-					       work_array.ranges_nb,
-					       &(array->array[id]),
-					       sizeof(nl_range_t));
-					work_array.ranges_nb++;
-				} else {
-					nl_range_union(&
-							     (array->array[id]),
-							     &r, &r);
-				}
-			}
-			/* add range to add (which may be bigger now ) */
-			if (work_array.ranges_nb ==
-			    work_array.pre_allocated_ranges)
-				nl_rangelist_incremente_size(&work_array);
-			memcpy(work_array.array + work_array.ranges_nb, &r,
-			       sizeof(nl_range_t));
-			work_array.ranges_nb++;
-			nl_rangelist_sort(&work_array);
-			nl_rangelist_free_contents(array);
-			nl_rangelist_init_by_copy(array, &work_array);
-		}
-	}
-void nl_rangelist_add_rangelist(nl_rangelist_t *array, nl_rangelist_t *rlin)
-	int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < rlin->ranges_nb; i++)
-		nl_rangelist_add_range(array, &(rlin->array[i]));
-void nl_rangelist_remove_range(nl_rangelist_t *array, nl_range_t *rin)
-	int intersects_flag = 0;
-	long int id;
-	nl_range_t *pr;
-	nl_range_t r;
-	nl_range_t wr1;
-	nl_rangelist_t work_array;
-	if (array->ranges_nb != 0) {
-		memcpy(&r, rin, sizeof(nl_range_t));
-		/* initialize working ranges array */
-		nl_rangelist_init(&work_array);
-		/* test if range intersects with this rangelist */
-		intersects_flag = 0;
-		for (id = 0; id < array->ranges_nb; id++) {
-			pr = &(array->array[id]);
-			intersects_flag = nl_range_intersects(pr, &r);
-			if (!intersects_flag) {
-				/* add this range to work array */
-				nl_rangelist_add_range(&work_array, pr);
-			} else {
-				/* extract any hypothetic non intersecting
-				 * part of the range and add them to
-				 * work_array range list */
-				if (pr->from != pr->to) {
-					/* check that second range doesn't
-					 *  include the first one */
-					if (nl_range_includes(&r, pr) != 1) {
-						/* [pr[r... */
-						if (pr->from < r.from) {
-							nl_range_set(&wr1,
-									   pr->
-									   from,
-									   r.
-									   from
-									   - 1);
-							nl_rangelist_add_range(
-							   &work_array, &wr1);
-						}
-						/* ...r]pr] */
-						if (pr->to > {
-							nl_range_set(&wr1,
-			 + 1,
-								     pr->to);
-							nl_rangelist_add_range(
-							  &work_array, &wr1);
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		/* replace array with the new range list */
-		nl_rangelist_free_contents(array);
-		nl_rangelist_init_by_copy(array, &work_array);
-		nl_rangelist_free_contents(&work_array);
-	}
-void nl_rangelist_remove_rangelist(nl_rangelist_t *array,
-					nl_rangelist_t *rlin)
-	int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < rlin->ranges_nb; i++)
-		nl_rangelist_remove_range(array, &(rlin->array[i]));
-int nl_rangelist_add_list(nl_rangelist_t *array, char *list)
-	int fstatus = 0;
-	char *in_list;
-	size_t in_list_size;
-	char *work_buffer;
-	char *begin;
-	char *end;
-	long int start_val = 0;
-	long int value;
-	long int work_val;
-	int start_flag = 0;
-	int stop_flag = 0;
-	int padding = 0;
-	in_list = list;
-	in_list_size = strlen(in_list);
-	/* create working buffer */
-	work_buffer = gsh_malloc(in_list_size + 1);
-	/* set entry point */
-	begin = in_list;
-	if (*begin == '[')
-		begin++;
-	end = begin;
-	/* process input list */
-	while (end != '\0' && end < in_list + in_list_size + 1) {
-		while (isdigit(*end))
-			end++;
-		/* do something only if end was incremented */
-		if (end - begin) {
-			/* extract the read value */
-			strncpy(work_buffer, begin, (end - begin));
-			work_buffer[end - begin] = '\0';
-			/* get long int value and test its validity */
-			value = strtoll(work_buffer, NULL, 10);
-			if (value == LONG_MIN || value == LONG_MAX) {
-				fstatus = 2;
-				break;
-			}
-			/* try to get padding */
-			if (*work_buffer == '0') {
-				int max_length = strlen(work_buffer);
-				if (max_length > padding)
-					padding = max_length;
-			}
-			/* check how many value must be added */
-			if (*end == '\0' ||
-			    *end == ',' ||
-			    *end == ']') {
-				if (!start_flag) {
-					start_flag = 1;
-					start_val = value;
-				}
-				stop_flag = 1;
-			}
-			/* current lemme is a range */
-			else if (*end == '-') {
-				start_flag = 1;
-				start_val = value;
-			}
-			/* current lemme has a invalid format */
-			else {
-				fstatus = 3;
-				break;
-			}
-			/* test if value(s) must be added now */
-			if (start_flag && stop_flag) {
-				if (value < start_val) {
-					work_val = start_val;
-					start_val = value;
-					value = work_val;
-				}
-				/* add value(s) */
-				nl_range_t br;
-				nl_range_set(&br, start_val, value);
-				nl_rangelist_add_range(array, &br);
-				start_flag = 0;
-				stop_flag = 0;
-			}
-		}
-		/* go to next lemme */
-		end++;
-		begin = end;
-	}
-	/* free working buffer */
-	gsh_free(work_buffer);
-	/* at this point fstatus=0 if process was done succesfully, we
-	   may update it to padding value */
-	if (fstatus != 0)
-		fstatus = -1;
-	else
-		fstatus = padding;
-	return fstatus;
-void nl_rangelist_sort(nl_rangelist_t *array)
-	qsort(array->array, array->ranges_nb, sizeof(nl_range_t),
-	      _nl_range_compare);
diff --git a/src/include/nodelist.h b/src/include/nodelist.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c69b897..0000000
--- a/src/include/nodelist.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,484 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _NODELIST_H
-#define _NODELIST_H
-#include "avltree.h"
-/* define a macro that make an advanced free on pointer */
-#define xfree(a)		\
-	do {			\
-		gsh_free(a);	\
-		a = NULL;	\
-	} while (0)
-/*! \addtogroup NODELIST_RANGE
- *  @{
- */
- * \ingroup NODELIST_RANGE
- * \brief structure that represent a range of long int value
- */
-typedef struct nl_range {
-	long int from;
-	long int to;
-} nl_range_t;
- * \ingroup NODELIST_RANGE
- * \brief set bridge range values
- *
- * \param r1 input range
- * \param v1 from value
- * \param v2 to value
- *
-void nl_range_set(nl_range_t *r1, long int v1, long int v2);
- * \ingroup NODELIST_RANGE
- * \brief Indicate if the range is a valid one. That is to say if from value
- * is lower that to value
- *
- * \param r1 input range
- *
- * \retval  1 if the range is valid
- * \retval  0 if the range is not valid
-int nl_range_check(nl_range_t *r1);
- * @ingroup NODELIST_RANGE
- * @brief Indicate if the first range equals, is placed before
- * or is placed after the second one
- *
- * \param r1 one of the two input ranges
- * \param r2 one of the two input ranges
- *
- * \retval  1 if the second one end before the start of the first one
- * \retval  0 if the two ranges are equals
- * \retval -1 if the second one start after the end of the first one
-int nl_range_compare(nl_range_t *r1, nl_range_t *r2);
- * \ingroup NODELIST_RANGE
- * \brief Indicate if it exists an non empty intersection
- * between the two input ranges
- *
- * \param r1 one of the two input ranges
- * \param r2 one of the two input ranges
- *
- * \retval  1 an intersection exists
- * \retval  0 otherwise
-int nl_range_intersects(nl_range_t *r1, nl_range_t *r2);
- * \ingroup NODELIST_RANGE
- * \brief Gives the range that is common to the two input ranges
- *
- * \param r1 one of the two input ranges
- * \param r2 one of the two input ranges
- * \param r3 output range
- *
- * \retval  0 operation successfully done
- * \retval -1 operation failed
-int nl_range_intersection(nl_range_t *r1, nl_range_t *r2,
-				nl_range_t *r3);
- * \ingroup NODELIST_RANGE
- * \brief Indicate if the two input ranges are contiguous
- *
- * \param r1 one of the two input ranges
- * \param r2 one of the two input ranges
- *
- * \retval  0 if not continuous
- * \retval  1 if continuous and r1 is before r2
- * \retval  2 if continuous and r2 is before r1
-int nl_range_contiguous(nl_range_t *r1, nl_range_t *r2);
- * \ingroup NODELIST_RANGE
- * \brief Indicate if one of the two input range is included in the other
- * one
- *
- * \param r1 one of the two input ranges
- * \param r2 one of the two input ranges
- *
- * \retval  0 if no inclusion detected
- * \retval  1 if r2 is included in r1 (r1 is the bigger one)
- * \retval  2 if r1 is included in r2 (r2 is the bigger one)
-int nl_range_includes(nl_range_t *r1, nl_range_t *r2);
- * *ingroup NODELIST_RANGE
- * brief Gives a nl_range that represent the union of the two nl_ranges
- * given in input. The two ranges must intersect or be continuous otherwise
- * operation will failed
- *
- * @param[in] r1 one of the two input ranges
- * @param[in] r2 one of the two input ranges
- * @param[out] rout output range
- *
- * @retval  0 operation successfully done
- * @retval -1 operation failed
-int nl_range_union(nl_range_t *r1, nl_range_t *r2,
-			 nl_range_t *rout);
- * @}
-/*! \addtogroup NODELIST_RANGES_ARRAY
- *  @{
- */
- * \brief structure that represent a range of long int value
- */
-typedef struct nl_rangelist {
-	long int ranges_nb;
-	nl_range_t *array;
-	size_t pre_allocated_ranges;
-} nl_rangelist_t;
-void nl_rangelist_init(nl_rangelist_t *array);
-void nl_rangelist_init_by_copy(nl_rangelist_t *array,  nl_rangelist_t *a2c);
- * \ingroup BATCH_MANAGER
- * \brief Free a bridge ranges array structure contents
- *
- * \param array pointer on a bridge ranges array structure to finalize
- *
-void nl_rangelist_free_contents(nl_rangelist_t *array);
- * \ingroup BATCH_MANAGER
- * \brief Increment a bridge ranges array storage zone
- *
- * \param array pointer on a bridge ranges array structure to increment
- *
-void nl_rangelist_incremente_size(nl_rangelist_t *array);
- * \ingroup BATCH_MANAGER
- * \brief Add a range to a bridge ranges array
- * The range will be merge with already existing ranges if required
- * and resulting ranges will be sorted
- *
- * \param array pointer on a bridge ranges array structure to use for add-on
- * \param r range that will be add to the array
- *
-void nl_rangelist_add_range(nl_rangelist_t *array, nl_range_t *r);
- * \ingroup BATCH_MANAGER
- * \brief Add a list of values to a bridge ranges array
- * The range will be merge with already existing ranges if required
- * and resulting ranges will be sorted
- *
- * \param array pointer on a bridge ranges array structure to use for add-on
- * \param list values list that must be added (pattern [*,*-*...])
- *
- * \retval  n padding if operation successfully done
- * \retval -1 operation failed
-int nl_rangelist_add_list(nl_rangelist_t *array, char *list);
- * \ingroup BATCH_MANAGER
- * \brief Sort a bridge ranges array
- *
- * \param array pointer on a bridge ranges array structure to sort
- *
- */
-void nl_rangelist_sort(nl_rangelist_t *array);
- * @}
-/*! \addtogroup NODELIST_IDS_LIST
- *  @{
- */
- * \ingroup NODELIST_IDS_LIST
- * \brief structure that represent a range of long int value
- */
-typedef struct nl_idlist {
-	long int id_nb;
-	nl_rangelist_t rangelist;	/*!<
-					 * ranges array of this list
-					 */
-} nl_idlist_t;
- * \ingroup NODELIST_IDLIST
- * \brief Initialize a bridge ids list structure
- *
- * \param idlist pointer on a bridge ids list structure to initialize
- * \param lists array of strings containing ids to add to this list
- * \param lists_nb quanity of string in the array
- *
- * \retval  0 operation successfully done
- * \retval -1 operation failed
-int nl_idlist_init(nl_idlist_t *idlist, char **lists,
-			 int lists_nb);
- * \ingroup NODELIST_IDLIST
- * \brief Free a bridge ids list structure
- *
- * \param idlist pointer on a bridge ids list structure to finalize
- *
- * \retval  0 operation successfully done
- * \retval -1 operation failed
-int nl_idlist_free_contents(nl_idlist_t *idlist);
- * \ingroup NODELIST_IDLIST
- * \brief Add a ids list to a bridge ids list structure
- *
- * \param idlist pointer on a bridge ids list structure
- * \param list ids list to add to this bridge ids list
- *
- * \retval  n padding length if operation successfully done
- * \retval -1 operation failed
-int nl_idlist_add_ids(nl_idlist_t *idlist, char *list);
- * \ingroup NODELIST_IDLIST
- * \brief Get ids quantity
- *
- * \param idlist pointer on a bridge ids list structure
- *
- * \retval quantity of ids in this bridge ids list
-long int nl_idlist_ids_quantity(nl_idlist_t *idlist);
- * \ingroup NODELIST_IDLIST
- * \brief Get extended ids string
- *
- * \param idlist pointer on a bridge ids list structure
- * \param p_string pointer on a string that will be allocated
- * and filled with ids names
- *
- * \retval  0 operation successfully done
- * \retval -1 operation failed
-int nl_idlist_get_extended_string(nl_idlist_t *idlist,
-					char **p_string);
- * \ingroup NODELIST_IDLIST
- * \brief Get compacted ids string
- *
- * \param idlist pointer on a bridge ids list structure
- * \param p_string pointer on a string that will be allocated
- * and filled with compacted ids list
- *
- * \retval  0 operation successfully done
- * \retval -1 operation failed
-int nl_idlist_get_compacted_string(nl_idlist_t *idlist,
-					 char **p_string);
- * @}
- *  @{
- */
- * \brief structure that represent a nodename pattern
- *
- * can be use for basic node or enumartion node (prefixXXXsuffix pattern)
- */
-typedef struct nl_nodepattern {
-	int padding;		/*!< padding length */
-	char *prefix;		/*!< nodename prefix */
-	char *suffix;		/*!< nodename suffix */
-	int basic;		/*!< basic node flag 0=no 1=yes */
-} nl_nodepattern_t;
- * \brief Initialize a bridge node pattern structure
- *
- * by default, padding is set to 0, prefix and suffix to NULL
- * and the node pattern is basic
- *
- * \param np pointer on a bridge node pattern structure to initialize
- *
-void nl_nodepattern_init(nl_nodepattern_t *np);
- * \brief Initialize a bridge node pattern structure by dumping an other one
- *
- * by default, padding is set to 0, prefix and suffix to NULL
- * and the node pattern is basic
- *
- * \param np pointer on a bridge node pattern structure to initialize
- * \param npin pointer on a bridge node pattern to copy
- *
-void nl_nodepattern_init_by_copy(nl_nodepattern_t *np, nl_nodepattern_t *npin);
- * \brief Clean a bridge node pattern structure
- *
- * \param np pointer on a bridge node pattern structure to free
- *
-void nl_nodepattern_free_contents(nl_nodepattern_t *np);
- * \brief Set bridge node pattern padding
- *
- * \param np pointer on a bridge node pattern structure to free
- * \param padding padding value of the pattern
- *
-static inline void nl_nodepattern_set_padding(nl_nodepattern_t *np, int padding)
-	np->padding = padding;
- * \brief Set bridge node pattern prefix
- *
- * \param np pointer on a bridge node pattern structure
- * \param prefix node pattern prefix
- *
-static inline
-void nl_nodepattern_set_prefix(nl_nodepattern_t *np, char *prefix)
-	if (prefix != NULL) {
-		gsh_free(np->prefix);
-		np->prefix = gsh_strdup(prefix);
-	}
- * \brief Set bridge node pattern suffix
- *
- * \param np pointer on a bridge node pattern structure
- * \param suffix node pattern suffix
- *
-static inline
-void nl_nodepattern_set_suffix(nl_nodepattern_t *np, char *suffix)
-	if (suffix != NULL) {
-		gsh_free(np->suffix);
-		np->suffix = gsh_strdup(suffix);
-	}
-int nl_nodepattern_equals(nl_nodepattern_t *np1,
-				nl_nodepattern_t *np2);
- * @}
-/*! \addtogroup NODELIST_NODELIST
- *  @{
- */
- * \brief structure that represent a range of long int value
- */
-typedef struct nl_nodelist {
-	nl_nodepattern_t pattern;
-	nl_rangelist_t rangelist;
-	struct nl_nodelist *next;
-} nl_nl_t;
- * \brief Initialize a bridge nodes list structure
- *
- * \param nodelist pointer on a bridge nodes list structure to initialize
- * \param lists array of strings containing nodes to add to this list
- * \param lists_nb quanity of string in the array
- *
-void nl_nl_init(nl_nl_t *nodelist, char **lists, int lists_nb);
- * \brief Free a bridge nodes list structure
- *
- * \param nodelist pointer on a bridge nodes list structure to finalize
- *
-void nl_nl_free_contents(nl_nl_t *nodelist);
- * \brief Add a nodes list to a bridge nodes list structure
- *
- * \param nodelist pointer on a bridge nodes list structure
- * \param list nodes list to add to this bridge nodes list
- *
-void nl_nl_add_nodes(nl_nl_t *nodelist, char *list);
- * \brief Get nodes quantity
- *
- * \param nodelist pointer on a bridge nodes list structure
- *
- * \retval quantity of nodes in this bridge nodes list
-long int nl_nl_nodes_quantity(nl_nl_t *nodelist);
- * \brief Get an compacted nodes list based on a extended one
- *
- * \param src_list extended (or not) nodes list
- * \param p_dst_list compacted nodes list
- *
- * \retval  n nodes quantity if operation successfully done
- * \retval -1 operation failed
- * @}
- * \ingroup NODELIST_COMMON
- * \brief Get number of tokens included in a string
- *
- * \param string input string
- * \param separators_list string containing allowed token 's separators
- * \param p_token_nb pointer on an integer that will be set
- * to tokens quantity found in the string
- *
- * \retval  0 operation successfully done
- * \retval -1 operation failed
-int nl_common_string_get_tokens_quantity(char *string,
-					       char *separators_list,
-					       int *p_token_nb);
- * \ingroup NODELIST_COMMON
- * \brief Get a specific token included in a string
- *
- * \param string input string
- * \param separators_list string containing allowed token 's separators
- * \param token id the id of the token in the list
- * \param p_token pointer on a string that will be
- * set according to the token value (must be free later)
- *
- * \retval  0 operation successfully done
- * \retval -1 operation failed
-int nl_common_string_get_token(char *string, char *separators_list,
-				     int token_id, char **p_token);
-int nl_map_condensed(char *src_list,
-		     int (*map_function)(char *, void *),
-		     void *otherparams);
diff --git a/src/scripts/ b/src/scripts/
index efcda40..34a7035 100755
--- a/src/scripts/
+++ b/src/scripts/
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
diff --git a/src/support/exports.c b/src/support/exports.c
index 824e86f..b7e4789 100644
--- a/src/support/exports.c
+++ b/src/support/exports.c
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
 #include "nfs_dupreq.h"
 #include "config_parsing.h"
 #include "common_utils.h"
-#include "nodelist.h"
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <fnmatch.h>
 #include <sys/socket.h>
@@ -1614,9 +1613,6 @@
 	proto_cli = container_of(param_addr,
 				 struct exportlist_client_entry__,
-#error "Node list expansion goes here but not yet"
 	LogMidDebug(COMPONENT_CONFIG, "Adding client %s", token);
 	rc = add_client(&proto_cli->cle_list,
 			token, type_hint,