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* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is International
* Business Machines Corporation. Portions created by IBM
* Corporation are Copyright (C) 2005 International Business
* Machines Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the Common Public License as published by
* IBM Corporation; either version 1 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Common Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the Common Public License
* along with this program; if not, a copy can be viewed at
/* (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2001, 2002, 2005 */
// File: mech_sha.c
// Mechanisms for SHA-1 related routines
// The following applies to the software SHA implementation:
// Written 2 September 1992, Peter C. Gutmann.
// This implementation placed in the public domain.
// Modified 1 June 1993, Colin Plumb.
// Modified for the new SHS based on Peter Gutmann's work,
// 18 July 1994, Colin Plumb.
// Gutmann's work.
// Renamed to SHA and comments updated a bit 1 November 1995, Colin Plumb.
// These modifications placed in the public domain.
// Comments to
//#include <windows.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <string.h> // for memcmp() et al
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include "pkcs11/pkcs11types.h"
#include <pkcs11/stdll.h>
#include "defs.h"
#include "host_defs.h"
#include "h_extern.h"
#include "tok_spec_struct.h"
// The SHA f()-functions. The f1 and f3 functions can be optimized to
// save one boolean operation each - thanks to Rich Schroeppel,
// for discovering this
#define f1(x,y,z) (z ^ (x & (y ^ z))) // Rounds 0-19
#define f2(x,y,z) (x ^ y ^ z) // Rounds 20-39
#define f3(x,y,z) ((x & y) | (z & (x | y))) // Rounds 40-59
#define f4(x,y,z) (x ^ y ^ z) // Rounds 60-79
// The SHA Mysterious Constants.
// K1 = floor(sqrt(2) * 2^30)
// K2 = floor(sqrt(3) * 2^30)
// K3 = floor(sqrt(5) * 2^30)
// K4 = floor(sqrt(10) * 2^30)
#define K1 0x5A827999L // Rounds 0-19
#define K2 0x6ED9EBA1L // Rounds 20-39
#define K3 0x8F1BBCDCL // Rounds 40-59
#define K4 0xCA62C1D6L // Rounds 60-79
// SHA initial values
#define h0init 0x67452301
#define h1init 0xEFCDAB89
#define h2init 0x98BADCFE
#define h3init 0x10325476
#define h4init 0xC3D2E1F0
// Note that it may be necessary to add parentheses to these macros
// if they are to be called with expressions as arguments.
// 32-bit rotate left - kludged with shifts
#define ROTL(n,X) ((X << n) | (X >> (32-n)))
// The initial expanding function
// The hash function is defined over an 80-word expanded input array W,
// where the first 16 are copies of the input data, and the remaining 64
// are defined by W[i] = W[i-16] ^ W[i-14] ^ W[i-8] ^ W[i-3]. This
// implementation generates these values on the fly in a circular buffer.
#define expand(W,i) \
(W[i&15] ^= W[(i-14)&15] ^ W[(i-8)&15] ^ W[(i-3)&15], W[i&15] = ROTL(1, W[i&15]))
// The prototype SHA sub-round
// The fundamental sub-round is
// a' = e + ROTL(5,a) + f(b, c, d) + k + data;
// b' = a;
// c' = ROTL(30,b);
// d' = c;
// e' = d;
// ... but this is implemented by unrolling the loop 5 times and renaming
// the variables (e,a,b,c,d) = (a',b',c',d',e') each iteration.
#define subRound(a, b, c, d, e, f, k, data) \
(e += ROTL(5,a) + f(b, c, d) + k + data, b = ROTL(30, b))
void shaInit( SHA1_CONTEXT *ctx );
void shaUpdate( SHA1_CONTEXT *ctx, CK_BYTE const *buffer, CK_ULONG count);
void shaFinal( SHA1_CONTEXT *ctx, CK_BYTE *hash );
void shaTransform( SHA1_CONTEXT *ctx );
sha1_hash( SESSION *sess,
CK_BBOOL length_only,
CK_BYTE *in_data,
CK_ULONG in_data_len,
CK_BYTE *out_data,
CK_ULONG *out_data_len )
CK_RV rv;
if (!sess || !ctx || !out_data_len){
st_err_log(4, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
if (length_only == TRUE) {
*out_data_len = SHA1_HASH_SIZE;
return CKR_OK;
if(ctx->context == NULL)
if((rv = (ckm_sha1_update(ctx, in_data, in_data_len))))
return rv;
return ckm_sha1_final( ctx, out_data, out_data_len );
sha1_hash_update( SESSION * sess,
CK_BYTE * in_data,
CK_ULONG in_data_len )
if (!sess || !in_data){
st_err_log(4, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
return ckm_sha1_update( ctx, in_data, in_data_len );
sha1_hash_final( SESSION * sess,
CK_BYTE length_only,
CK_BYTE * out_data,
CK_ULONG * out_data_len )
if (!sess || !ctx || !out_data_len){
st_err_log(4, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
if (length_only == TRUE) {
*out_data_len = SHA1_HASH_SIZE;
return CKR_OK;
return ckm_sha1_final( ctx, out_data, out_data_len );
// this routine gets called for two mechanisms actually:
sha1_hmac_sign( SESSION * sess,
CK_BBOOL length_only,
CK_BYTE * in_data,
CK_ULONG in_data_len,
CK_BYTE * out_data,
CK_ULONG * out_data_len )
OBJECT * key_obj = NULL;
DIGEST_CONTEXT digest_ctx;
CK_MECHANISM digest_mech;
CK_ULONG key_bytes, hash_len, hmac_len;
CK_RV rc;
if (!sess || !ctx || !out_data_len){
st_err_log(4, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
if (ctx->mech.mechanism == CKM_SHA_1_HMAC_GENERAL) {
hmac_len = *(CK_ULONG *)ctx->mech.pParameter;
if (hmac_len == 0) {
*out_data_len = 0;
return CKR_OK;
hmac_len = SHA1_HASH_SIZE;
if (length_only == TRUE) {
*out_data_len = hmac_len;
return CKR_OK;
memset( &digest_ctx, 0x0, sizeof(DIGEST_CONTEXT) );
rc = object_mgr_find_in_map1( ctx->key, &key_obj );
if (rc != CKR_OK){
st_err_log(110, __FILE__, __LINE__);
return rc;
rc = template_attribute_find( key_obj->template, CKA_VALUE, &attr );
if (rc == FALSE){
st_err_log(4, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
key_bytes = attr->ulValueLen;
// build (K XOR ipad), (K XOR opad)
if (key_bytes > SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE) {
digest_mech.mechanism = CKM_SHA_1;
digest_mech.ulParameterLen = 0;
digest_mech.pParameter = NULL;
rc = digest_mgr_init( sess, &digest_ctx, &digest_mech );
if (rc != CKR_OK) {
digest_mgr_cleanup( &digest_ctx );
st_err_log(123, __FILE__, __LINE__);
return rc;
hash_len = sizeof(hash);
rc = digest_mgr_digest( sess, FALSE, &digest_ctx,
hash, &hash_len );
if (rc != CKR_OK) {
digest_mgr_cleanup( &digest_ctx );
st_err_log(124, __FILE__, __LINE__);
return rc;
digest_mgr_cleanup( &digest_ctx );
memset( &digest_ctx, 0x0, sizeof(DIGEST_CONTEXT) );
for (i=0; i < hash_len; i++) {
k_ipad[i] = hash[i] ^ 0x36;
k_opad[i] = hash[i] ^ 0x5C;
memset( &k_ipad[i], 0x36, SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE - i);
memset( &k_opad[i], 0x5C, SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE - i);
else {
CK_BYTE *key = attr->pValue;
for (i=0; i < key_bytes; i++) {
k_ipad[i] = key[i] ^ 0x36;
k_opad[i] = key[i] ^ 0x5C;
memset( &k_ipad[i], 0x36, SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE - key_bytes );
memset( &k_opad[i], 0x5C, SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE - key_bytes );
digest_mech.mechanism = CKM_SHA_1;
digest_mech.ulParameterLen = 0;
digest_mech.pParameter = NULL;
// inner hash
rc = digest_mgr_init( sess, &digest_ctx, &digest_mech );
if (rc != CKR_OK) {
digest_mgr_cleanup( &digest_ctx );
st_err_log(123, __FILE__, __LINE__);
return rc;
rc = digest_mgr_digest_update( sess, &digest_ctx, k_ipad, SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE );
if (rc != CKR_OK) {
digest_mgr_cleanup( &digest_ctx );
st_err_log(123, __FILE__, __LINE__);
return rc;
rc = digest_mgr_digest_update( sess, &digest_ctx, in_data, in_data_len );
if (rc != CKR_OK) {
digest_mgr_cleanup( &digest_ctx );
st_err_log(123, __FILE__, __LINE__);
return rc;
hash_len = sizeof(hash);
rc = digest_mgr_digest_final( sess, FALSE, &digest_ctx, hash, &hash_len );
if (rc != CKR_OK) {
digest_mgr_cleanup( &digest_ctx );
st_err_log(126, __FILE__, __LINE__);
return rc;
digest_mgr_cleanup( &digest_ctx );
memset( &digest_ctx, 0x0, sizeof(DIGEST_CONTEXT) );
// outer hash
rc = digest_mgr_init( sess, &digest_ctx, &digest_mech );
if (rc != CKR_OK) {
digest_mgr_cleanup( &digest_ctx );
st_err_log(123, __FILE__, __LINE__);
return rc;
rc = digest_mgr_digest_update( sess, &digest_ctx, k_opad, SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE );
if (rc != CKR_OK) {
digest_mgr_cleanup( &digest_ctx );
st_err_log(123, __FILE__, __LINE__);
return rc;
rc = digest_mgr_digest_update( sess, &digest_ctx, hash, hash_len );
if (rc != CKR_OK) {
digest_mgr_cleanup( &digest_ctx );
st_err_log(123, __FILE__, __LINE__);
return rc;
hash_len = sizeof(hash);
rc = digest_mgr_digest_final( sess, FALSE, &digest_ctx, hash, &hash_len );
if (rc != CKR_OK) {
digest_mgr_cleanup( &digest_ctx );
st_err_log(126, __FILE__, __LINE__);
return rc;
memcpy( out_data, hash, hmac_len );
*out_data_len = hmac_len;
digest_mgr_cleanup( &digest_ctx );
return CKR_OK;
sha1_hmac_verify( SESSION * sess,
CK_BYTE * in_data,
CK_ULONG in_data_len,
CK_BYTE * signature,
CK_ULONG sig_len )
CK_ULONG hmac_len, len;
CK_RV rc;
if (!sess || !ctx || !in_data || !signature){
st_err_log(4, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
if (ctx->mech.mechanism == CKM_SHA_1_HMAC_GENERAL)
hmac_len = *(CK_ULONG *)ctx->mech.pParameter;
hmac_len = SHA1_HASH_SIZE;
memset( &hmac_ctx, 0, sizeof(SIGN_VERIFY_CONTEXT) );
rc = sign_mgr_init( sess, &hmac_ctx, &ctx->mech, FALSE, ctx->key );
if (rc != CKR_OK){
st_err_log(127, __FILE__, __LINE__);
goto done;
len = sizeof(hmac);
rc = sign_mgr_sign( sess, FALSE, &hmac_ctx,
in_data, in_data_len,
hmac, &len );
if (rc != CKR_OK){
st_err_log(128, __FILE__, __LINE__);
goto done;
if ((len != hmac_len) || (len != sig_len)) {
st_err_log(46, __FILE__, __LINE__);
goto done;
if (memcmp(hmac, signature, hmac_len) != 0){
st_err_log(47, __FILE__, __LINE__);
sign_mgr_cleanup( &hmac_ctx );
return rc;
// CKM routines
ckm_sha1_update( DIGEST_CONTEXT * ctx,
CK_BYTE * in_data,
CK_ULONG in_data_len )
if( token_specific.t_sha_update == NULL ){
if (!ctx || !in_data){
st_err_log(4, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
shaUpdate( (SHA1_CONTEXT *)ctx->context, in_data, in_data_len );
return CKR_OK;
return token_specific.t_sha_update(ctx, in_data, in_data_len);
ckm_sha1_final( DIGEST_CONTEXT * ctx,
CK_BYTE * out_data,
CK_ULONG * out_data_len )
if (token_specific.t_sha_final == NULL ){
if (!ctx || !out_data || !out_data_len){
st_err_log(4, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
if (*out_data_len < SHA1_HASH_SIZE){
st_err_log(4, __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__);
shaFinal( (SHA1_CONTEXT *)ctx->context, out_data );
*out_data_len = SHA1_HASH_SIZE;
return CKR_OK;
return token_specific.t_sha_final(ctx, out_data, out_data_len);
// Software SHA-1 implementation
ckm_sha1_init( DIGEST_CONTEXT * ctx)
// Set the h-vars to their initial values
if (token_specific.t_sha_init == NULL ) {
SHA1_CONTEXT *sha1_ctx;
/* Allocate the context */
ctx->context_len = sizeof(SHA1_CONTEXT);
ctx->context = (CK_BYTE *)malloc(sizeof(SHA1_CONTEXT));
if( ctx->context == NULL )
sha1_ctx = (SHA1_CONTEXT *)ctx->context;
sha1_ctx->hash_value[0] = h0init;
sha1_ctx->hash_value[1] = h1init;
sha1_ctx->hash_value[2] = h2init;
sha1_ctx->hash_value[3] = h3init;
sha1_ctx->hash_value[4] = h4init;
// Initialise bit count
sha1_ctx->bits_lo = sha1_ctx->bits_hi = 0;
} else {
// SAB XXX call token specific init... the init MUST allocate it's context
// Perform the SHA transformation. Note that this code, like MD5, seems to
// break some optimizing compilers due to the complexity of the expressions
// and the size of the basic block. It may be necessary to split it into
// sections, e.g. based on the four subrounds
// Note that this corrupts the sha->data area
shaTransform( SHA1_CONTEXT *ctx )
register unsigned int A, B, C, D, E;
// Set up first buffer
A = ctx->hash_value[0];
B = ctx->hash_value[1];
C = ctx->hash_value[2];
D = ctx->hash_value[3];
E = ctx->hash_value[4];
// Heavy mangling, in 4 sub-rounds of 20 interations each.
subRound( A, B, C, D, E, f1, K1, ctx->buf[ 0] );
subRound( E, A, B, C, D, f1, K1, ctx->buf[ 1] );
subRound( D, E, A, B, C, f1, K1, ctx->buf[ 2] );
subRound( C, D, E, A, B, f1, K1, ctx->buf[ 3] );
subRound( B, C, D, E, A, f1, K1, ctx->buf[ 4] );
subRound( A, B, C, D, E, f1, K1, ctx->buf[ 5] );
subRound( E, A, B, C, D, f1, K1, ctx->buf[ 6] );
subRound( D, E, A, B, C, f1, K1, ctx->buf[ 7] );
subRound( C, D, E, A, B, f1, K1, ctx->buf[ 8] );
subRound( B, C, D, E, A, f1, K1, ctx->buf[ 9] );
subRound( A, B, C, D, E, f1, K1, ctx->buf[10] );
subRound( E, A, B, C, D, f1, K1, ctx->buf[11] );
subRound( D, E, A, B, C, f1, K1, ctx->buf[12] );
subRound( C, D, E, A, B, f1, K1, ctx->buf[13] );
subRound( B, C, D, E, A, f1, K1, ctx->buf[14] );
subRound( A, B, C, D, E, f1, K1, ctx->buf[15] );
subRound( E, A, B, C, D, f1, K1, expand(ctx->buf, 16) );
subRound( D, E, A, B, C, f1, K1, expand(ctx->buf, 17) );
subRound( C, D, E, A, B, f1, K1, expand(ctx->buf, 18) );
subRound( B, C, D, E, A, f1, K1, expand(ctx->buf, 19) );
subRound( A, B, C, D, E, f2, K2, expand(ctx->buf, 20) );
subRound( E, A, B, C, D, f2, K2, expand(ctx->buf, 21) );
subRound( D, E, A, B, C, f2, K2, expand(ctx->buf, 22) );
subRound( C, D, E, A, B, f2, K2, expand(ctx->buf, 23) );
subRound( B, C, D, E, A, f2, K2, expand(ctx->buf, 24) );
subRound( A, B, C, D, E, f2, K2, expand(ctx->buf, 25) );
subRound( E, A, B, C, D, f2, K2, expand(ctx->buf, 26) );
subRound( D, E, A, B, C, f2, K2, expand(ctx->buf, 27) );
subRound( C, D, E, A, B, f2, K2, expand(ctx->buf, 28) );
subRound( B, C, D, E, A, f2, K2, expand(ctx->buf, 29) );
subRound( A, B, C, D, E, f2, K2, expand(ctx->buf, 30) );
subRound( E, A, B, C, D, f2, K2, expand(ctx->buf, 31) );
subRound( D, E, A, B, C, f2, K2, expand(ctx->buf, 32) );
subRound( C, D, E, A, B, f2, K2, expand(ctx->buf, 33) );
subRound( B, C, D, E, A, f2, K2, expand(ctx->buf, 34) );
subRound( A, B, C, D, E, f2, K2, expand(ctx->buf, 35) );
subRound( E, A, B, C, D, f2, K2, expand(ctx->buf, 36) );
subRound( D, E, A, B, C, f2, K2, expand(ctx->buf, 37) );
subRound( C, D, E, A, B, f2, K2, expand(ctx->buf, 38) );
subRound( B, C, D, E, A, f2, K2, expand(ctx->buf, 39) );
subRound( A, B, C, D, E, f3, K3, expand(ctx->buf, 40) );
subRound( E, A, B, C, D, f3, K3, expand(ctx->buf, 41) );
subRound( D, E, A, B, C, f3, K3, expand(ctx->buf, 42) );
subRound( C, D, E, A, B, f3, K3, expand(ctx->buf, 43) );
subRound( B, C, D, E, A, f3, K3, expand(ctx->buf, 44) );
subRound( A, B, C, D, E, f3, K3, expand(ctx->buf, 45) );
subRound( E, A, B, C, D, f3, K3, expand(ctx->buf, 46) );
subRound( D, E, A, B, C, f3, K3, expand(ctx->buf, 47) );
subRound( C, D, E, A, B, f3, K3, expand(ctx->buf, 48) );
subRound( B, C, D, E, A, f3, K3, expand(ctx->buf, 49) );
subRound( A, B, C, D, E, f3, K3, expand(ctx->buf, 50) );
subRound( E, A, B, C, D, f3, K3, expand(ctx->buf, 51) );
subRound( D, E, A, B, C, f3, K3, expand(ctx->buf, 52) );
subRound( C, D, E, A, B, f3, K3, expand(ctx->buf, 53) );
subRound( B, C, D, E, A, f3, K3, expand(ctx->buf, 54) );
subRound( A, B, C, D, E, f3, K3, expand(ctx->buf, 55) );
subRound( E, A, B, C, D, f3, K3, expand(ctx->buf, 56) );
subRound( D, E, A, B, C, f3, K3, expand(ctx->buf, 57) );
subRound( C, D, E, A, B, f3, K3, expand(ctx->buf, 58) );
subRound( B, C, D, E, A, f3, K3, expand(ctx->buf, 59) );
subRound( A, B, C, D, E, f4, K4, expand(ctx->buf, 60) );
subRound( E, A, B, C, D, f4, K4, expand(ctx->buf, 61) );
subRound( D, E, A, B, C, f4, K4, expand(ctx->buf, 62) );
subRound( C, D, E, A, B, f4, K4, expand(ctx->buf, 63) );
subRound( B, C, D, E, A, f4, K4, expand(ctx->buf, 64) );
subRound( A, B, C, D, E, f4, K4, expand(ctx->buf, 65) );
subRound( E, A, B, C, D, f4, K4, expand(ctx->buf, 66) );
subRound( D, E, A, B, C, f4, K4, expand(ctx->buf, 67) );
subRound( C, D, E, A, B, f4, K4, expand(ctx->buf, 68) );
subRound( B, C, D, E, A, f4, K4, expand(ctx->buf, 69) );
subRound( A, B, C, D, E, f4, K4, expand(ctx->buf, 70) );
subRound( E, A, B, C, D, f4, K4, expand(ctx->buf, 71) );
subRound( D, E, A, B, C, f4, K4, expand(ctx->buf, 72) );
subRound( C, D, E, A, B, f4, K4, expand(ctx->buf, 73) );
subRound( B, C, D, E, A, f4, K4, expand(ctx->buf, 74) );
subRound( A, B, C, D, E, f4, K4, expand(ctx->buf, 75) );
subRound( E, A, B, C, D, f4, K4, expand(ctx->buf, 76) );
subRound( D, E, A, B, C, f4, K4, expand(ctx->buf, 77) );
subRound( C, D, E, A, B, f4, K4, expand(ctx->buf, 78) );
subRound( B, C, D, E, A, f4, K4, expand(ctx->buf, 79) );
// Build message digest
ctx->hash_value[0] += A;
ctx->hash_value[1] += B;
ctx->hash_value[2] += C;
ctx->hash_value[3] += D;
ctx->hash_value[4] += E;
// SHA is defined in big-endian form, so this converts the buffer from
// bytes to words, independent of the machine's native endianness.
// Assuming a consistent byte ordering for the machine, this also
// has the magic property of being self-inverse. It is used as
// such.
static void
byteReverse( unsigned int *buffer,
unsigned int byteCount )
#ifndef __BYTE_ORDER
#error "Endianess MUST be defined"
CK_ULONG value, val;
byteCount /= sizeof(CK_ULONG_32);
while (byteCount--) {
val = *buffer;
value = ((0x000000FF & val) << 24) |
((0x0000FF00 & val) << 8 ) |
((0x00FF0000 & val) >> 8 ) |
((0xFF000000 & val) >> 24);
*buffer++ = value;
// JRM - this code gives funky results on Linux/Intel.
// I assume this is a GCC issue since regression tests passed on NT
// byteCount /= sizeof(CK_ULONG);
// while ( byteCount-- ) {
// value = (CK_ULONG)((unsigned)((CK_BYTE *)buffer)[0] << 8 | ((CK_BYTE *)buffer)[1]) << 16 |
// ((unsigned)((CK_BYTE *)buffer)[2] << 8 | ((CK_BYTE *)buffer)[3]);
// *buffer++ = value;
// }
shaUpdate( SHA1_CONTEXT * ctx,
CK_BYTE const * buffer,
CK_ULONG count)
// Update bitcount
t = ctx->bits_lo;
if ((ctx->bits_lo = t + count) < t)
ctx->bits_hi++; // Carry from low to high
t &= 0x3f; // Bytes already in ctx->buf
// Handle any leading odd-sized chunks
if (t) {
CK_BYTE *p = (CK_BYTE *)ctx->buf + t;
t = 64-t;
if (count < t) {
memcpy(p, buffer, count);
memcpy(p, buffer, t);
byteReverse(ctx->buf, SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE);
buffer += t;
count -= t;
// Process data in SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE chunks
while (count >= SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE) {
memcpy(ctx->buf, buffer, SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE);
byteReverse(ctx->buf, SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE);
buffer += SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE;
count -= SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE;
// Handle any remaining bytes of data.
memcpy(ctx->buf, buffer, count);
// Final wrapup - pad to 64-byte boundary with the bit pattern
// 1 0* (64-bit count of bits processed, MSB-first)
shaFinal( SHA1_CONTEXT * ctx,
CK_BYTE * hash )
int count;
// Compute number of bytes mod 64
count = (int)ctx->bits_lo & 0x3F;
// Set the first char of padding to 0x80.
// This is safe since there is always at least one byte free
p = (CK_BYTE *)ctx->buf + count;
*p++ = 0x80;
// Bytes of padding needed to make 64 bytes
count = SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE - 1 - count;
// Pad out to 56 mod 64
if (count < 8) {
// Two lots of padding: Pad the first block to 64 bytes
memset(p, 0, count);
byteReverse(ctx->buf, SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE);
// Now fill the next block with 56 bytes
memset(ctx->buf, 0, SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE-8);
} else {
// Pad block to 56 bytes
memset(p, 0, count-8);
byteReverse(ctx->buf, SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE-8);
// Append length in *bits* and transform
ctx->buf[14] = ctx->bits_hi << 3 | ctx->bits_lo >> 29;
ctx->buf[15] = ctx->bits_lo << 3;
// Store output hash in buffer
byteReverse(ctx->hash_value, SHA1_HASH_SIZE);
memcpy(hash, ctx->hash_value, SHA1_HASH_SIZE);