blob: 8c2049a7b22c49e5e2f916cd3fc71bfddef1bcf0 [file] [log] [blame]
2010-02-22 Mario Strasser <>
* tpmd_dev/darwin/*: darwin module added
* Makefile: installation on Mac OS X enabled
* README: README updated
* ChangeLog: ChangeLog updated
2010-02-19 Mario Strasser <>
* windows/*: several fixes
* crypto/bn.c: work around for older gmp libs
* tddl/*: platform independent tddl
* README: README updated
2010-02-18 Mario Strasser <>
*, buils.bat: build scripts added
* tpmd.c, tpm_emulator_extern.h: log modes independent of syslog
* windows/tpmd.c: tpmd for windows added
* windows/control_tpmd.bat: service control function added
2010-02-16 Mario Strasser <>
* tpm/*: MTM functions added
* tpmd.c: parameter to set configuration flags added
* README: README updated
2010-02-15 Mario Strasser <>
* tpm_emulator.h, tpm_cmd_handler.c: startup configuration added
* CMakeLists.txt: build of openbsd module added
* tpm/*: MTM support prepared and MTM hooks added
2010-02-13 Mario Strasser <>
* all: unused variables removed; free_TPM_DATA added
2010-02-12 Mario Strasser <>
* tpm_marshalling.[ch]: (un)marshaling_TPM_DATA added
2010-02-11 Mario Strasser <>
* CMakeLists.txt: installation support added
* README: README updated
* *.h: headers updated
2010-02-10 Mario Strasser <>
* all: new CMake makefiles added
* README: README updated
* CMakeLists.txt, cpack support added
2010-02-09 Mario Strasser <>
* crypto/*, tpm/*: BE* conversion functions removed
* tpmd/tpmd.c: smart startup mode handling
* crypto/*.h, tpm/*.h: tpm_emulator_config.h removed
* tpm_testinc.c: usage of tpm_min/max removed
* tpm_data.c, tpm_emulator_extern.h, tpmd.c:
_file -> _storage
* config.h: central config.h added
* all: directory structure changed
2009-12-05 Mario Strasser <>
* tpmd_dev/Makefile: installation patch added, thanks go to David Anderson
2009-10-05 Mario Strasser <>
* all: numerous bug fixes to make the trousers test pass
2009-10-02 Mario Strasser <>
* tpm_delegation.c: delegation support completed
2009-09-24 Mario Strasser <>
* tpm_crypto.c: internal, deterministic PRNG added (for testing etc.)
* tpm_authorization.c: DSAP verification added
2009-09-19 Mario Strasser <>
* tpm_capability.c: TPM_SetCapability() added
* tpm_capability.c: TPM_GetCapability() completed
* ChangeLog: changelog updated
2009-09-18 Mario Strasser <>
* tpm_commands.h: declarations and descriptions of internal
functions added
2009-09-17 Mario Strasser <>
* tpm_authorization.c: DSAP support added
2009-08-28 Mario Strasser <>
* tpm_migration.c: CMK handling completed
* tpm_owner.c: TPM_OwnerClear() updated
* all: code cleanup, obsolete code removed
* tpm_capability.c: capability support revised
* tpm_commands.h: missing parameter added
2009-08-27 Mario Strasser <>
* tpm_structures.h: structures updated and completed
* all: major revision number incremented to 6 due to changes in the
internal data structure
* ChangeLog: changelog updated
2009-08-26 Mario Strasser <>
* tpm_migration.c: bugs in CMK functionality fixed, migration support
completed and enabled
* tpm_storage.c: usage of default exponent in pubkey generation fixed
2009-08-25 Mario Strasser <>
* tpm_migration.c: bugs in key migration functionality fixed
2009-08-19 Mario Strasser <>
* tpm_migration.c: TPM_CMK_CreateBlob() and
TPM_CMK_ConvertMigration() added
2009-08-13 Mario Strasser <>
* tpm_migration.c: size_t issue fixed; thanks to E. Fleury
2009-08-10 Mario Strasser <>
* tpm_storage.c: TPM_CreateWrapKey() updated
* tpm_migration.c: TPM_CMK_CreateKey() added
2009-08-09 Mario Strasser <>
* tpm_storage.c: tpm_decrypt and tpm_encrypt added
* tpm_migration.c: initial migration support added
* tpm_migration.c: CMK support added
2009-08-04 Mario Strasser <>
* tpm_deprecated.c, tpm_migration.c: bugs fixed; thanks to M. Schmidt
2009-06-05 Mario Strasser <>
* tpm_structures.c: bug in rsa key size computation fixed
2009-05-30 Mario Strasser <>
* tpm_owner.c: set readPubek to false once the TPM is owned
2009-04-08 Mario Strasser <>
* tpmd.c: missing mkdirs call added
2008-10-13 Mario Strasser <>
* rsa.[ch]: functions to determine rsa key length added
* tpm_structures.h: sizeof_RSA uses precise vales
2008-05-06 Mario Strasser <>
* tpm_storage.c: version 1.1 compatibility fixed
2008-03-23 Mario Strasser <>
* tpm_maintenance.c: management support added
* tpm_maintenance.c: several fixes in the maintenance support
* tpm_storage.c: TPM_Sealx fixed and TPM_UnSeal adapted
2008-03-22 Mario Strasser <>
* tpm_cmd_handler.c tpm_maintenance.c: maintenance support added
2008-03-21 Mario Strasser <>
* rsa.[ch], tpm_storage.c: TPM_Sealx added
2008-03-13 Mario Strasser <>
* tpm_owner.c: memory leak in TPM_OwnerClear fixed
2008-03-12 Mario Strasser <>
* rsa.c: memory leak fixed
* all: NV support added
2008-03-03 Heiko Stamer <>
* tpm_deprecated.c, tpm_marshalling.c: TPM_ChangeAuthAsymFinish() added
* tpm_capability.c: supported commands changed
2008-02-21 Heiko Stamer <>
* tpm_deprecated.c, tpm_storage.c: TPM_ChangeAuthAsymStart() added
2008-02-12 Mario Strasser <>
* ChangeLog: changes updated for release 0.5.1
2008-01-07 Mario Strasser <>
* tpmd_dev_openbsd/*: OpenBSD module added
2007-12-19 Heiko Stamer <>
* tpm_cmd_handler.c, tpm_integrity.c: sig. bug in TPM_Quote2() fixed
2007-12-16 Heiko Stamer <>
* tpm_transport.c: missing ptr initialization fixed
2007-12-15 Mario Strasser <>
* tddl.c, tpm_emulator_config.h: support for FreeBSD/OpenBSD added
2007-12-07 Heiko Stamer <>
* tpm_structures.h: session identifier added
2007-12-07 Heiko Stamer <>
* tpm_cmd_handler.c, tpm_counter.c: small fixes for counters
2007-12-07 Heiko Stamer <>
* tpm_authorization.c, tpm_eviction.c, tpm_handles.c:
fixes and debug calls for TSS Test Suite (TrouSerS)
2007-12-07 Heiko Stamer <>
* tpm_deprecated.c: fixed DIR index value, according to spec v1.2 rev 103
2007-12-05 Mario Strasser <>
* tpmd.c: optional creation of missing directories added
2007-11-19 Mario Strasser <>
* Makefile: make rule for added
2007-11-09 Mario Strasser <>
* tpm_storage.c, tpm_emulator_config.h: bug in TPMLoadKey fixed
2007-09-08 Mario Strasser <>
* Makefile: make rules for tpmd_dev.rules added
2007-09-05 Heiko Stamer <>
* tpm_deprecated.c: minor bug fixes
2007-09-05 Heiko Stamer <>
* tpm_deprecated.c: TPM_ChangeAuthAsymStart() updated
2007-09-02 Mario Strasser <>
* all Makefiles: some more install fixes
2007-08-23 Mario Strasser <>
* tpmd.c: bug in tpm_get_ticks fixed
2007-08-08 Mario Strasser <>
* tpm_integrity.c, tpm_startup.c: bug fixes regarding localityModifier
2007-08-07 Mario Strasser <>
* tpmd.c: effective user/group can be specified
2007-08-06 Mario Strasser <>
* all Makefiles: install-tool based installation
2007-08-02 Mario Strasser <>
* tpm_data.c, tpm_marshalling.c: fixes to make rev 103 changes work
* tpmd_dev.rules: udev rules added
2007-08-02 Heiko Stamer <>
* tpm_credentials.c, tpm_crypto.c, tpm_daa.c, tpm_data.c,
tpm_marshalling.c, tpm_structures.h: fixes to make rev 103 changes work
2007-08-02 Mario Strasser <>
* Makefile: soname added
2007-08-01 Mario Strasser <>
* tddl.c, tpm_storage.c, Makefile, tpmd.c,
tpmd_dev.c: default storage directories for state and sockets changed
2007-07-28 Heiko Stamer <>
* Makefile: setting soname (FIXME: need version?)
2007-07-28 Heiko Stamer <>
* tpm_capability.c, tpm_deprecated.c,
tpm_integrity.c: fixes needed for adapting v1.2 rev 103
2007-07-27 Heiko Stamer <>
* tpm_capability.c, tpm/tpm_commands.h, tpm_deprecated.c,
tpm_structures.h: changes from v1.2 rev 103
2007-07-25 Heiko Stamer <>
* tpm_integrity.c: fixing a specification error corrected in v1.2 rev 103
2007-07-05 Mario Strasser <>
* tpmd.c: double free fixed, type bug fixed
2007-03-23 Mario Strasser <>
* tpmd.c: additional tpmd parameters added
2006-12-27 Mario Strasser <>
* Makefile, tddl.c: gcc 4.1 warnings removed
2006-12-03 Mario Strasser <>
* Makefile: tpm_dev excluded from standard distribution
2006-12-03 Mario Strasser <>
* all: tpm daemon and device driver library added
2006-11-29 Mario Strasser <>
* Makefile: VERSION_SUFFIX added
2006-11-14 Mario Strasser <>
* gmp_kernel_wrapper.c, tpm_data.c: import and export
functions simplified
* tpm_emulator_config.h: min/max macros renamed
* tpm_data.c, tpm_cmd_handler.c, tpm_startup.c:
startup/restore behavior adapted according to rev94
2006-11-12 Mario Strasser <>
* gmp_kernel_wrapper.c: __stack_chk_fail() to GNU MP wrapper added
* tpm_daa.c: size_t vs. uint32_t issue in DAA routines fixed
* rsa.c, tpm_daa.c, tpm_deprecated.c, tpm/tpm_testing.c,
tpm_transport.c: pointer signedness warnings fixed
2006-11-11 Mario Strasser <>
* bn.[ch], rsa.[ch], tpm_daa.c, tpm_storage.c, tpm_testing.c:
bn wrapper added
* gmp_kernel_wrapper.c, linux_module.c: printf format for size_t fixed
2006-11-10 Mario Strasser <>
* all: potential name space conflicts for global symbols solved
2006-11-07 Mario Strasser <>
* sha1.[ch], tpm_*: some issues related to 64bit architecture
and size_t fixed
* rsa.c: potential bug in key generation fixed
* all: advanced compiler warnings and name space collisions fixed
2006-10-25 Mario Strasser <>
* gmp_kernel_wrapper.c, rsa.c: removed all GNU MP random routines
* linux_module.c, linux_module.h, tpm_emulator_config.h: moved all host
specific functions and configuration parameters from
linux_module.h into tpm_emulator_config.h
* tpm_audit.c, tpm_identity.c, tpm_marshalling.h, tpm_transport.c:
fixed some marshalling statements which cause troubles
if memory alignment is mandatory
2006-10-20 Mario Strasser <>
* tpm_capability: inline definition changed due to
interoperability reasons
* tpm_cmd_handler.c: marshalling bug in TPM_Seal[x] fixed
2006-10-17 Mario Strasser <>
* tpm_cmd_handler.c, tpm_emulator.h: meaning of out/out_size
parameter for tpm_handle_command slightly modified
* linux_module.c: support for storage_file parameter added
* linux_module.[ch], tpm_data.c: file storage functions moved
into module
* all: some minor typos/bugs fixed
2006-10-11 Mario Strasser <>
* all: redundant includes removed
2006-09-03 Heiko Stamer <>
* tpm_capability.c: small fixes (TPM_MANUFACTURER)
2006-08-14 Mario Strasser <>
* tpm_storage.c: required key size fixed
2006-08-06 Heiko Stamer <>
* tpm_error.c: DAA error description added
2006-08-01 Heiko Stamer <>
* tpm_integrity.c: TPM_Quote2() added
2006-06-23 Mario Strasser <>
* tpm_startup.c: behaviour of ST_CLEAR and storage of
persistent data adapted
2006-06-18 Heiko Stamer <>
* tpm_identity.c: identity creation and activation,
that is TPM_MakeIdentity and TPM_ActivateIdentity added
2005-12-24 Mario Strasser <>
* tpm_transport.c, tpm_marshalling.c, tpm_structures.h:
Transport session functionality added
2005-12-16 Mario Strasser <>
* linux_module.c: ioctl() support added
* tpm_capability.c: TPM_GetCapability() adapted to make
it work with trousers
2005-12-09 Heiko Stamer <>
* tpm_marshalling.c, tpm_daa.c, rsa.c: DAA functionality,
that is TPM_DAA_Join and TPM_DAA_Sign added
2005-08-15 Mario Strasser <>
* all: some typos corrected
* tpm_integrity.c: bug in TPM_Extend fixed
2005-05-07 Mario Strasser <>
* bug in TPM_SaveContext fixed
2005-04-30 Mario Strasser <>
* tpm_digest.c: audit functionality added
2005-04-29 Mario Strasser <>
* tpm_context.c: TPM_KeyControlOwner, TPM_SaveContext,
and TPM_LoadContext added
* tpm_deprecated: TPM_(Save|Load)(Key|Auth)Context added
* rc4.[ch]: RC4 encryption added
* rsa.c: rsa_copy_key added
2005-04-27 Mario Strasser <>
* tpm_crypto.c: TPM_CertifyKey and TPM_CertifyKey2 added
* tpm_deprecated: TPM_OwnerReadPubek, TPM_CertifySelfTest,
TPM_DirWriteAuth, and TPM_DirRead added
2005-04-26 Mario Strasser <>
* tpm_ticks.c: timing ticks functionality added
* tpm_authorization.c: TPM_ChangeAuth and TPM_ChangeAuthOwner added
* tpm_storage, tpm_crypto.c, tpm_integrity.c: authorization
verification now considers the value of authDataUsage
* tpm_storage: TPM_UnBind added
2004-10-24 Mario Strasser <>
* Makefile: new makefile for Linux kernels > 2.5.0 build system
* tpm_testing.c: replacement of some floating-point calculations
with fix-point arithmetic
* all: minor changes int the directory and header file structure
to make the package easier portable and maintainable
2004-07-01 Mario Strasser <>
* Initial release based on my semester thesis