blob: a1e1c1530001b7204e320f30f5c858764cc460c2 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Upstart state machine.
* Generate with:
* dot -Tpng -ostates.png
* Diamonds represent natural rest states in which we need to take an action
* to change the goal.
* Ovals represent ordinary states which clear themselves when the process
* being run, or the event that was emitted, finishes.
* Rectangles represent additional actions that are taken, they are not
* states, instead you should follow through them to the next real state.
* Green arrows are followed while the goal is START.
* Red arrows are followed while the goal is STOP.
* Note that from the running state, there are two read arrows leaving it;
* these are chosen based on whether there is a process for the job or not.
digraph {
edge [fontsize=10];
waiting [shape=diamond];
starting [label="starting\n(emit starting)"];
pre_start [label="pre-start"];
spawned [label="spawned\n(wait for pid)"];
post_start [label="post-start"];
emit_started [shape=rectangle,label="emit started"];
running [shape=diamond];
pre_stop [label="pre-stop"];
stopping [label="stopping\n(emit stopping)"];
killed [label="killed\n(wait for SIGCHLD)"];
post_stop [label="post-stop"];
emit_stopped [shape=rectangle,label="emit stopped"];
waiting -> starting [color=green];
starting -> pre_start [color=green];
starting -> stopping [color=red];
pre_start -> spawned [color=green];
pre_start -> stopping [color=red];
spawned -> post_start [color=green];
spawned -> stopping [color=red];
post_start -> emit_started -> running [color=green];
post_start -> stopping [color=red];
running -> pre_stop [color=red,label="pid > 0"];
running -> stopping [color=red,label="pid == 0"];
running -> stopping [color=green,label="respawn"];
pre_stop -> running [color=green];
pre_stop -> stopping [color=red];
stopping -> killed [color=green];
stopping -> killed [color=red];
killed -> post_stop [color=green];
killed -> post_stop [color=red];
post_stop -> starting [color=green];
post_stop -> emit_stopped [color=red];
emit_stopped -> waiting [color=red];