blob: 6b6766e07de0133f5825316cb686dc3ff69b0560 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/basictypes.h>
#include <base/logging.h> // DCHECK
namespace chromeos {
// DEPRECATED: TODO(yusukes): Remove this enum when it's ready.
enum DeprecatedLanguageCategory {
// A structure which represents an input method.
struct InputMethodDescriptor {
InputMethodDescriptor(const std::string& in_id,
const std::string& in_display_name,
const std::string& in_keyboard_layout,
const std::string& in_language_code)
: deprecated_category(DEPRECATED_LANGUAGE_CATEGORY),
language_code(in_language_code) {
bool operator==(const InputMethodDescriptor& other) const {
return (id ==;
// Debug print function.
std::string ToString() const {
std::stringstream stream;
stream << "id=" << id
<< ", display_name=" << display_name
<< ", keyboard_layout=" << keyboard_layout
<< ", language_code=" << language_code;
return stream.str();
// DEPRECATED: TODO(yusukes): Remove this when it's ready.
DeprecatedLanguageCategory deprecated_category;
// An ID that identifies an input method engine (e.g., "t:latn-post",
// "pinyin", "hangul").
std::string id;
// An input method name which can be used in the UI (e.g., "Pinyin").
std::string display_name;
// A preferred keyboard layout for the input method (e.g., "us", "us(dvorak)",
// "jp").
std::string keyboard_layout;
// Language codes like "ko", "ja", "zh_CN", and "t".
// "t" is used for languages in the "Others" category.
std::string language_code;
typedef std::vector<InputMethodDescriptor> InputMethodDescriptors;
// A structure which represents a property for an input method engine. For
// details, please check a comment for the LanguageRegisterImePropertiesFunction
// typedef below.
// TODO(yusukes): Rename this struct. "InputMethodProperty" might be better?
struct ImeProperty {
ImeProperty(const std::string& in_key,
const std::string& in_label,
bool in_is_selection_item,
bool in_is_selection_item_checked,
int in_selection_item_id)
: key(in_key),
selection_item_id(in_selection_item_id) {
: is_selection_item(false),
selection_item_id(kInvalidSelectionItemId) {
// Debug print function.
std::string ToString() const {
std::stringstream stream;
stream << "key=" << key
<< ", label=" << label
<< ", is_selection_item=" << is_selection_item
<< ", is_selection_item_checked=" << is_selection_item_checked
<< ", selection_item_id=" << selection_item_id;
return stream.str();
std::string key; // A key which identifies the property. Non-empty string.
// (e.g. "InputMode.HalfWidthKatakana")
// DEPRECATED: TODO(yusukes): Remove this when it's ready.
std::string deprecated_icon_path;
std::string label; // A description of the property. Non-empty string.
// (e.g. "Switch to full punctuation mode", "Hiragana")
bool is_selection_item; // true if the property is a selection item.
bool is_selection_item_checked; // true if |is_selection_item| is true and
// the selection_item is selected.
int selection_item_id; // A group ID (>= 0) of the selection item.
// kInvalidSelectionItemId if |is_selection_item| is
// false.
static const int kInvalidSelectionItemId = -1;
typedef std::vector<ImeProperty> ImePropertyList;
// A structure which represents a value of an input method configuration item.
// This struct is used by SetImeConfig().
// TODO(yusukes): Rename this struct. "InputMethodConfigValue" might be better?
struct ImeConfigValue {
: type(kValueTypeString),
bool_value(false) {
// Debug print function.
std::string ToString() const {
std::stringstream stream;
stream << "type=" << type;
switch (type) {
case kValueTypeString:
stream << ", string_value=" << string_value;
case kValueTypeInt:
stream << ", int_value=" << int_value;
case kValueTypeBool:
stream << ", bool_value=" << (bool_value ? "true" : "false");
case kValueTypeStringList:
stream << ", string_list_value=";
for (size_t i = 0; i < string_list_value.size(); ++i) {
if (i) {
stream << ",";
stream << string_list_value[i];
return stream.str();
enum ValueType {
kValueTypeString = 0,
// A value is stored on |string_value| member if |type| is kValueTypeString.
// The same is true for other enum values.
ValueType type;
std::string string_value;
int int_value;
bool bool_value;
std::vector<std::string> string_list_value;
// A monitor function which is called when current input method is changed by a
// user.
typedef void(*LanguageCurrentInputMethodMonitorFunction)(
void* language_library, const InputMethodDescriptor& current_input_method);
// A monitor function which is called when "RegisterProperties" signal is sent
// from ibus-daemon. The signal contains a list of properties for a specific
// input method engine. For example, Japanese input method might have the
// following properties:
// ----------------------------------
// key: InputMode.Hiragana
// label: Hiragana
// is_selection_item: true
// is_selection_item_checked: true
// selection_item_id: 1
// ----------------------------------
// key: InputMode.Katakana
// label: Katakana
// is_selection_item: true
// is_selection_item_checked: false
// selection_item_id: 1
// ----------------------------------
// ...
// ----------------------------------
typedef void(*LanguageRegisterImePropertiesFunction)(
void* language_library, const ImePropertyList& prop_list);
// A monitor function which is called when "UpdateProperty" signal is sent
// from ibus-daemon. The signal contains one or more properties which is updated
// recently. Keys the signal contains are a subset of keys registered by the
// "RegisterProperties" signal above. For example,
// Japanese input method might send the following properties:
// ----------------------------------
// key: InputMode.Hiragana
// label: Hiragana
// is_selection_item: true
// is_selection_item_checked: false
// selection_item_id: ...
// ----------------------------------
// key: InputMode.Katakana
// label: Katakana
// is_selection_item: true
// is_selection_item_checked: true
// selection_item_id: ...
// ----------------------------------
// Note: Please do not use selection_item_ids in |prop_list|. Dummy values are
// filled in the field.
typedef void(*LanguageUpdateImePropertyFunction)(
void* language_library, const ImePropertyList& prop_list);
// A monitor function which is called when ibus connects or disconnects.
typedef void(*LanguageConnectionChangeMonitorFunction)(
void* language_library, bool connected);
// Establishes IBus connection to the ibus-daemon. LanguageXXXFunction functions
// will be called when status of input method engines is changed.
class InputMethodStatusConnection;
extern InputMethodStatusConnection* (*MonitorInputMethodStatus)(
void* language_library,
LanguageCurrentInputMethodMonitorFunction current_input_method,
LanguageRegisterImePropertiesFunction register_ime_properties,
LanguageUpdateImePropertyFunction update_ime_property,
LanguageConnectionChangeMonitorFunction connection_changed);
// Stops ibus-daemon. Returns true on success.
extern bool (*StopInputMethodProcess)(InputMethodStatusConnection* connection);
// Gets all input method engines that are supported, including ones not active.
// Caller has to delete the returned list. This function never returns NULL.
extern InputMethodDescriptors* (*GetSupportedInputMethodDescriptors)();
// Changes the current input method engine to |name|. Returns true on success.
// Examples of names: "pinyin", "m17n:ar:kbd", "xkb:us:dvorak:eng".
extern bool (*ChangeInputMethod)(
InputMethodStatusConnection* connection, const char* name);
// TODO(satorux): Remove the function.
// Get an input method engines that are currently selected. Caller has to delete
// the returned list. This function might return NULL on error.
extern InputMethodDescriptor* (*GetCurrentInputMethod)(
InputMethodStatusConnection* connection);
// Sets whether the input method property specified by |key| is activated.
// If |activated| is true, activates the property. If |activated| is false,
// deactivates the property.
// TODO(yusukes): "SetInputMethodPropertyActivated" might be better?
extern void (*SetImePropertyActivated)(InputMethodStatusConnection* connection,
const char* key,
bool activated);
// Sets a configuration of ibus-daemon or IBus engines to |value|.
// Returns true if the configuration is successfully set.
// To set 'panel/custom_font', |section| should be "panel", and
// |config_name| should be "custom_font".
// TODO(yusukes): "SetInputMethodConfig" might be better?
extern bool (*SetImeConfig)(InputMethodStatusConnection* connection,
const char* section,
const char* config_name,
const ImeConfigValue& value);
// Returns the keyboard overlay ID corresponding to |input_method_id|.
// Returns an empty string if there is no corresponding keyboard overlay ID.
extern std::string (*GetKeyboardOverlayId)(
const std::string& input_method_id);
} // namespace chromeos