blob: 122afe602ce8d20b1dc1b260c33f2fb42f4d7f3b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Chromium buildbot steps
Run the Dart layout tests.
import os
import platform
import re
import shutil
import socket
import subprocess
import sys
import imp
BUILDER_PATTERN = (r'^dartium-(mac|lucid64|lucid32|win)'
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
GSUTIL = 'e:/b/build/scripts/slave/gsutil.bat'
GSUTIL = '/b/build/scripts/slave/gsutil'
ACL = 'public-read'
GS_SITE = 'gs://'
GS_URL = ''
GS_DIR = 'dartium-archive'
LATEST = 'latest'
CONTINUOUS = 'continuous'
REVISION_FILE = 'chrome/browser/ui/webui/dartvm_revision.h'
# Add dartium tools and build/util to python path.
SRC_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
TOOLS_PATH = os.path.join(SRC_PATH, 'dartium_tools')
DART_PATH = os.path.join(SRC_PATH, 'dart')
BUILD_UTIL_PATH = os.path.join(SRC_PATH, 'build/util')
# We limit testing on drt since it takes a long time to run
DRT_FILTER = 'html'
sys.path.extend([TOOLS_PATH, BUILD_UTIL_PATH])
import archive
import utils
bot_utils = imp.load_source('bot_utils',
os.path.join(DART_PATH, 'tools', 'bots', ''))
def DartArchiveFile(local_path, remote_path, create_md5sum=False):
# Copy it to the new unified gs://dart-archive bucket
# TODO(kustermann/ricow): Remove all the old archiving code, once everything
# points to the new location
gsutil = bot_utils.GSUtil()
gsutil.upload(local_path, remote_path, public=True)
if create_md5sum:
# 'local_path' may have a different filename than 'remote_path'. So we need
# to make sure the *.md5sum file contains the correct name.
assert '/' in remote_path and not remote_path.endswith('/')
mangled_filename = remote_path[remote_path.rfind('/') + 1:]
local_md5sum = bot_utils.CreateChecksumFile(local_path, mangled_filename)
gsutil.upload(local_md5sum, remote_path + '.md5sum', public=True)
def UploadDartiumVariant(revision, name, channel, arch, mode, zip_file):
name = name.replace('drt', 'content_shell')
system = sys.platform
namer = bot_utils.GCSNamer(channel, bot_utils.ReleaseType.RAW)
remote_path = namer.dartium_variant_zipfilepath(revision, name, system, arch,
DartArchiveFile(zip_file, remote_path, create_md5sum=True)
return remote_path
def ExecuteCommand(cmd):
"""Execute a command in a subprocess.
print 'Executing: ' + ' '.join(cmd)
pipe = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
(output, error) = pipe.communicate()
if pipe.returncode != 0:
print 'Execution failed: ' + str(error)
return (pipe.returncode, output)
import traceback
print 'Execution raised exception:', traceback.format_exc()
return (-1, '')
# TODO: Instead of returning a tuple we should make a class with these fields.
def GetBuildInfo():
"""Returns a tuple (name, dart_revision, version, mode, arch, channel,
is_full) where:
- name: A name for the build - the buildbot host if a buildbot.
- dart_revision: The dart revision.
- version: A version string corresponding to this build.
- mode: 'Debug' or 'Release'
- arch: target architecture
- channel: the channel this build is happening on
- is_full: True if this is a full build.
name = None
version = None
mode = 'Release'
# Populate via builder environment variables.
name = os.environ[BUILDER_NAME]
# We need to chdir() to src/dart in order to get the correct revision number.
with utils.ChangedWorkingDirectory(DART_PATH):
dart_tools_utils = imp.load_source('dart_tools_utils',
os.path.join('tools', ''))
dart_revision = dart_tools_utils.GetSVNRevision()
version = dart_revision + '.0'
is_incremental = '-inc' in name
is_win_ninja = 'win-inc-ninja' in name
is_full = False
pattern = re.match(BUILDER_PATTERN, name)
assert pattern
arch = 'x64' if == 'lucid64' else 'ia32'
if == 'debug':
mode = 'Debug'
is_full = == 'full'
channel =
if not channel:
channel = 'be'
# Fall back if not on builder.
if not name:
name = socket.gethostname().split('.')[0]
return (name, dart_revision, version, mode, arch, channel, is_full,
is_incremental, is_win_ninja)
def RunDartTests(mode, component, suite, arch, checked, test_filter=None,
"""Runs the Dart WebKit Layout tests.
cmd = [sys.executable]
script = os.path.join(TOOLS_PATH, '')
cmd.append('--mode=' + mode)
cmd.append('--component=' + component)
cmd.append('--suite=' + suite)
cmd.append('--arch=' + arch)
cmd.append('--' + checked)
if is_win_ninja:
if test_filter:
cmd.append('--test-filter=' + test_filter)
status =
if status != 0:
print '@@@STEP_FAILURE@@@'
return status
def UploadDartTestsResults(layout_test_results_dir, name, version,
component, checked):
"""Uploads test results to google storage.
print ('@@@BUILD_STEP archive %s_layout_%s_tests results@@@' %
(component, checked))
dir_name = os.path.dirname(layout_test_results_dir)
base_name = os.path.basename(layout_test_results_dir)
cwd = os.getcwd()
archive_name = ''
archive.ZipDir(archive_name, base_name)
target = '/'.join([GS_DIR, 'layout-test-results', name, component + '-' +
checked + '-' + version + '.zip'])
status = UploadArchive(os.path.abspath(archive_name), GS_SITE + target)
if status == 0:
print ('@@@STEP_LINK@download@' + GS_URL + target + '@@@')
print '@@@STEP_FAILURE@@@'
def ListArchives(pattern):
"""List the contents in Google storage matching the file pattern.
cmd = [GSUTIL, 'ls', pattern]
(status, output) = ExecuteCommand(cmd)
if status != 0:
return []
return output.split(os.linesep)
def RemoveArchives(archives):
"""Remove the list of archives in Google storage.
for archive in archives:
if archive.find(GS_SITE) == 0:
cmd = [GSUTIL, 'rm', archive.rstrip()]
(status, _) = ExecuteCommand(cmd)
if status != 0:
return status
return 0
def UploadArchive(source, target):
"""Upload an archive zip file to Google storage.
# Upload file.
cmd = [GSUTIL, 'cp', source, target]
(status, output) = ExecuteCommand(cmd)
if status != 0:
return status
print 'Uploaded: ' + output
# Set ACL.
if ACL is not None:
cmd = [GSUTIL, 'setacl', ACL, target]
(status, output) = ExecuteCommand(cmd)
return status
def main():
(dartium_bucket, dart_revision, version, mode, arch, channel,
is_full, is_incremental, is_win_ninja) = GetBuildInfo()
drt_bucket = dartium_bucket.replace('dartium', 'drt')
chromedriver_bucket = dartium_bucket.replace('dartium', 'chromedriver')
def archiveAndUpload(archive_latest=False):
print '@@@BUILD_STEP dartium_generate_archive@@@'
cwd = os.getcwd()
dartium_archive = dartium_bucket + '-' + version
drt_archive = drt_bucket + '-' + version
chromedriver_archive = chromedriver_bucket + '-' + version
dartium_zip, drt_zip, chromedriver_zip = \
archive.Archive(SRC_PATH, mode, dartium_archive,
drt_archive, chromedriver_archive,
status = upload('dartium', dartium_bucket, os.path.abspath(dartium_zip),
if status == 0:
status = upload('drt', drt_bucket, os.path.abspath(drt_zip),
if status == 0:
status = upload('chromedriver', chromedriver_bucket,
if status != 0:
print '@@@STEP_FAILURE@@@'
return status
def upload(module, bucket, zip_file, archive_latest=False):
status = 0
# We archive to the new location on all builders except for -inc builders.
if not is_incremental:
print '@@@BUILD_STEP %s_upload_archive_new @@@' % module
# We archive the full builds to gs://dart-archive/
revision = 'latest' if archive_latest else dart_revision
remote_path = UploadDartiumVariant(revision, module, channel, arch,
mode.lower(), zip_file)
print '@@@STEP_LINK@download@' + remote_path + '@@@'
# We archive to the old locations only for bleeding_edge builders
if channel == 'be':
_, filename = os.path.split(zip_file)
if not archive_latest:
target = '/'.join([GS_DIR, bucket, filename])
print '@@@BUILD_STEP %s_upload_archive@@@' % module
status = UploadArchive(zip_file, GS_SITE + target)
print '@@@STEP_LINK@download@' + GS_URL + target + '@@@'
print '@@@BUILD_STEP %s_upload_latest@@@' % module
# Clear latest for this build type.
old = '/'.join([GS_DIR, LATEST, bucket + '-*'])
old_archives = ListArchives(GS_SITE + old)
# Upload the new latest and remove unnecessary old ones.
target = GS_SITE + '/'.join([GS_DIR, LATEST, filename])
status = UploadArchive(zip_file, target)
if status == 0:
[iarch for iarch in old_archives if iarch != target])
print 'Upload failed'
# Upload unversioned name to continuous site for incremental
# builds.
if '-inc' in bucket:
continuous_name = bucket[:bucket.find('-inc')]
target = GS_SITE + '/'.join([GS_DIR, CONTINUOUS,
continuous_name + '.zip'])
status = UploadArchive(zip_file, target)
print ('@@@BUILD_STEP %s_upload_archive is over (status = %s)@@@' %
(module, status))
return status
def test(component, suite, checked, test_filter=None):
"""Test a particular component (e.g., dartium or frog).
print '@@@BUILD_STEP %s_%s_%s_tests@@@' % (component, suite, checked)
layout_test_results_dir = os.path.join(SRC_PATH, 'webkit', mode,
shutil.rmtree(layout_test_results_dir, ignore_errors=True)
status = RunDartTests(mode, component, suite, arch, checked,
test_filter=test_filter, is_win_ninja=is_win_ninja)
if suite == 'layout' and status != 0:
UploadDartTestsResults(layout_test_results_dir, dartium_bucket, version,
component, checked)
return status
result = 0
# Archive to the revision bucket unless integration build
if channel != 'integration':
result = archiveAndUpload(archive_latest=False)
# On dev/stable we archive to the latest bucket as well
if channel != 'be':
result = archiveAndUpload(archive_latest=True) or result
# Run layout tests
if mode == 'Release' or platform.system() != 'Darwin':
result = test('drt', 'layout', 'unchecked') or result
result = test('drt', 'layout', 'checked') or result
# Run dartium tests
result = test('dartium', 'core', 'unchecked') or result
result = test('dartium', 'core', 'checked') or result
# Run ContentShell tests
# NOTE: We don't run ContentShell tests on dartium-*-inc builders to keep
# cycle times down.
if not is_incremental:
# If we run all checked tests on dartium, we restrict the number of
# unchecked tests on drt to DRT_FILTER
result = test('drt', 'core', 'unchecked', test_filter=DRT_FILTER) or result
result = test('drt', 'core', 'checked') or result
# On the 'be' channel, we only archive to the latest bucket if all tests ran
# successfull.
if result == 0 and channel == 'be':
result = archiveAndUpload(archive_latest=True) or result
if __name__ == '__main__':