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Unit tests for bidichecker.js.
<title>bidichecker - Javascript Unit Tests</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../third_party/closure-library/closure/goog/base.js">
<!-- Include the generated deps.js which enables goog.require of
the modules under test.
<script type="text/javascript" src="deps.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// This in turn pulls in the rest of the files.
<script type="text/javascript" src="testutils.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function testBidiChecker_CheckPageRunsAllCheckers() {
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
testDiv.innerHTML = '<p><span dir=\'rtl\'>friends<\/span>5,012.7 meters<\/p>';
var errors = bidichecker.checkPage(true, testDiv);
var expected = [{'type': 'Overall directionality not RTL',
'severity': 1},
{'type': 'Undeclared LTR text',
'atText': 'friends',
'severity': 4,
'<div id=\'test\'><p><span dir=\'rtl\'>'},
{'type': 'Declared RTL spillover to number',
'atText': '5,012.7',
'precededByText': 'friends',
'severity': 2,
'<div id=\'test\'><p>'}];
assertErrorFields(expected, errors);
function testBidiChecker_CheckPageChecksAllIframes() {
// Create a page with two iframes in it, one of which itself contains a
// nested iframe. All of them contain undeclared LTR text in an RTL context.
// 1. Create two iframes in the document.
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test', 'dir': 'rtl'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
testDiv.innerHTML = '<p>Shalom<\/p><iframe id=\'iframe1\'><\/iframe>' +
'<iframe id=\'iframe2\'><\/iframe>';
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
// 2. Fill the first iframe with content.
var iframe1 = testDiv.childNodes[1];
var iframe1Doc = goog.dom.getFrameContentDocument(iframe1);;
iframe1Doc.write('<p dir=\'rtl\'>hello world<\/p>');
// 3. Fill the second iframe with a nested iframe.
var iframe2 = testDiv.childNodes[2];
var iframe2Doc = goog.dom.getFrameContentDocument(iframe2);;
iframe2Doc.write('<iframe id=\'iframe_nested\'><\/iframe>' +
'<p dir=\'rtl\'>Hi!<\/p>');
var iframe2Root = iframe2Doc.body;
// 4. Fill the nested iframe with content.
var iframe3 = iframe2Root.firstChild;
var iframe3Doc =
goog.dom.getFrameContentDocument(/** @type {Element} */ (iframe3));;
iframe3Doc.write('<p dir=\'rtl\' id=\'para\'>In a nested iframe!<\/p>');
// 5. Run BidiChecker on the top-level page.
var errors = bidichecker.checkPage(true, testDiv);
var expected = [{'type': 'Undeclared LTR text',
'atText': 'Shalom',
'severity': 3,
'locationDescription': '<div dir=\'rtl\' id=\'test\'><p>'},
{'type': 'Undeclared LTR text',
'atText': 'hello world',
'severity': 4,
'<body><p dir=\'rtl\'> in <iframe id=\'iframe1\'>'},
{'type': 'Undeclared LTR text',
'atText': 'Hi',
'followedByText': '!',
'severity': 4,
'<body><p dir=\'rtl\'> in <iframe id=\'iframe2\'>'},
{'type': 'Undeclared LTR text',
'atText': 'In a nested iframe',
'followedByText': '!',
'severity': 4,
'<p dir=\'rtl\' id=\'para\'> in ' +
'<iframe id=\'iframe_nested\'> in ' +
'<iframe id=\'iframe2\'>'}
assertErrorFields(expected, errors);
function testBidiChecker_OverallDirectionalityNotCheckedInIframes() {
// Test a page with an iframe in it; neither has declared directionality.
// 1. Create an iframe in the document.
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
testDiv.innerHTML = '<iframe id=\'iframe\'><\/iframe>';
// 2. Fill the iframe with content.
var iframe = testDiv.firstChild;
var iframeDoc =
goog.dom.getFrameContentDocument(/** @type {Element} */ (iframe));;
iframeDoc.write('<p>hello world<\/p>');
// 3. Run BidiChecker on the top-level page, expecting RTL directionality.
var errors = bidichecker.checkPage(true, testDiv);
// 4. Only expect an error at the top level.
var expected = [{'type': 'Overall directionality not RTL',
'severity': 1}];
assertErrorFields(expected, errors);
function testBidiChecker_CheckPageRunsFilters() {
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
testDiv.innerHTML = '<p><span dir=\'rtl\'>friends<\/span>5,012.7 meters<\/p>';
var filters = [bidichecker.FilterFactory.atText('friends')];
var errors = bidichecker.checkPage(true, testDiv, filters);
var expected = [{'type': 'Overall directionality not RTL',
'severity': 1},
{'type': 'Declared RTL spillover to number',
'atText': '5,012.7',
'precededByText': 'friends',
'severity': 2,
'<div id=\'test\'><p>'}];
assertErrorFields(expected, errors);
function testBidiChecker_LocationBasedFilterWorks() {
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test'});
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
testDiv.innerHTML =
'<p><span dir=\'rtl\' id=\'my_id\' >friends<\/span>5,012.7 meters<\/p>';
var filters = [bidichecker.FilterFactory.locationId('my_id')];
var errors = bidichecker.checkPage(true, testDiv, filters);
var expected = [{'type': 'Overall directionality not RTL',
'severity': 1},
{'type': 'Declared RTL spillover to number',
'atText': '5,012.7',
'precededByText': 'friends',
'severity': 2,
'<div id=\'test\'><p>'}];
assertErrorFields(expected, errors);
function testBidiChecker_LocationBasedFilterWorksInIframe() {
// Test that filtering by id works across an iframe boundary.
// 1. Create an iframe in the document.
var testDiv = goog.dom.createDom('div', {'id': 'test', 'dir': 'rtl'});
testDiv.innerHTML = '<p>Shalom<\/p><iframe id=\'iframe1\'><\/iframe>';
goog.dom.appendChild(document.body, testDiv);
// 2. Fill the iframe with content containing an error.
var iframe = testDiv.childNodes[1];
var iframeDoc =
goog.dom.getFrameContentDocument(/** @type {Element} */ (iframe));;
iframeDoc.write('<p dir=\'rtl\'>hello world<\/p>');
// 3. Run BidiChecker on the top-level page, filtering within the iframe.
var filters = [bidichecker.FilterFactory.locationId('iframe1')];
var errors = bidichecker.checkPage(true, testDiv, filters);
// 4. Only expect errors at the top level.
var expected = [{'type': 'Undeclared LTR text',
'atText': 'Shalom',
'severity': 3,
'locationDescription': '<div dir=\'rtl\' id=\'test\'><p>'}
assertErrorFields(expected, errors);